“Hello Lillian good morning. Hope the baby is kicking you hard? ” He teased they both laughed.
“Good morning sir. ” Dooshima responded.

“You’re watching a live broadcast of a morning message? ” He asked her, she smiled and nodded. “So why have you stopped to go to the church your parents founded? even though they’re not in Nigeria at the moment,

it doesn’t mean that it’s no longer your church.” He said. He was quiet for a while. “You know whenever you sang in the church I felt the holy Ghost moving. ” He said a matter of fact, Dooshima bent her head down in shame, that felt like a generation gone.

“That was in the past . I am no longer that Lillian, this is what I am now, a wayward girl who brought shame to her parents, am a prostitute and nobody. If I go to the church you know what would happen sir… ” She said unable to look at him in the face.

“Stop it Lillian, you’re a child of God, God isn’t done using you, you made a mistake and you have paid enough for it. Don’t continue saying what people are saying of you.


Because the hoodlum who was killed said that, doesn’t mean that’s who you are. You’re better off than those who would abort the baby to save face. You’re brave. ” He said. “Raise your face up please.” he said Dooshima looked up at him.

“You see the dream of your father? ” Dooshima stared at him skeptically. “You will fulfill it, when you put to bed, you’ll pick the form for law school and you’ll go back to school and finish your studies.” He said and Dooshima nodded.

“So get up and take your bath let’s go to church, you know your due date is around the corner. We must commit you into the hands of God. ” Dooshima got up, she changed into a maternity gown and followed.

They drove to the church auditorium, they were a bit late, the whole arena felt new to Dooshima, as if she had travelled and stayed long from home. Eyes were staring at her and whispering into ears. She couldn’t move without eyes turning, Mr Agada walked with her into the church.

People couldn’t focus on the singers on stage, she saw her siblings in church. Joshua was moderating on stage, while Caleb sang with the choir, Annabel had put to bed, though Dooshima didn’t see her baby, she saw her stomach had gone down. She led the choir ministration.


She regretted agreeing to come to church, people just couldn’t keep their eyes off her, some where taking pictures of her without her permission, after the service, she escaped out of the church, before anyone would stop to ask her a question. She got to the car park, the Agada’s were still inside the church.

She saw her brothers and sister coming towards her direction. She wanted to disappear from that spot. Martins was carrying their baby, she was about three months old.

“Hello Dooshima.” Annabel said.
“Hello Annabel.” She said fighting the tears from falling from her eyes.

“Hey Dooshima.” Martins said.

“Hello Martins how are you doing? ” she responded, they talked for a bit before he stepped away to give the sisters space. Her brothers were momentarily deaf and dumb, they didn’t say a word or acted as if she was there . They went into their father’s car to wait for Annabel..

“We’ve been looking for you all over the place for the past two weeks, mummy has been asking after you, she’s sick and worried over you. ” Annabel said, Dooshima wiped her eyes.


“Tell mummy I am fine, tell her not to worry about me, there’s a lot on her plate. Can you start going? your family is waiting for you.” Dooshima said as she finally broke into tears.

“Stop acting like the victim here, mummy said I should give you a check of two million naira. She had sent one million naira twice. I couldn’t find you. ” Dooshima laughed derisively.

“Annabel I shouldn’t act like a victim I brought this upon myself? ” She asked. ” I am just the naive one who didn’t know how to prevent myself from getting pregnant.

You think I don’t know of the several abortions you did? Mimi my friend told me about everything. But then your hate for me because daddy loved me more, made you turn Joshua and Caleb against me. For six months all of you cut me off.” Dooshima broke into tears.

“I live you in the hands of God. Keep the cheque I don’t need it. When I needed you and the money you turned your back on me. I am paying for my one night mistake, it’s not your fault, as you said I brought this on myself. ” Dooshima turned from her sister and walked away, not minding eyes that were staring at her.


“Dooshima? Dooshima! ” An old woman called running to her, she recognized her, she was her father’s cousin.

“Good afternoon mama.” Dooshima greeted her.

“My daughter I’ve been looking for you in church, You stopped coming? ” Dooshima nodded. “I’ve been wanting to talk with you. ”

She wiped the last drop of tears from her eyes as the old woman moved her away from the road . “You see why we warn you young girls to keep your legs closed? see fine girl like you see how you made yourself,

you’re looking like dry fish, you caused your father to become paralyzed and he’s in the hospital, dying everyday, see how you’re suffering, if you had closed your legs… ” Dooshima had taken to a boiling point.

“Please for the love Of God can you all leave me alone mama? did I kill anyone? why are you people tormenting me? do you want me to kill myself? am I the first girl to make a mistake.”


Dooshima went on her knees crying. “Please mama I beg you in the name of God leave me alone! I’m hurt enough as it is, I don’t… ” She got up on her feet and began to walk away crying. She didn’t mind the people staring at her, her head had began to hurt.

She promised never to return back to the church , she would leave Gboko for God after putting to bed. She was tired she couldn’t walk freely.

Mr Agada was informed that Dooshima had already left, he drove out with his family searching for her. For over fifteen minutes he searched asking people, he was given direction, he met Dooshima in a village stall where she sat on the bare floor crying.

“Lillian am sorry for making you come to church.” Mr Agada begged. “Please let us go home. ” He said as he gently pulled her up.

Dooshima had just gone out to buy her food, no matter what Mr Agada said to her to eat Ada’s food, she refused, she had saved over three hundred thousand naira from the money he had given her, she bought her food twice a day from restaurants, she didn’t want to joke with her peace of mind.


She brought back the food and was sitting on the dinning table, when a painful cramp hit her stomach. She held her stomach, the contraction was so painful she thought she would die.

“Jesus, Jesus Christ.” Dooshima cried, Ada was watching a movie in the sitting room, she turned a deaf ear , Dooshima continued crying. A severe backache axed her back. “Mummy my mummy, I need my mummy. ” Dooshima cried.

“Mummy go and help Dooshima na, I think she’s in labour? ” Victor begged his mother, he was hearing a headset, he heard her crying, he wondered why his mother wasn’t responding. “Doctor why not you go and help her and leave me alone? ”

Dooshima got up from the dinning table she struggle to get out to the compound, still Ada sat were she was. ” She said and continued with her movie.

“When love was sweeting her, did I not warned her, he has shown her, her eyes have cleared na. ” She said as she threw the last seeds of fried groundnut into her mouth and continued to grind.


Dooshima felt an urge to go to toilet, she couldn’t hold it, she pushed and her water burst, it poured on the ground, she screamed loud like a cow in pains, the veins on her neck protrude.

“Please Victor call my friend. ” Dooshima begged the confused boy.
“No I’ll take you to the hospital myself. ” He said as he helped her into the back of the car.

“No you cannot use my car to carry her Victor! she’ll mess it up! ” Ada yelled. “Use the Toyota Land Cruiser . She threw the key at him. He took the key and moved Dooshima into his father’s SUV, he drove the beast out of the compound.

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