“Is it not Fanan he ate all the fish in the soup , he’s now going us water water soup to eat .”Vershima reported his brother . Fanan couldn’t look at his grandmother he kept pressing his big toes against the tiled floor .

“Are you dumb ? why did you eat all the fish Fanan is it only you who has mouth to eat fish ?” Grandma asked , the boy’s mouth was sealed with super glue, not one word did he say , his face was an iron stone , harder than igneous rock.

“See his big head like Zuma rock! Don’t worry you’ll not taste any fish in this house for one week I’ll tell Dooshima to give all your shares to your siblings .

Get out of my room , stingy like your father , if he has sense would he abandon you here to go and get a new wife after your mother died .

A mango just fall under its tree .” She insulted the living day out of his big coconut head , he angrily shoved his brother out of the way ,as he angrily left their grandmother’s room .


“Grandma you need to calm down , the way you’re carrying everything on your head , why would I be surprised that you’re not getting better .” Dooshima said . “Oya mama eat .” Dooshima instructed .

“Dooshima if I don’t talk things will spoil , I don’t want them to turn out like their uncle Amos , that boy is causing me so much pains .” She said .

“Calm down mama you can’t always have it right , see me am the black sheep of my parents , no matter how hard you try,some of your children will turn bad.”Dooshima said , mama Amos laughed so much that tears fell from her eyes . Dooshima was confused . “Grandma what did I say that’s so funny ?” Dooshima asked .

“Dooshima if I had you as a child I would be happy , my daughters showed me pepper, see this grandchildren everywhere they learnt the flirting from the barracks and were just giving birth and dumping them on me , they don’t even remember to send me money to take care of them .

They abandoned their responsibilities on me .If not for Juliet and two of her brothers who send me money , the remaining five do they have sense?” She asked wiping a tear from her eyes. “I’ve not seen some for five years.”


The tall lanky figure of Amos entered the house , the women paused their conversation, Dooshima stared at him from head to toe , with disgust , he made her want to puke , she had not wanted to disturb his mother , who had a lot on her plate with her son’s wickedness.

“Mama how are you doing ?” Amos asked his mother standing by her bed side , he tried to put the back of his hand on her cheek to check her temperature, she moved her neck further away .
“You’re checking my body you’re killing my soul! Abeg leave me alone .” She hissed ,he took away his hand .
“Mama I bought some fruit for you , and meat .” He said.

“Who told you without your meat we won’t eat meat in this house? Take your meat away with you to where you brought it from .” She hissed , he gave Dooshima a sweeping look from head to toes before getting out of the room , he left the fruits and meat there .
“He thinks he can bribe me , with this things.”Mama Amos blurted . “Let him come and carry it .”

“Mama don’t reject it he’s your son .” Dooshima said , mama Amos nodded , she ate a bit from her food and bite the chicken a few times .
“Gift! Gift!” she called one of her granddaughters ran into the bedroom .
“Mama you called me .” She said ,staring at the plate of rice and chicken.


“carry it , you and your brothers and sisters should eat it , don’t allow Fanan taste one seed of the rice , since he’s a thief he’ll not eat from this food .”

The fourteen years old girl was already salivating as she rushed with the food out of the house . “See her head she cannot open her mouth and say thank you .” Mama Amos said , Dooshima giggled, she got her drugs from her olden days cabinet and gave her evening drugs , then covered her with the duvet .

Dooshima stood by grandma’s door . “Goodnight Granny see you tomorrow.” She said the old woman smiled and she turned off the light .

Dooshima returned to her house , Shiana had long gone to bed , Terdue turned on the AC and covered her with a duvet , though she was still in her evening clothes , she didn’t want to disturb her sleep , so didn’t bother to wake her up to wear her pajamas.
Terdue was awake , his eyes focused on Arise TV news on the television.


“You spent so much time there .” Terdue grumbled.

“Aaah you know mama Amos , she enjoys my company, she wouldn’t want me to leave , I made sure she ate her food and took her drugs , she’s now like my baby .”Dooshima said getting into the bathroom.

“Have you taken your bath ?” She asked .
“Yeah I’ve .” Terdue said .
“Would you mind to join me here ?” She joked .

“Naaah I’ll pass! I would be so happy if I don’t have to bath two times a day ! ,I hate water! All men hate water!” He said Dooshima laughed .

