“Honey is your journey not tomorrow? why do you have to go now? ” Ada asked her husband with a grimace on her face ,he was dressed up in a yellow senator , with a milk coloured flowery pocket, his car keys were dangling from his finger.

“Ada Ogwuche is my son, irrespective of what my brother might have done to me, I’ll always go whenever he needs me, Simon is my only blood brother, I cannot abandon him. And Ogwuche is my son.” He said this infuriated his wife further.

“He has sold all the land your father left for the two of you, even the last one new the local government Secretariat he’s still putting eyes in it. Seems this type of Christianity this hypocrite’s father introduced to you is not favouring us oh, see you have become a complete mumu you don’t know when to stand on your two feet like a man.” she hissed angrily.


“Stop it Ada !” Aguada ordered his wife “I am not a fool neither am I stupid!” He grunted “We got exposed to the light, we cannot continue to act as if we are still in the darkness, I am not a fool . The Bible says follow peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord.” He said.

“God promoted me to state commissioner of INEC after ten years of no promotion , after Pastor Gamadi prayed for me. You can drive the car you own today and live in this beautiful edifice because of him, Lillian isn’t a saint, yes she fell into sin, but you are not God to judge her.” He said.

“But when are we going to spend time together as a couple every time family! Family! if it’s not Ogwuche’s it’s for his father he’s gotten arrested and you’re flying there! am sincerely tired! ” She said, as she climbed up the stairs.

Dooshima was coming down of the stairs to see Mr Agada, to thank him for the transfer he did to her account. “Shift! get out of my way! ” Ada shoved Dooshima into the railing, Dooshima was stormed beyond words.

“Ada what’s wrong with you!” Mr Agada cried Ada hissed loudly at her husband as she banged the door behind her, she was fed up with his family interference with their life.


“Am sorry Lillian don’t worry about my wife, she’s always like that.” He said, Dooshima nodded .

“Thank you sir I want to thank you for being kind to me, since my father’s sickness the whole world turn their backs on me, but you have been a God sent to me.” Dooshima said almost in tears.

“I’ve not done anything for you. I did it for my grandchild, I did it for my son Ogwuche. I called his mother last night, she said he’s on admission in the hospital, his elder brother stabbed him, I want to go and see him if I can move him to Abuja for better care.” Dooshima’s countenance became cloudy, the sadness on her face was visible.

“Tell him I wish him well.” She ran upstairs, she couldn’t cry in front of Ogwuche’s uncle, she was tired of crying, she just went up into her room .

Mr Agada drove to Ohimini that morning, he arrived at the hospital at about twelve P.M. He went to the emergency ward. He found Ogwuche on the bed, he was awake, he had no shirt on, he was lying on the hospital bed, the sky blue bed clothes had been stained red with his blood.


“Ogwuche how are you doing? ” He asked, the young man was looking pale and emaciated.
“Un-cle mor-ning sir.”

Ogwuche struggled to say.
“Where is your mother?” Agada asked.
“She’s go-ne to buy fo-od.” Ogwuche said.

“Has Simon returned this morning? ” Ogwuche shook his head. “I am taking you to Abuja, you need to get a better treatment there, let me go and see the medical director to know what I can do next , tell your mum am around.”

Agada said before walking out of the room that had about six other male patients.
He was directed to the office of medication director, he knocked and allowed himself into the office, the door wasn’t locked.

He stared at the man sitting behind the desk, whose eyes was focused on his lap top. “Oko Simon? ” Agada called, the doctor looked up from his lap top. Shock was written over his face.


“Agada Ogar? ” He called as he recognized his old friend, he got up from behind his desk , the two men embraced each other.

“Jesus Christ I don’t believe my eyes, I never thought I would see you again in this life Ogar.” Doctor Oko said.

“Hahahaha this world is a small place.” Ogar said. He embraced his friend again. “I’ve been asking after you all this years from friends in our Alumni group. You were hiding yourself?” He said chuckling.

“My brother I was working at Lagos, I moved down her not up to two years now. What brought you to our hospital. ” He asked Agada , while offering him an empty chair in front of him.

“My brother my son is here on admission. ” The doctors eyebrows rose.
“Your son? What’s his name? ” He asked Agada.


“He’s a doctor too, his name is Ogwuche Simon Ogar.” He said.

“Oh you mean your brother’s son? Simon that man will never change, I was called to the emergency ward to witness a man causing trouble there yesterday,

He was fighting my staff, saying they were not attending to his son well, when he refused to pay the half of the amount of deposit.” Agada couldn’t doubt, he knew what his brother was capable of.

“How much is the bill? ” He asked .

“Well had to do a major surgery on his stomach, he was having internal bleeding. He had a punctured lung, We’re thinking of redoing the surgery again, because he’s still bleeding internally.


The total amount has amounted to eight hundred and twenty nine thousand naira ” the doctor said.
“How much has my brother paid? ” Agada asked .

“Nothing he didn’t pay any money, Only bragging bragging while his son lay dying. It was his five who came to my office knelt here and begged me, to start treatment, She later sent three hundred and fifty thousand naira. we need money…” He said to Agada.

“Where do I go to pay the balance? I want to take my son to Abuja, how safe is it to move him? I have my doctor there…” Agada said.
“I don’t know if moving him right thing to do now, we can take care of him here , if money is paid.”

“I want to move him from here, tell me if he would be at any risk, if I take him from here.” Agada asked, the doctor sighed , and was quiet for a while.

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