Seember walked into the kitchen to join Shiana with the Okra soup she was preparing for dinner . Gwaza ushered Ada into the living room, and remained standing ,the pastor turned to him. “Gwaza you can go now .

“He said waving him out , immediately Ada sank to her knees ,she held unto the pastors leg .

“Daddy please forgive , I have wronged you and your family , I don’t deserve your mercy , but for the sake of Christ forgive me sir !”She held unto the pastor’s leg as she cried louder than a person in a funeral service.

“Sis Agada get up on your feet , we should only knee before God, who am I ? am just a sinful man .” He said pulling her up , she dragged herself to a kneeling position.

“Please Daddy am sorry , I’ve sinned against you so much, please beg your wife for me I need your forgiveness.” Ada wept , tears rained down from her eyes like a flood over flooding a river bank .


“I did a wicked thing against Lillian , God has been punishing me . please sir forgive me or I’ll die .” Pastor Gamadi got up on his feet and fought hard with his feeble arms to raise the broken woman from the ground , the loud cries from Ada attracted Seember to the living room .

“If God has forgiven you , we have forgiven you.”the pastor said ,as he pulled Ada from the ground . Seember helped her up .
“You cannot continue beating yourself get up and sit down .” She said Ada nodded and sat down .

“Shiana! Shiana please can you bring a bottle of water and a pack of juice here ?” Seember said staring at Ada , she was looking so pitiable, her eyes had sunk into her eyes socket ,the black circle under her eyes was an evidence of her suffering. She drank from the bottle of water and replaced the cap .Her eyes were still wet .

“So please tell us what happened to our daughter, you were the last person who saw her and her child before their disappearance,we want to understand what happened.” Seember asked , the pastor sat leg crossed as he quietly watch his wife take charge .

“I think the eyes of God has turned against my family. The hatred in my heart has ruined my family.” She said as she wiped tears drops falling from her eyes . “Lillian was a good girl , though she didn’t know how to do chores or cook , she was not troublesome.” Ada added .


“But my hatred for Ogwuche and his father made me transfer the hatred to her and her daughter.” She paused to clear mucus from her nose into a tissue paper she replaced in her handbag.

“I used every opportunity I had to insult her ,and maltreated her ” she paused and cried some more. ” I want your forgiveness, I would lock her out for some hours when she went out , she got fed up and packed her things and left …” she cried her soul out .

“Since that time everything turned upside-down for us. I was arrested for a fraud of one hundred and fifty million naira, something I knew nothing at about and spent over four months in Kuje prison . After I was released from prison , my husband was arrested after about a year for fraud too .

They said he and the accountants of the Independent National Election Commission took over two billion naira ,from the cuffers of the agency .” She said weeping pastor Gamadi let her pour out her gut .

“As it is right now my children have been sent back home ,the school couldn’t afford to have them on campus anymore because we’re now owing for Al!let two years sir .Even to eat is now a problem they frozen all our accounts. Please pastor forgive me , mummy forgive me .” She held Seember’s arm .


“Just find a place in your heart to forgive me .”Ada cried falling to her kneels .

“It’s not us you offended , we have already forgiven you ,it’s Dooshima you offended , we have been back to Nigeria for seven months now , we found no trace of her .”Pastor Gamadi said . “For your children’s school fees it will be taken care of by the church , we would also take care of your feeding , that’s why we are called Christians.”

The pastor said with a soft fatherly voice , Seember’s heart was too heavy to utter a word , she just glared at Ada with disdain .

“Sir I want to beg for a favour …” Ada said her eyes bowed to the ground , she couldn’t look at the pastors face neither that of his wife . “Please sir help me secure the release of my husband, he was threatened by a senator before all this happened , he stood against his plot to rig his son into the state assembly, he promised to deal with him.”Ada said with teary eyes.

“I cannot help you sister Agada I’ve tried to my human limit to help you . I’ve not stepped legs into my chambers for four years now . I think your step sons are doing a good job.” Pastor Gamadi said with a stern voice ,brows furrowed and a grimace covering his face . Seember got up from the couch .

“Mrs Agada get up come and start going. ” Seember yelled . “Can you see how selfish you are ? My daughter was in your custody as a mother you pushed her out of your house .


You came here today , I thought you came to make amends , but you are here to ask for more favors ! imagine the guts! Get out!” She yelled .

“Please help me sir it’s only you that can help me.”Ada begged the pastor didn’t say a tiny word , he watched Seember usher her out .

He had already taken her account number , he planned to send the for the children’s upkeep and school fees .

Shiana was sleeping on a smaller bed ,a few feet from Dooshima’s bed , she had requested for her own bed Dooshima was happy when Terdue got it for her .

After the kiss they both shared she was electrified, they almost had their first in Terdue’s car , but Dooshima wouldn’t allow the sensual sweetness make her lost her little morality.


Terdue was off that Friday , he had slept over at Dooshima’s place , they had sneaky time while Shiana was sleeping . Dooshima couldn’t risk her daughter doing the act, she had wanted a sex free relationship, but the kiss from Terdue’s soft lips ,while he thought her how to drive , it ignited a feeling long dead .

Even though he was a church boy , she saw the burning desires in his eyes , how he x-ray her , drooling to the ambience of her enchanting beauty.


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