Ogwuche had just returned from farm with his father, they had gone to harvest yams from the at Ichodo, they had over ten farm hands, but his father insisted that he should go along. He was washing off mud from his leg when he saw his elder brother Ejembi , he was wearing Ogwuche’s shirt and a jean, even with his sneakers.

“Onyabehi! Onyabehi! ” He called after his wife. She came out of their room with a long stomach.
“What’s it Ogwuche? ” She asked, she loosened and tied her wrapper around her elongated stomach.

“How is Ejembi wearing my clothes and shoes? ” He asked, he had washed the clothes, so he could wear it to morning mass the next day.

“What can I do ? he barged into the house and forcefully take that and other of your clothes, I’ve told you to get a house outside your family compound but you won’t listen.”

She said, Ogwuche walked to where his brother was sitting, he had a green three bottles of Star Lager Beer resting in front , two were lying on their corner while one was standing up right with the beer half finished.


Onyabehi followed her husband to see what would happen, Ejembi was still smoking his cigarette oblivious of his brother standing in front of him.

“Ejembi who gave you permission to go into my room and take my clothes? ” Ogwuche asked his elder brother, who ignored him, he continued smoking and drinking his alcohol.

“Ejembi I’m talking to you, stop behaving as though you were deaf and dumb, why did you take my clothes? I worked in farms with my hands to buy my things why would you go and wear them? it’s not that you’ll wear it and wash them, when you finish you’ll leave them on the rope for five days ! ”

Ejembi gulped down his beer, dragged the smoke of the cigar and puffed on Ogwuche’s face, he coughed and stepped back. “Ejembi what’s wrong with you? please O don’t want your trouble, just go and remove my clothes I beg you in the name of God.”

Ejembi ignored him, he let the smoke flow out of his nostrils, he knew his brother was a woman and couldn’t stand for himself.

“Ogwuche carry yourself and get out of my face right now! or else I’ll beat you like a baby.” He said Ogwuche laughed.


“Beat me as your child or what? just respect yourself go and take off my clothes and shoes, I have a little that I manage myself. ” Ejembi was mute.

Ogwuche snatched the stick of cigarette from his mouth and dumped it on the ground, crushed it with his feet . Ejembi went made, he got up from the wooden bench he was sitting on he slapped Ogwuche, he returned the slap.

The brothers began to scuffle, Ogwuche lifted Ejembi and smashed him had on the ground.
Onyabehi began to cry and call for help, relatives from neighboring compound rushed into Ogar’s compound,

Ogar was in his bathroom listening to the rancour going on outside, he was fastening his bath to get out and see what was happening.

Ejembi picked the empty bottles of beer, smashed them against each other, he had a sharp weapon in his arms, he went after his brother as the relatives took to their heels, He tried to stab his chest but Ogwuche deflected the blows from reaching it’s target, it got his arms multiple times.


The white shirt had turned red, with Ogwuche’s blood, Ejembi succeeded in stabbing his brother in the stomach, he threw away the bloody broken bottle, he batted away, while leaving his brother writhing in pains.

Some neighbors had climbed an Okada to the market which was ten minutes away to inform Ogwuche’s mother, she ran in her underwear not knowing when her wrapper fell off, when she got to the compound, she thick blood covering the whole compound, Ogar and some relatives were lifting Ogwuche into the back of his seat of his father’s truck.

“What happened to my son! what happened to my son! ” Ene cried over and over.
“It’s Ejembi oh, he attacked him with broken bottles.” Onyabehi cried.

“Jesus this boy will not kill oh! ” She cried, blood was gushing out like a spring, Ogwuche’s eyes were shut the whole backseat had changed to red, stained with Ogwuche’s blood .

Ogar drove with Ogwuche to Otukpo, Onyabehi had his head on her lap, while Ene was crying sore at the front seat of the truck.


“Is this what you brought my son to come and be doing? Somebody that was doing well in Gboko! you have turned my son to a common farmer! Simon if my son dies! you’ll dig two graves!” Ene cried, wiping her eyes with her wrapper.

“Just because of your stubbornness! You forced him here! I wanted him far away from you! you’re a bad influence ! Imagine your son Ejembi who you won’t let anyone correct! he’s now a terror to the community! how could he have the mind to stab his own brother severally! ”

“Shut up your stinking mouth Ene! are you challenging me?” Ogar screamed Sternly. “My son is my son! what I want my son to do that’s what he’ll do! I said he would not marry that girl! And what did it have to do with him embarrassing his older brother in public because he’s wearing his clothes? ” He asked bitter and pissed at Ogwuche.

“Is that what you saw from all of this? ” Ene said. “You still support him? so if Ogwuche talked to him rudely, is that the best way to handle it? one of this days his wickedness will come to hunt him.” Ene said.

“Just shut up your mouth Ene! don’t talk to me rudely!” He ordered focusing his attention on the road.


“You prefer to bring him home to die here! then letting him marry who makes him happy! ” Ene said not intending to hurt Onyabehi, but she did.

Onyabehi let the tears fall from her eyes. She had never felt loved by Ene, though she was nice to her, and loving, she knew Ene would have preferred a woman who would make her son happy.

They finally got to the hospital, a young doctor with a nurse escorted the stretcher that had carried Ogwuche as they rolled into ICU. He recognized Ogwuche.

“This guy is a doctor, he was my mate in Abuja during our intern year. ” He said to his colleague.

“He has lost so much blood we need to do transfusion for him,he won’t last another hour with that.” The other doctor said. Ene and Simon were called and given the information.
They both contributed two pints of blood each.

“Dooshima I’m happy for how you’re getting along with life, I want to personally tell you that I’m proud of you. I want to travel to New York , I’ll be there for a month, I pass through London to check on your parents.

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