A motorcycle roared so loud at top speed, it headed towards the lonely fenced compound, the rider had killed the headlight not to notify his targets.

He jumped off the motorcycle as soon as he reached the gate. He ran into the gated compound and pulled his Glock his waist where he had put it, he cocked and ran into the house.

He got a call from an anonymous caller who had told him about Hanan trying to break into the house of the pregnant girl. He as soon as he got in he shoot the first man who was standing watch by the door of the sitting room.

Hanan heard the sound and jumped out of the bedroom where he had broken into, another man with him, he fired at the new intruder, Ngutor moved very fast at the speed of light, he returned fire, he shot three rounds into Hanan’s stomach, he crumbled to the ground, struggling to get away from the house, he swam in the pool of his own blood.


Ngutor kicked his handgun away from him. A third assailant escaped from the house in the midst of the melee.

Ngutor burst into the room, Dooshima and Mimidoo screamed. “Don’t be afraid Mimidoo I am not here to hurt you. am sorry I didn’t come here earlier.” Be pleaded as he put his gun away. “Did he touch you? ” He asked Dooshima she shook her head, she was too stunned to speak.

If Hanan hadn’t started with robbery, he would have abused Dooshima, he had asked Dooshima to bring all the money she had in the house, her laptops and phones.

His boy who had escaped went away with four hundred thousand naira, which was Dooshima’s last dime . She was happy he didn’t succeed to do what was on his mind.

Ngutor barged out of the house and chased after the escapee, the man had taking a bush path, Ngutor saw him from afar, he shot at him severally until his hand gun ran out of ammunition. He decided let him go and return back to Dooshima and Mimidoo.


“My brother you shot me because of a woman? Ahhhh you shot at me because of a woman? please don’t let me die. Ngutor please take me to the hospital.”

Hanan begged holding unto his leg, he pulled off his leg, and walked over him, stepping on his blood before going into the bedroom.

“You have to leave this place you cannot stay here.” He said to Dooshima she nodded , she was fidgeting, she was shaken by her experience.

The three of them walked out of the house covered in blood. Hanan was still begging Ngutor for help, crying from inside the house that he didn’t want to die.

“Wait for me here. I have to go and talk to my friend.” Ngutor said.


“Please don’t kill him, just call the police.” Dooshima begged, stared at her blankly , he wondered if the shook had affected her thinking faculty, how can a man that had come to kill her be let go .

Ngutor didn’t utter a single word, he walked back into the house, Hanan had crawled close to the door. “You want to kill me Ngutor? ” He asked laughing, as blood spilled out of his mouth, his friend lay to his left side cold.

“People like you shouldn’t be allowed to live, I want to send you to God for judgement, I’ll probably see you in hell.” Ngutor bawled,Hanan begs fell on dead ears, from Ngutor eyes he knew he meant what he said.

“Orneh na me when dey buy smoke for you oh, na me the buy beer for you, please don’t kill me.” Hanan begged tears dropping from his eyes . “Orneh I made a stupid mistake I don’t kill me. I am your friend.” Hanan begged for his life.


“Shut up! ” he said. “You’re talking too much like a woman.You know I won’t let you go, your people will come, after me and you’ll go after her.” He said Hanan began to cry and swear.

“Shut up, I know I’ll see you in hell soon.” He said, Dooshima and Mimidoo from outside the room saw the three flashes of light, as Ngutor shot at point blank range into Hanan’s head and he dropped to the tiled floor, dead and cold.

He walked out as if he had not just killed two men, he picked his motorcycle from where he had dumped it. “You two should climb, they will soon be back here.” He said Dooshima first climbed before Mimidoo sat behind her.

“Do you know anywhere I can take you to? ” He asked.

“Take us near the stadium, we have a family there that will house us. ” Mimidoo said, Dooshima didn’t want to go to. Ogwuche’s family for any help, but then she had to secure herself and her child.


It was around one A. M they got to Mr Agada’cs house after several knocks the gate man was woken from his sleep, he went to see the people knocking, he opened the gate when he recognized Dooshima.

“Thank you for saving me. ” Dooshima thanked Ngutor. “If you had not come he would have abused me.”

“I am just paying an old debt to your father. Don’t stay in Gboko tomorrow look for a way to leave Gboko. ” He advised Dooshima.

“thank you once again. ” Dooshima and Mimidoo said to the man.
“What about you? will you be leaving Gboko too? ” Dooshima asked.
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