The sun had risen so brightly that the scorching heat ,bite the skin of the market women men and female . It was about One P.M in the afternoon, Ene was yet to sell a tuber of yam.

It seemed the discrimination from Agadagba had followed her to Onyagede market , she knew how women and gossips were co-wives , she saw the women whispering , their accusing eyes glaring at her . Some would make a sly remark and pointing and laughing at her .

The big rainbow umbrellas of the traders , Giving them shade from the sunny afternoon stretched from earth to the sky , the sea of buyers and sellers had no end , the noise from vehicles , their blaring horns made the market seem like a scene of war .

Men pushing wheelbarrows with wares that people had come from Otukpo and the neighbouring Plateau State to buy Garri and Pineapples.

Big trucks were offloading the goods they had brought from Lagos and Onitsha , while some other trucks loaded things away .

“Madam come and buy yam Na , I will see it cheap to you.”Ene begged a fat woman , who was dragging her weight around the market , she was so fat that her neck almost kissed her chest . Another yam trader rushed to the woman and dragged her to her heaps of yam .

“Madam see yam here Na Paper Yam , e white like paper e sweet like sugar , no mind that woman she dey use witch take sell her market .

“The chubby woman rolled her pot belly to the woman’s shop, she bought the whole tubers of yams , the trader began to dance .

“Jenny is only God that will judge you and me , the time the both of join witchcraft Coven you’ll tell me . So is that what you’ve all been gossiping about me ? My God will judge you people one by one !” Ene said a stream of tears shooting down her eyes .


“What can you do Ene ? Ehn what can you do ?Do you want to start killing us in the market as your husband has finished killing everybody in Agadagba? wife of a killer is what ? if you were such an innocent woman why did you not stop him?” The woman jeered at Ene , tying her wrapper , set for a confrontation.

The other women cheer her on. “Your husband is a killer you are a killer too , nobody will buy one yam from you . We have expelled you from Union , you cannot sell here .” She shouted at Ene’s face , almost headbutting her, like a ram would an opponent.

“Mama don’t answer them , God will bring our own customers .”Onyabehi begged Ene, because she was at her tipping point .”Mama ignore them .

“Onyabehi begged Ogwuche’s mother , and calmly shoved her back to her chair under her faded blue umbrella. The sale for that day was extremely poor , they couldn’t make five thousand naira from the market ,that day ,the truck driver came back around six P.M to convey the yam back to the house .

Hunger had creeped into Simon’s house , sometimes he would sit by himself wondering how life could suddenly twist itself to turn him into a beggar. He wondered who he would even go to beg with his terrible reputation .


“Sunny! aaaarh Sunny you did me wrong!” Simmon thought out loud ,while he sat on under the mango tree , for two months he had not set his eyes on the man . “Sunny if I ever jam you , it will not be well for you oh! So because of small joke you killed Ehi!” He grumbled not seeing Onyabehi drop the plate of food in front of him.

“Simon what are you talking about ? leave that matter only God will judge the matter , you cannot blame yourself for doing the confession . Remember it was Sunny who introduced you , he can also finish you leave the matter for God to judge .” Ene adviced her husband as she brought washing basin and drinking water .

“I cannot let this go oh! the evil I did I claimed them , but Sunny can never treat me as a fool, I’ll fight him man to man!” Simon swore .Agada ran to his grandfather, he picked him up and put him on his lap .

“Papa you want to eat with grandpa ?” Simon asked baby Agada , the toddler wasn’t interested in food , he refused taking any lump of pounded yam, he twisted his face from not to south to avoid the food entering his mouth .

“I’ve told you to leave that matter we’ve been through a lot , don’t go and start another war with Sunny.”Ene begged her husband.


“I’ve heard you .” He grumbled .”Aaaarh Papa sit quietly, you want to throw away the soup ?” He talked to the toddler who couldn’t hear the language he was speaking ,

he was struggling to reach the plate , Simon removed one of the meat in the plate and gave it to the bratty child , he became calm and focused on the juicy piece of meet as he hummed like a bee soloist .

Simon had gone to the shop of Omale to get a shut of Kaikai , he couldn’t afford to buy bottles of spirit as he used to , the men in the shop paid him very little attention, he got the shut and sat by a bench outside the shop to drink in peace .

And out of the blue , Sunny paddled his web like legs , that almost resembled those of duck fowls to come and take a bottle of Shekpe , he froze on his track when he saw Simon and wanted to turn back ,Simon dropped his shot and it tumbled from the chair to the ground .

“Where are you going to Sunny ? come and face me man to man! How can you eat a stolen goat Pepper soup and rub the oil on my mouth ?” Simon yelled ,the men in the soup came out to see where the confrontation would land .


“What are you talking about ! you have been eating people’s goats not today , why are you pretending like you are a saint ?Tell me Ogar! have you not been entering the holes I’ve been entering !” Sunny and Ogar spoke in parables ,the spectators were sent on errand to the land of confusion.

“Bastard that you are you ran to your mother’s village after putting fire to my house! I have been waiting for us to do it man to man ! Our people say the bird flies in the sky , but it must come to the ground to drink water!” Simon yelled .

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