“That’s a lie my brothers bath three times a day.” Dooshima said laughing from the bathroom.
“Your brothers are shemens then .” Terdue said crackling. “Real men hate water .” He insisted .

“You’re just a dirty man .” Dooshima said they both laughed . Dooshima finished form the bathroom and wore a sheer lace nightgown that her contours and shapes of her nipples were visible. Terdue fought to keep his eyes off , Dooshima dished a small portion of rice and a lap of chicken for herself and Terdue .


“Dooshima but I’ve eaten ?” Terdue complained with a mischievous smile on his smooth face .

“We’ve to eat together , it would be boring to eat alone .” she said, her fresh chocolate skin laps were thrown over Terdue’s laps on the couch .”Grandma said I cook better than her now.” Dooshima said . Terdue laughed .

“I’ve not tasted her food yet .” He said with a charming smile that exposed his white teeth. “But I can tell you for free that you’re the best cook that I know .” Terdue said , Dooshima laughed . “Am not kidding you cook better than the chefs in the fast food joints we eat .” Dooshima nodded .

“What did your mum say about our relationship? Have we been forgiven ?I’ve been waiting patiently for you to come here since two weeks ago . Am so happy that she he returned your car .” Terdue almost choked on the food in his mouth .
“Well she is okay with our relationship.” He said .

“I’m so afraid to go back home for introduction, what if my father is dead ? what if he didn’t make it?” Dooshima asked .

“Come on Dooshy be positive , your dad should be okay by now , you cannot stay away from home forever, some day like the prodigal son you have to go back home .” He said , Dooshima knew he was saying the truth but she dreaded that day .

“Please don’t leave me Terdue , you know I’ve come to love you? You’re my backbone? Shiana needs you .” Dooshima begged , Terdue put his arms around her and kissed her lips .

He was off from work for three days , he spent it with Dooshima and Shiana , taking Shiana to school and bringing her back , Shiana felt the presence of a father in her life , but on the fourth day Terdue broke the news he had been holding back to Dooshima .

“Dooshima I was promoted and I’ve been posted to the Lafia branch of the bank , as a branch manager, I’ll be away from Ushongo for a while .” He could see the fear in her face .

“Are you living us Terdue ?” Dooshima asked terrified of the idea .


“No I cannot leave you and my love Shiana I love you guys , I think it’s better for me to move far from my mum , she’s dominating my life , I need to live on my own , when I’m settled there , I’ll come and move you and Shiana .”He said holding Dooshima’s arms in his .

“Are you sure ?” Dooshima asked , he nodded .

“I got you the form for the Abuja law school , we’ll talk better and plan our future when you get to Lafia .” Terdue promised , he brought the file from his briefcase and handed it to her .

Dooshima embraced him , she had no choice than to go back to Gboko to get her document, she would face her worst fear there .

Terdue was set to leave Dooshima embraced him after he had dropped she and Shiana at the school , Shiana who was almost entering the gate of her school ran back to embrace Terdue .


“You promised to come for us right ?” He nodded . “You’re going to marry my mummy and be my daddy right ?” he still nodded and knelt down to embrace her .

“I love you Shiana I’ll definitely come for you and your mummy you’re my life .” He said with tears pouring from his face . Shania embraced him and ran to join a throng of her school mates shuffling into the school compound.

Terdue dropped Dooshima at the compound , she stood frozen waving at him , wiping the tears falling from her face , she never expected the sudden transfer . He waved at her until he drove away .

Dooshima went into the house she saw a heavy paper bag it like there’s money in the bag , she thought Terdue had forgotten it , she dialled his number .

“Hello babe what’s it ?” Terdue said .

“You forgot your money here you have to come back and pick it .”Dooshima said glaring down at the bundles of one new thousand naira notes. “Where are you now ?” She asked .


“Am on the Gboko highway , Baby I didn’t forget that money , I left it for you and Shiana .” He said .
“This is over a million naira Terdue ?” Dooshima asked perplexed .

“Baby is one million naira too much for you ? the food stuffs I buy in a month would take that up in three months , I don’t want you guys starving until I come back to take you .”He said .”Jesus! baby I almost got run over now , I have to go off now .” he said as he hung up the phone .

To be continued………………….

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