He and Dooshima saw Terdue to his car . Terdue handed a brown envelope to Dooshima. “Us that to get yourself new clothes and new shoes , please babe also make a new hair , on Saturday I’ll take you to go and see my mother, he got out of the car and kissed Dooshima’s lips as Amos clapped ,still smiling.

Dooshima waited for Terdue to drive out of the compound, then she turned to go back into her room ,to get Shiana ready for school. Amos grabbed her hand .

“Come here where are you going?” He asked her , holding her arms so hard that it immediately became red .

“What is it Amos leave me alone !” Dooshima yelled , he wouldn’t let her go .

“I’ve been asking you for your juicy pot of honey , for how long before that idiot came around ?” He asked Dooshima. “Answer me!” He yelled as Dooshima struggled to wriggle her arms out of his .

“I want my share ,I take my share from every girl in this compound , ask your friends Priscilla and Prisca , they give me whenever I want it , your own cannot be different.


I brought Terdue here not for you to take him away from us ,you stole our purse, he no longer buys our drinks , he no longer hangs with us , that money you’re holding is what he would have given to me and our friend , you cornered him.

if I cannot get the money , I should be able to get your …”Amos spat ,with furrowed brows , a pout lips ,and incensed garbages . Dooshima kept fighting to untangle her hand from his grip .

“I need to compensate myself , with your sweet sweet juicy honey well. Whatever you gave to my friend and turned his head , I want to eat it , if not you see this fancy charade you’re experiencing?” He said with a wicked grin .

“I’ll scatter everything, I’ll make sure he knows you for who you are !” Amos threatened Dooshima.

“You can do your worst Amos! You can only sleep with me in your dreams , you drunk and lazy animal who waits on his mother to eat . Useless God for nothing tout!” Dooshima wriggled her hands off his and stomped away .


Amos’s mother had heard rumbling voices outside , she heard the voice of Dooshima first , before that of Amos. “What in the name of God is Amos saying to Dooshima?”

She asked, she grabbed her walking stick , the arthritis had hit her waist ,to an extent that she couldn’t walk without the support of her cane , she went out just when Dooshima was banging her door shut .

“Amos what is it ? why are you disturbing the whole compound this early morning!”Mama Amos yelled .

“Mama leave me alone go and sleep , what is your business with what I said or didn’t say ?” He asked, turning his back to his mother , as he climbed on his small motorcycle.

“I want to tell you to leave Dooshima’s and Terdue’s relationship alone this boy! at your age you have nothing to show for living .


What Dooshima told you is nothing but the truth , all your siblings are in the struggling,and building a life for themselves, but not you .”She said , adjusting her weight, the pains from her waist was unbearable.

“If I don’t bring money to cook in this house , your nieces and nephews will go hungry at twenty nine years are you not supposed to have graduated from the University and find yourself a good life ? You were rusticated with all the money I spent , it’s to be driving your stupid bike up and down Ushongo sleeping with everything in skirt , I am warning you if you don’t want me to curse you , leave Dooshima alone . Animal with no brain .” His mother insulted him.

“Mama curse me all you want , you’re not my God, I’ll make it in this life so you’ll shut up your mouth.” He said angrily before riding his motorcycle at an unbelievable speed out of the compound.

She walked clumsily to Dooshima’s door , she knocked on the door . “I’m coming.” Dooshima said , she had just finished bathing Shiana,she tied a towel around her chest like a wrapper and went to check who it was at the door , she was surprised to see mama Amos standing there .It had been over six months , she stepped her foot into her room.

“Grandma ?” Dooshima said , her angry face lighted up in a smile , the angry frown left her face like a dark cloud making way for sunlight .


“Can I come in?” Grandma asked Dooshima, she smiled .

“Why not grandma it’s your house .”Dooshima said the both women laughed . Grandma got in and sat on Dooshima’s couch .
“Good morning grandma, I hope your sleep was sweet and spicy?” Shiana asked , grandma laughed hard .

“Which one is spicy again Shiana ? Is my sleep food that I will add spice ?”She asked embracing the little child , she remembered when Dooshima had brought her to her compound, so small like a wrap of fufu.

“Dooshima am sorry about what that useless child of mine did this morning , I wish I was strong as I used to be , I would have broken his big coconut.”

Dooshima smiled , she had cleaned the tears that had covered her eyes when she got into the house after Amos’s harassment.

“No grandma , it’s not an issue .” Dooshima said .

“If he ever tries to tell you nonsense come to me . I’ll report him to his siblings , and make sure they stop sending him money , at his age no work , just to move from beer parlour to beer parlour drinking alcohol .

You should have told me he had been trying to sleep with you .” Grandma said.

“No mama , I am an adult I cannot be forced against my wish . there was no need to report , but he’s been trying ever since I got here , but I didn’t see any big deal , because that’s what is rampant around here .”

“No problem dear . I hope you considered what I said to you?” She asked, hoping for a positive response . Dooshima smiled , she was wearing Shiana her school uniform.

“Yes grandma , I said yes to him yesterday night .” Mama Amos jumped on her feet , forgetting the pains , she embraced Dooshima and danced .

“Thank you God , thank you God .” She said . “The next thing is to go and see your parents .” She said , Dooshima couldn’t say a word, her heart began to beat at the mention of her parents . She wondered if her father made it back alive ,she wondered if he would accept her back , if she could rebuild the lost relationship.

She finished dressing Shiana , Dooshima grabbed her food flask from the kitchen ,she has prepared rice and chicken stew , she added some fresh apples ,with a small pack of yoghurt , they left the house by seven thirty .

A bike dropped them off at the front of the school by seven forty , Dooshima waved goodbye to Shiana as she joined her classmates going into her class , she waved back at her and blew her a kiss in the air .

“Wow babe you’re looking so breath taking , my mother is going to be blown away!” Terdue said on the Saturday morning she had come to pick Dooshima, she smiled shyly as he held her hand and led her into the passenger sit at the front side of the Lexus SUV . Priscilla and Prisca hailed Dooshima, as the car drove away .

Shiana had wanted to go with them , but Dooshima has asked her to stay with Grandma .Terdue promised to get a new pink Teddy bear when he travelled to Abuja , Shiana trusted him he always kept to his word .




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