“Uncle Terdue ,Uncle Terdue what did you get for me this time ?” Shiana cried as she embraced Terdue as drove into the compound , the once little baby ,was turning into big pretty lass , so beautiful like her mother and intelligent.

“How can I forget buy stuffs for the prettiest girl in the whole of Lessel ?” He said chuckling as he went down on one knee , Shiana embraced him.

“Oh so I am just only the prettiest girl in Lessel ?” She asked with a grumpy face ,she feigned being angry .

“I mean the prettiest girl in the whole of Ushongo .” Terdue reiterated.Shiana was still unimpressed,she wiggled her head from north to south.

“That’s not good enough .”She said .

“Okay Shiana is the most beautiful girl in the whole wide world.”He said and she beamed with smile .


“Yeah Uncle Terdue you’re the best uncle in the whole wide world.”She said ,Terdue lifted her up in the air and swirled her around , she spread her arms in the air like the wings of an aeroplane.

Dooshima’s arms were folded across her chest , a smile plastered her face , as she watched her fiance and daughter bond .Terdue put Shiana down , she ran to the boot of his Mercedes Benz.

“Uncle let’s see what you got for me !” Shiana said pacing about gleefully, unable to stay still ,Terdue followed her to the back of the car .

When he opened the boot ,Shiana let out a big cry. “Wow uncle another Barbie doll? a Teddy Bear? what’s in this pack ?” She asked trying to open the pack , Dooshima had left the door post to meet them , the car was parked facing the door .

“Stop it Shiana don’t open the pack!” Dooshima said sternly, Shiana picked the Barbie and Teddy Bear.

“Mummy uncle Teddy got me a Teddy bear , now I’ve five Teddy Bears .” The little girl said basking about . “I’ll show this to Destiny she would love my Pet , I’ll call her Susan . Mummy is this Bear a boy or a girl ?” Shiana asked , Dooshima didn’t pay her attention .She ran off to the next compound to show her friends her new toys .

“You got us so much stuffs, is this supply for the whole year ?”Terdue chuckled , he held Dooshima to his chest and kissed her fore head.

“Your hair smell so nice , what hair cream are you using ?”He sniffed in the scent .
“It’s Lavender hair cream .” Dooshima said .

“This scent is going to stick to my brain for a lifetime .” He said , Dooshima gently shoved him away and lightly punched his chest .


“Why are you talking like you’re dying tomorrow, or you’re leaving ?” She asked with a quizzical smile on her face .He chuckled .

“Come on Dooshy stop reading meaning to things that are not there .” He said . “I just meant I love the smell .Leave that! “He cried .

“I’ll help you carry it , you I don’t want you to sprain your waste let me carry it .” He said , Dooshima put down the bag of rice Terdue had bought .

“You keep seeing me as lazy person , so I cannot carry this small bag of rice ?” Dooshima asked giggling .
“Yes my babe is an Ajebota.” He teased Dooshima she punched his arm .

“What do you mean ? Am I a Jelly fish that has no bone ?”Dooshima asked .


“No I don’t want my baby to get hurt .” He said lifting bag of rice , his muscles bulged his green veins , clearly visible under his fair yellow pawpaw skin . Dooshima carried the carton of Spaghetti and Indomie noodles ,crates of eggs and milk.

Dooshima had prepared fried rice and chicken, she served Terdue on a breakable plate , she rushed out to get a pack of juice , Shiana was engrossed with her food ,she held Susan under her armpit .

Dooshima took a plate of food and some fruits to Mama Amos, she had been bedridden for over four months , Dooshima had been the one going to her shop and making her meals , she would sometimes take food from her house to her .

She had to be there for frail woman, she always
remembered how she had carried her under her wings and thought her things she couldn’t learn from home.

“Mama are you sleeping?” Dooshima asked standing outside the poorly lit room, Dooshima turned on the wall socket , a bright white florescent bulb lighted up,and brightened the dark room like broad day .


Mama Amos was lying in bed , wrapped with a blanket ,she had baptised herself with an Aboniki Balm, the hot steam had saturated the whole air in the bedroom. She opened her eyes and managed a feeble smile .

“Dooshima you have come to disturb me right ?” The older woman said ,as she raised her back from the bed and lay on her elbows . “I don’t want to eat , I don’t have appetite .” She protested .

“Mama you have to eat oh , you are my mother oh , you cared for me when I needed one , now is my turn to car for you mama .” Dooshima said .”Sit up grandma let me feed you .”Dooshima said the old woman laughed.

“Feed me Dooshima ? But I am not crippled ?” she chuckled as Dooshima had seen her do , a thousand times .She wished the woman could be her old self again , going to her farm and tending to her businesses. “Hmmmm Dooshima you now cook better than me .” She said as she scooped a spoonful of rice into her mouth , Dooshima smiled .

“I had the best teacher , I never believed I could prepare noodles .”Dooshima confessed .

“Leave my shirt! I go slap you oh! Leave my shirt one! ,Leave my shirt Vershima! I’ll break your teeth oh!” The loud voice of Fanan one of Grandma’s troublesome grandchildren was heard roaring from the sitting room .


“Fanan! Vershima! two of you come here!” Grandma cried , she began to cough , she was almost choking on the rice grains in her throat . Dooshima gave her a glass of water , she gulped it down and rubbed her chest with her free hand .

“Mama this one you’re disturbing yourself like this I hope this kids don’t kill you soon , you have a high blood pressure and you will keep shouting .”Dooshima quarreled .

“Dooshima what am I going to do ? should I let them kill themselves?” Grandma asked . “they will be shouting and fighting like their not brothers and cousins .” The two errant boys reported themselves to their grandmother.

“Mama calm down oh .” Dooshima warned as she sat beside her on the big six by six bed .Fanan was hiding behind Vershima.

“What have I done to the two of you that you’ll not let me read ehhn Fanan! what happened again ?” Mama Amos asked her grandchildren , Fanan was pushing Vershima away from his back , his eyes buried on his toes . “Have you turned to Kuruma that you cannot talk? Oya open your mouth now!” She yelled .

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