“Where are you coming from by this time ?” Mama Amos asked , when he went to her room to check on her .”For two days where did you go to ?” she asked .

“Mama calm down , I am not a kid I can take care of myself.”Amos said . “How’s your body now ?” He asked .

“What’s your business with my body ? if I tell you how I feel ,can you like a responsible son buy drugs or take me to the hospital?” She hissed “What did you do to Dooshima and Terdue , he came here looking for you .” Mama old soldier asked .

“I don’t know what you’re talking about mama , tomorrow morning I’ll give you money so you can go to the hospital at Makurdi to get proper treatment.

“Amos said before leaving his mother’s room. He went into his room , turned on the light and poured all the money he had brought with him on the bed , he began to count them , he arrived at the sum of seven hundred and eighty one thousand naira , he raised up his bed and hide five hundred thousand naira there , he kept two hundred and eighty thousand naira by his headboard.


By five thirty the next morning he has woken up , he took his bath ,before going into his mother’s room . “Mama are you awake ?” Amos asked .

She opened her eyes and stared at him and closed it .
“Mama I’ve some money here . you should take this and go to the hospital .” Amos said , she opened her eyes and looked at him and his money .

“You don’t work , how did you get that kind of money?”She asked .
“Mama where I got the money doesn’t matter , all that matters is that I’ve the money now ,and you can get the treatment you’ve been looking for .” He said with the money stressed out .

“I won’t take anything from you Amos, tell me how you got that money how much is that ?” She asked.
“Two hundred thousand naira.” He said , mama old soldier sat up in her bed shocked .

“What have you done Amos ! My hand and legs are not there o! tell me what business gave you that kind of money?” He she asked.


“Mama if you don’t want the money don’t be questioning me like a kid , so two hundred thousand naira is big money ?money I spend on one sitting with my guys at the bar ?” He boasted .

“Amos go with your money , when trouble comes just know it will be on your head .” She hissed loudly and lay on her pillow , Amos stood there with the money in his hand .

“Off the light and go out of my room , don’t disturb my sleep .” He turned off the light , and walked out of his mother’s room , the door creaked shut . His mother hissed and went back to sleep . The sound of his motorcycle made Terdue to snap out of sleep.

Terdue stayed with Dooshima for over a week , his phone was being turned off always Dooshima had to talk to him .

“You’re hiding things from me Terdue , you had to get new suits , because you didn’t want to go home. Your car in the mechanic shop is still not ready ? What’s happening?” Dooshima asked .


“Dooshima I lied to you , my mum seized my car , she’s been making life hell for me .”Terdue said ,he grunted .

“What’s the problem?” Dooshima asked , Shiana ran into the house ,it was a Saturday morning,so she had not gone to school. “Shiana to out go and play with Destiny and Precious.” Dooshima ordered her .
“I messed up big time Dooshima, I kept certain Secrets from you, I didn’t delete the pictures.” Dooshima was lost , because the last pictures she sent to him was over a year.

“I don’t understand what pictures are you talking about Terdue and how does this all connect.” She asked .

“I kept your nude in my phone and Amos had access to it.. .” He said
“What!” Dooshima cried ,sunlight left her face , she almost collapsed. “How could you ?You promised to delete them?”


“Am sorry babe I didn’t do , I knew you won’t snap anymore pictures for me so I kept them .” He said .
“And you couldn’t secure your phone with password? An accountant?” Dooshima asked she was astounded.

“Am sorry Amos , I trusted him , he knew my passwords , and pins .” He said .
“No wonder that was why he said he would deal with me , he had exhibits on me .” He asked “So how does it connect with you being here .” Dooshima asked .

“He told my mum about Shiana and then said he had slept with you and passed you around all our friends , before I made you my permanent.” Dooshima’s jaw dropped.

“What ? You mean you have not told your mum about Shiana all this time ? But Terdue you said you had spoken to her and she was fine with it .” She said placing her hand on her head , Terdue avoided an eye contact with him .

“Am sorry , I wanted to keep the secret until after we were married , I was okay with you having a baby , my mum’s decision shouldn’t be what is…” He couldn’t complete his statement. “Mum is kicking against our relationship.”He said.


“I wouldn’t blame her , I blame myself my God!” She snapped . “I blame myself for being stupid! how could I … I shouldn’t have sent you any stupid nude , something I never believed I could do ! I was such an idiot!” Dooshima said breaking into tears , Terdue got up and held her .

“Don’t touch me! go away ! how could I trust a liar who is friend to Amos , get your things and get out of my house !” Dooshima roared .

“Please Dooshima that’s not time for that , we need to team up , not to let this tear us up . Please!” Dooshima stepped away from Terdue .
“We should look for a solution.”Terdue said .

“The solution is that I’ll return you to your mother and narrate my side of the story . You’ve stained my reputation .” Dooshima cried , Terdue was speechless .
The two of them left for Terdue’s mother’s house , the Okada men dropped them in front of the house .

Mimidoo was happy to see Dooshima, she invited her into the living room , Mrs Doowuse was upstairs in her studies , she had to come down to meet Terdue and Dooshima.

To be continued………..

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