“I am not going to do such , I am going to marry Dooshima , can you hear yourself ? That I should go and marry a girl who cheated on me with my friend ? she slept with Prince!” He yelled , getting up from the couch .

“Yes she is sorry ,She has been coming here to beg you , I stopped her from seeing you , because I thought Dooshima was a decent girl ,but no she’s a sham , she’s a scam , she’s a liar and she turned my son into one , a lady with a six years old daughter? And you kept it from me for two years going to three ? Never over my dead body that I’ll see you marry her .” She threatened .

“Mum you have to do what you have to do! I’ll never marry that prostitute Called Iyua , I kept her baby a secret from you , because I knew you would react like this , you expect me to marry who I no longer have an atom of love for ? Mummy that’s lugubrious!” He cried .

“I don’t care whatever grammar you blow ,I’ve said my own , you marry her , you marry her at your own detriment! I’ll stop your allowances, I’ll remove you from your father’s will , I will remove you from my will , your shares from the family businesses will be sold and the money given to orphanage homes and less privileged people .” Terdue couldn’t believe his ears .

“Mum that’s crazy , you cannot tell me that Na ! Mummy that’s not fair , how can you force me to marry Iyua and abandon the woman I actually love does it make sense to you mum?” He said , screaming at the top of his lungs , Doowuse grabbed the car key from his hand.


“Don’t worry you’re working in a bank , Mr banker , use your bank money to marry her , not one dime of my money , I mean one kobo will go into that marriage ,I’ll cut you off then you’ll understand my language!” she said .

“You see this key ? say bye to it , I bought this car for you for your birthday , I am taking it back! if I ever see you driving any of the cars in this compound I’ll get you arrested .
” She said as she climbed upstairs , Terdue flung the suit on the tiled floor in fit of anger. Mimidoo picked up the jacket and brought it to Terdue .
“This is not the solution, your friend blackmailed me , I couldn’t tell anyone , he had a fake Facebook account back then , he made me fall in love with a fake profile , he sent me fake nudes and asked for mine , when I grew confident and sent mine , he showed his ugly face , asking me for real sex , or else he would publish my nude on the net , I had to give him sex , severally,when I deleted the pictures from his phone memory , he threatened to download them back from his cloud account , I got tired of his blackmail, I reported him to late Ozunga , who called him and threatened to shot him of he ever disturbed me again .” Mimidoo said .

“You couldn’t tell me all this years? I thought that bastard was my best friend . People can be evil!” He yelled and three the jacket away again ,Mimidoo picked it up .


“I was naive and scared ,I didn’t want my pictures in the net , what would daddy had said ?” She asked “Don’t let mum force you into marrying who you don’t love . Hold your ground and be with who you love .” She advised him .

The four men broke into a gated compound , after cutting off padlock on the the gate with a bar, they drove their truck into the compound , with a rock one of the thieves smashed the glass window , and cut the iron bars off with a filing machine , one of the man jumped into the house ,he was Beretta handgun,he tucked in the loaded gun into the waist of his jeans and jumped on through the window , he went into the house and opened the door for his three masked comrades who had been waiting outside the house .

The four men poured into the house , they began to move electronics out of the sitting room , the tore the whole house down searching for valuables, a fifth man was standing outside to check for anyone coming towards their direction.

The sixth man drove their pick up van into the compound and began to load all household items, laptops , the handsets , iPads ,fridge and deep freezer, they removed the fifty inches flat screen television,and the sound systems with Decoder , the mattress was also loaded into the truck , the four men got into the truck and drove away .

The operation lasted for over two hours, this men had monitored the Terfa family and knew when they were around and when they weren’t .


At five A.M the family of five returned from church ,to meet the carnage in their home , the key on the gate was lying on the ground broken and damaged . The door he locked before going to church was lying open .

“Jesus Christ ! Jesus Christ we’ve been robbed !” the woman cried as she got out of the car , she rushed into her bedroom , to check the money she had hidden under her bed , one million naira it was gone too .

“Oh my God my business money who could have done this to us ?” She said as she sat on the empty bedframe , she began to cry .

Her four children came to join her in the master bedroom , they tried to console her . That was half of her business money that had been stolen , her son’s school projects had been stolen , when they took their laptops.

“Mummy we need to report this case to the police station .” her first son suggested to his mum ,the widow couldn’t’ say a word , she just nodded , two of sons ,drove to the Ushongo Divisional Police headquarters to make a formal report on the robbery incidence in their home.


“Good morning sir.” The eldest son Jeremy said .
“Good morning,why are you here ?” the police sergeant said .

“Sir we returned from a vigil to meet our house ransacked and emptied by robbers .” Jeremy said .

“Take this book write your statement here , and list the things that are missing .” The police man said passing the complaint book to the two boys .
To be continued……

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