“Church if you’re in this church and you’ve not sinned against God ,in thoughts , in actions , in inaction against God here in the past four years please be sincere raise your hands .” Just a few people raised their hands .

“Do you know one funny thing church ? there’s no small sin before God, the bible says for all have come short of the glory of God, we have all sinned .” He said still pacing around the pulpit .

“If God had striked you death in the act would you go to heaven or hell ?” He asked the sombre congregation said .

“Hell.” they roared .

“When Christ left he left the church in the care of the elders . I may have over reacted when I threw my daughter out of the house after she got angry .

When you love too much , you hurt too much.” He said rearranging the lapels collar of his navy blue suit . ” And then I had a live changing stroke , I was in coma for one year and six months, I thank God that I made it alive .” He said still pacing on the altar .
“Many of you would have said pastor Gamadi was a true believer , he served the Lord with all his heart , he was a loving father while I burn in the coals of hell.” He said . “I harboured the spirit of unforgiveness in my heart , that would have dragged me to hell .” He said .


“But I thank God who in his infinite mercy saw it that my soul should be preserved . I saw my spirit rice from my body , my spirit moved .

God heard the cry of my daughter , though she thought she was defiled , we made her feel that way , we abandoned her .” He said wiping his face with his white handkerchief.

“If not for grace where would we be ? Can anyone amongst us here save ourselves?” Nobody could speak .

“Not my relatives , not the pastors in the church , not her own siblings could care for her , we all abandoned her , I’ve been back to Nigeria for over eight months, she’s still missing .

I appreciated the grand welcome I received today , but that was just eye service . the bible says the true Shepard takes care of the flock .


only the hirelings would run at the face of danger , the true Shepard would abandon the ninety to search for the one that has gone missing .”

“Church let us rise up and pray we need to ask God for mercy , the church Christian Family has dinner against God let us cry for forgiveness.

” The whole church roared in prayer , they prayed for God to touch Dooshima and bring her back home wherever she was .

Seember and her husband arrived home at about three P.M after spending time in church to counsel and .

Charles and Christopher couldn’t look at their father’s face , they had returned from the church much earlier than their parents.


“Darling I felt so guilty while you preached in the church today , I should have been there for Dooshima, I felt relieved when we moved to London the shame and embarrassment was just too much .”

Seember said regretfully. “I could have come back to check on her ,when I couldn’t understand what Ana was saying .” She said with a sober voice .
“Honey you cannot blame yourself , you had a sick and dying husband to find . My daughter is fine and alive , I know we shall find her .” The pastor said .

Later that evening , when Seember and professor Gamadi came downstairs, the twins greeted them hurriedly and went out of the house , Seember was worried about the relationship between her husband and sons ,she held her husband’s hand while they sat in the living room .


“Honey you have hit the boys so hard , it’s not been easy for them since you came back , they ran away whenever you come down.

I want you to call them and have a word with them , tell them you’ve forgiven them , they cannot be going about with heavy hearts. You cannot throw away the baby with the bath water .”

“I’ve heard you Seember , Just that I was disappointed, I thought I trained this kids in the way of the Lord .But they failed woefully they disappointed me .” he repeated.

Gwaza the new Gateman came , with his arms behind his back , he slightly bowed to greet the pastor and his wife .
“Gwaza how are you doing?” Pastor Gamadi said.

“Fine sir .” He said .”Sir there’s a woman at the gate she wants to see you .” Gwaza said
“Who did she say she is ?” The pastor asked curiously.


“Sir she said her name is Ada Agada ,she said she’s the aunt to Ogwuche . And a member of the church .” Seember face curved into a grimace , her pout lips posed to emit venom.

“No honey that woman cannot step her legs here !” Seember said . “What does she have to say ? why what’s bringing her here ?” Seember roared . “She should go back !” She cried.

“Go and tell her to come in .” The pastor said smiling, Gwaza said . “Seember you know when I lay in bed , hanging in between life and death ?” The pastor asked .

“if I had died that time I wouldn’t have the time to correct my wrongs , thank God for the second chance . we should give her a second chance .”
He said . Seember exhaled and waited to see the face of the woman which after so much that the pastor had done for her family could still treat her daughter so badly, to an extent that she would disappear from Gboko .

To be continued…….


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