“What are you going to do! what are you going to do to me Simon! know this for your own good the road you think you know I am the one who showed it to you . you’re just a child that I can deal with , just the flick of my finger .

Go and sit down and soak yourself with Alcohol you cannot do more than a dead rat!” Sunny dared Simon, he let out a heavy punch the stroke Sunny across the face , he landed on the ground ,Simon jumped on him , and rained punches on his face , before people struggled to separate them .

“Sunny if you see me run! I’ll cut your head off with a cutlass ! I swear on my mother’s grave!” Simon swore , Sunny was still spitting out the blood from his lips , his white lace native had been stained with mud and blood .

“Me Simon ? I will deal with you until you run out of Agadagba. You injured me ?” Sunny asked struggling to go back and continue the fight, Simon was more than ready to give him the fight .

“Leave him let him come ! if I don’t kill him call me a bastard!” Simon swore over and over the men dragged Sunny away from the shop . Simon went back and demanded for fresh shots of Kaikai to quench his angry soul, he hated a backstabbing man ,if he wanted to harm a person he let them know .


Ogwuche was sitting outside the house on a very hot afternoon, he had just finished eating a plate of red oil rice Onyabehi had prepared,Igoche and Alice were sitting a short distance from him eaten from one plate ,

they had been sent away from school ,for outstanding debts , the load had become too much for Onyabehi,since Obekpa stopped sending money .

Ogwuche stood up and was walking towards the backyard to ease himself , when he felt something hit him at the back of his head ,the whole compound began to swirl around him , he tried to walk back to the pavement to sit , his legs were cemented to the ground ,he couldn’t move , ,

he sort for something to hold onto , there was nothing around , his legs became wet noodles crumpling the six years old boy knew something was wrong with his father .

“Mummy come oh!” He cried holding Ogwuche, his father’s weight rested on the young boy’s shoulder,the weight was too much so he let go .


“Daddy! Daddy are you okay ?” Igoche asked Ogwuche tried to open his mouth but he couldn’t, suddenly the whole place went black, he fell face first to the ground, his body crumpled on the ground ,a stream of thick blood began to flow out of his face as he remained unconscious.

“Mummy mummy come and see Daddy have died !” Alice ran to her mother in Ene’s kitchen she let go of the plate of food she was holding , the yellowish cooked rice scattered everywhere ,she saw lying awkwardly on the ground .

“Help oh! Somebody help!” Onyabehi cried , Simon’s house was empty that afternoon, relatives ran out of their houses.The lifted Ogwuche from where he had fallen and placed him on the pavement.

Ochigbo went to get his car . Ogwuche was put in the back seat and was rushed to General Hospital Otukpo, the doctors checked and found that he was still alive ,

he was placed on drips and given blood , his whole body began to swell up ,his stomach bigger than that of a pregnant woman , scans were carried out on him still they couldn’t find anything wrong with him to go home on the third week .


Simon had gone to Sunny’s house to attack him with a cutlass ,the two men were arrested and taken to the police station ,Ene had to pay to bail her husband. Ogwuche’s condition began to get better each day .

A loud ear crashing cry left Onyabehi’s throat , Ogwuche got up and ran into the house , he saw Igoche , his hands lay limply by his side, the other draped down the side of the bed , the big greenish flies hovered over his body , some landing on his mouth , they entered his mouth and left.

Ogwuche picked the boy and went outside he fell on his knees .”Gooooooooooood! God! look down at me ! what have I done to you ! Am I the worst of human! why are you punishing me.”He trembled in tears .

“Why don’t you kill me God! what’s my use of living ! you have punished me enough! Please do me this favour kill me! what has my son done to you!” He trembled in tears ,Ene ran out of the house , she met Onyabehi and her husband crying .


“Ogwuche shut up your mouth! You cannot talk to God that way !” She said crying , she grabbed the corpse of her grandchild, she sobbed hard , Onyabehi was screaming out her lungs .

Simon was called he rushed home , Ogwuche wept so hard as he followed his mall relatives to the back side of their family land , where the little baby wrapped in a wrapper was buried in a very small grave .

Alice and Igoche returned from school and saw crowd of sympathisers in their house they couldn’t understand why, but they kept looking for their younger brother .

“Mummy where is Agada ?”Igoche asked . Onyabehi broke into tears she couldn’t say a word to the boy .”Mummy where is Igoche ?” He repeated , Ogbole came in and took the boy away . Ogwuche lay in bed , face pressed against the mattress he had cried and soaked it wet .


He was tied of living, he cried begging God not for mercy ,or healing he begged for death , but death ran far away from him
To be continued…….


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