This is about finishing your education, and that should be your top priority” Vina explained.

“And what gives you the confidence that she’s gonna pass the examination?” Madi huffed.

“I’m sure she will, Ivy’s one of our brightest student here in West High. She’s very brilliant, and I’m positive she’s gonna make it” Vina said with a bright smile.

“It’s not about being the best in West High or whatever, it seems impossible to pass the exam, there are so many brilliant students around the country” Madison scoffed.

“It seems impossible yet you’re aiming to get admitted into the school.

Why does it seem to me like you’re not happy about my idea, or don’t you want Ivy to continue schooling?” Vina asked in a suspecting manner.

“It’s not like I’m against the idea……Madi blinked.

“It’s just that I don’t wanna keep her hopes high” she added nervously.

“Hey you guys just forget about it, I’m not sitting for any scholarship exams. I hate Crestfield, and I don’t wanna have anything to do with them” Ivy announced with finality.
“No don’t say that, please just try it out and see how it goes” Vina pleaded.

“What’s with you Davina! She said she’s not interested, so please can you just let it slide”
Madi fired, and Vina quickly threw her a glare.

She’s so sure that Madi’s against this, she’s just pretending to care. But she wouldn’t give up.


Alvin and Ivy were seated under the shade of the tree in their compound after school hours, Ivy was helping him out with his assignment, and they were having a little chat.

“Such a lazy boy, so you mean you couldn’t figure out this easy question by yourself” Ivy huffed.

“It’s not easy, and you know it, you’re just tryna mock me coz you know better than I do” Alvin answered.

“Many at times you make me laugh Alvin. You know what? I just have this feeling that the whole students in Crestfield are dullards” she mocked.

“You’re just thinking you know much when you know nothing. If you come over to Crestfield, I’m so sure you’ll be among the categories of the dull students” Alvin fired, and Ivy laughed out really hard.

“So how then are you coping brother, what category do you belong? Coz I’m well aware that I’m much better than you are” she laughed again.

“And who told you that?” He huffed.

“Mr Alvin, one more word, and I’m gonna quit this assignment now. It was given to you not me” she warned.

“Whatever, just go on with it, my lips are sealed” he rolled his eyes, and Ivy gave a satisfactory smile before focusing back on the work.

“That reminds me Alvin, why did you tell Davina about me dropping out of school?” She asked after some minutes, suddenly remembering all that happened today.

“Oops! I thought she was your friend and you were gonna tell it later, so that was why I did. It makes no difference anyway” he shrugged.

“It does Alvin! I wasn’t planning on telling them, I just wanted to leave and then maybe they’ll get to find out on their own later”


“Yes, coz I knew they’ll keep troubling my life till the day I leave that school” she explained.

“Oh I’m so sorry, I totally understand why you’re talking about” he cooed.

And just then, Davina began walking into the compound. She was putting on a black mini skirt, and a pink sweater.

“Vina!!” Ivy exclaimed.

And vina smiled as she continued walking towards her, but soon paused when she noticed that Alvin was also there with her.

She’s always loved Alvin ever since she even became friends with Ivy, she had always had a crush on him, and she still does.

Ivy knows about this, but Alvin doesn’t. He only loved her as a friend and that was okay for her, coz she had no intentions of telling him how she feels about him. Not even in years from now.

When she got to know that Alvin had a girlfriend she felt sad and cheated, but couldn’t do anything about it.

Ivy would have preferred her to Sophia, but who was she to choose for her brother. And so, she just simply let it be.



“Hi Vina, how you doing?” Alvin greeted, immediately he saw her.

“I’m fine thank you” she blushed, as she dragged her feet to where they were, and took her seat close to Ivy.

There was no point in hiding or turning back, since Alvin’s already seen her.

“So to what do I owe this visit?” Ivy asked, staring at her in a suspicious manner, and she smiled shyly, knowing where Ivy was driving at.

“No no, it’s not that at all” Vina quickly rushed her.

“Then what?” Ivy smiled.

“I just came to check up on you, and find out if maybe you’ve changed your mind about the scholarship” she answered.

“What scholarship?” Alvin chipped in, and Ivy shut her eyes tightly, signally Davina not to say a word.


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