“Ivy’s finally gotten the scholarship form, she’s sitting for the examination!” Vina announced with excitement.

“Uh oh!” Ivy rolled her eyes mentally.

“What exam are you talking about?” Madi asked sharply.

“The exams to be admitted into Crestfield of course” Davina responded.

“Ivy, you wanna get into Crestfield?” She turned to Ivy.

“Not that I want to, I just want to try” Ivy answered innocently.

“Oh you want to try? The same way I’ve been trying, and you guys have been mocking me right?” Madi huffed, and now she was starting to raise her voice.

“Hey calm down, it’s not like I’m gonna pass anyway. I don’t even like the school, I was forced into writing the examination” she explained.

“Better!” She snarled, and Ivy let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding.

Jeez! Why is she somehow scared of Madi?…..

Madison was still not satisfied by what she just heard, she was busy glaring at Ivy. Deep down she felt unhappy that Ivy was sitting for the exams, she saw it as a threat coz Ivy was way more smarter.

But also, she saw it as a challenge to read her books and study harder.

Even if Ivy was more smarter, Ivy wouldn’t beat her to this examination, coz she is determined and Ivy isn’t.
Ivy wouldn’t even dare to do that to her, she was so sure.

On the other hand, Vina couldn’t help but wonder why Ivy was explaining herself to Madi. Is she scared of her or something?


“This pizza is trash” Madison complained making a silly face.

“Hey, I made that myself!” Vina protested.

“Yeah I know, that’s the more reason it’s trash” Madi shrugged.

“Don’t worry Vina, pay no attention to her. You tried” Ivy encouraged and Davina grinned excitedly.

“She’s only deceiving you, coz this right here is trash” Madison grunted in a displeased tone, and Vina pouted sadly.

Davina had made pizza from home, and was so excited to show it to her friends. And now during lunch break, she happily brought it out.

The taste was really bad, but Ivy refused to admit it to her coz she knew it’d hurt her.

But Madison being the straightforward person she was, told her to her face without caring how she’ll feel.

Madison stopped eating the pizza and settled for her cookies, while Ivy was trying her best to keep eating it in order to please Vina.

While they were still eating, Matthew and his crew strolled up to where they were seated. And as usual Madison stood up and was about to leave, but Hilson stopped her.

“Hey hey hey, we’re not here for any trouble, we’re here for peace” he calmly said.

“Seriously?” Madi scoffed.

“Yeah, we’re just here to talk” Drake spoke gently, and she eyed him.

“And it’s good news you know” Matthew added, taking a seat on one of the benches close to them.

“And what makes you think it’s gonna be a good news to me?” She scoffed.

“I’m sure it will be” he smiled.

“Whatever!” She rolled her eyes.

“Well it’s about the unite party at Crestfield” Matthew started.

“Yeah, what about the unite party?” Madison question with sheer interest, her eyes growing wide.


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