Alvin’s love for blue were totally pinned on their parents. Coz when they were younger, their parents always got them the same thing, but only differentiated it by the color.

She always got the pink and he always got the blue, and so he got used to it and loved it up until now.

As for her, she loved pink but also loved other colors too. Ivy was not the type to prefer things, she just loved some set of things and hated some, but she had no favorites.

“Hey Madi!!!” Ivy squealed as soon as they arrived at the table.

“So you’re actually at the party?” Madison teased.

“And what’s that supposed to mean, I have been looking everywhere for you guys” Ivy said feigning anger, her hands crossed against her chest.

“And so where we” Madi answered sharply, and Ivy threw her a glare.

“But it’s nothing now, you’re here now” Madi added smiling.

“Yeah” Ivy smiled as she studied Madison.

She was putting on a black colored handless fleet gown, exposing all her cleavages, the gown was way too short, and she wore a very revealing black hose and black boots to go with.

She styled her hair in a sexy way and dyed it dark blue, she fucking dyed her hair.

“Jeez Madi! Don’t you think you went a little over board. Look you even dyed your hair” Ivy commented, sounding surprised.

“Oh please Ivy just spare me the lecture” she hissed rudely.

Ivy kept staring at her, even the make up she did was way too much. Wow!!

“Are all this not too much Madi?” Ivy asked again looking at her in a concerned but funny way.

“Nothing’s too much for her Castillo” Vina chipped in laughing, she was obviously teasing her, and Ivy joined In the laughter.

Madi was about opening her mouth to talk to them when they started hearing loud voices, and screams of excitement from the back.

It was really much and they tried looking, wondering what was going on.

And soon the news circulated round the place that the C4’s has arrived.

“The C4’s are here!!!!!!!” People screamed in excitement.


“The C4’s are coming!!!!!”they kept screaming, and the back got crowded so easily that you could hardly see through. Many students climbed the chair, while some climbed the table. Everyone wanted to catch a glimpse of the C4’s.

Ivy was just pretending, but deep down she really wanted to see the so called the C4’s. She just wished there was a way everyone could get lost so she could have a view of them.

Coz like this she is never gonna see them, and she couldn’t bring herself down to struggle like others. Never!!!

Just as if the sky hear her wish. The bouncers that accompanied them started chasing everyone away, clearing the way for the C4’s. And everyone started running back to their seat to avoid being hit by the bouncers.

There was a convoy, like an actual convoy for this stupid set of people, Ivy thought.

Just take a look at the numerous flashy cars that parked in front of them right now, Gosh! These guys were really fortunate.

Collins, Canice and Chris got down from each of their cars, and stood in front of it. But for Castillo it was different, it took him minutes to get down from his own car.

And now, everyone was watching the process carefully.

Everyone was seated now, coz the officials had asked for coordination. Even Madison who ran to the front before was chased back.

One of Castillo’s bodyguard went to his car door and opened it for him, people were waiting curiously for him to step down, but it seemed he was busy with his phone. And that way, he kept the young man who happened to be his bodyguard waiting.

Even his fellow mate,the rest of the C4’s were all standing in front of their cars waiting for him to get out, and he was still busy doing whatever he was doing. Such arrogance!!

They could see little of his face, as the reflection from the light in his phone shone on his face.




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