“Ogwuche how are you doing my son? ” He asked, Ogwuche didn’t say a word until he placed his arms on his back.

“Am fine papa.” Ogwuche said, his arms were still buried in between his laps.
“Ogwuche are you not happy now? see the handsome boy Onyabehi just gave birth to are you not proud of a pour blood? ” Ogwuche sat like a statue, he didn’t hiss a word.

“All these lands that I’ve been fighting for,you think it’s just for what? it’s for you and your children and you brothers children. Look at Ejembi does he look like somebody who wants to make something out of this life? ” He asked trying to get Ogwuche into the conversation, but his bait couldn’t lure the man.

“See Ogwuche everything I did is for you and your future my son.” Simon rambled. “See those people are not good people, they don’t stay at home, you’ve lived in their land are they people one could marry and keep at home?


” He said, Ogwuche had no words to say, he sat moping at his father yelp. He had left Ogwuche alone when he spent minutes in vain trying to draw him into his conversation.

Onyabehi bathed Igoche, she wrapped him in a white flowery baby shawl and brought him out his father, Ogwuche she watched Ogwuche come alive, his son was the only reason he smiled, Onyabehi felt guilty for being used as a tool by Ogwuche’s father.

Each time she brought Igoche to him ,she saw a new side of him that she had never seen, the happy aspect, she felt jealous of the woman his heart was with .

The boy looked so much like him, he was proud to have something he could call his own. She sat next to him and put her arms around his shoulders as the baby kicked .

It kept looking from Ogwuche to his mother, the baby began to cry,Ogwuche passed him to his mother.”I think he’s hungry ” Ogwuche said to his wife, she collected the child from him, he was already a month old.He was tired of sending her to his father to get money for pampers, he decided to pick his hoe, and start working, he had a wife and a child to take care of.


“Ogwuche You’re not yet fully recovered, you shouldn’t do any hard chore. has the money your uncle gave you finished? ” Onyabehi asked.

“We spent a good part of it in the hospital, the remaining balance we used it in the hospital when you gave birth. I’ve only fifty thousand naira remaining. I need to start working. I don’t like relying on anyone to survive? ” Ogwuche said To Onyabeh.

“Well I don’t want you to stress yourself, you’re just recovering from a major surgery, we’ll manage until you’ve fully recovered. you cannot gamble with your health okay? ” She said, Ogwuche got hit in the gut. He sat quietly, Onyabehi took the baby inside the house.

Dooshima had gone to the market to get food stuffs for Shania at about four P.M on Saturday, she bought custard and milk, they returned home by six P. M to meet the door locked, she knocked until the skin on her knuckles went red.

She was outside the house from six to eleven P. M, when Ada came down to open the door.

“Ma this is not fair ma, how could you lock me out? if not for me what about my baby? you left us outside for four hours? what have I ever done to you ma? ” Dooshima cried .


“If you don’t like how you’re being treated here, why not go get your own house with the money my husband gave you.” she said. “Or better still you can return to your father’s house to know if your family will receive you, wayward child that only brings shame to her family.

” Ada said, Dooshima was speechless, she climbed the stairs and went into her room, she cried her eyes red as Shania joined in the frenzy, when they had both cried to their satisfaction they dozed off.

It had been a month and a week since Mr Agada travelled abroad,.Dooshima had been expecting him back in the country, but he called to inform her that his course had been extended by one month, Dooshima froze in fear, he had asked how she and the baby was, she couldn’t say anything to him about his wife’s behavior.

She just wanted him to return to Nigeria, she he would help her move out of the house. She would be in the shower taking her bath, and Ada would turn off the water.


She had also made locking her out a frequent occurrence, she had locked her out thrice, or she would lock her inside the house when she wanted to go to work, Dooshima would remain indoors from morning till evening when she would return from work.

Shania was feverish, she wasn’t active as she used to,Dooshima called Mimidoo who informed her that it might be teething, Shania was already seven months old. She prescribed some drugs for Dooshima to go and get from the pharmacy.

“Ma please I want to go and get drugs for my baby at the pharmacy, please can you help put an eye on her? ” Dooshima said to Ada, he glared at her from head to toes as though she was invincible. Dooshima believed she had heard her, so she ran out of the house.

She went to the first and second pharmacy she couldn’t get all the drugs Mimidoo had prescribed. She had gone to four different pharmacies before she could get the prescribed drugs, she spent over forty minutes, when she entered the compound she could hear Shania’s voice ,


she was shrieking so loud, Dooshima ran into the house, to see her daughter still on her back, she had puked over herself, mucus covered her nose, she picked her baby , she stared at Ada.

she didn’t say a word neither did Dooshima. Shania kept quiet immediately Dooshima picked her up, she took her baby to up to her room.

He had taken to her breaking point, another day in the Agada’s house would make her go mad and do something she would regret. She knew she had overstayed her welcome.


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