Seember couldn’t believe that such a fine young man who grew in the church had such dirty secrets , alcoholism and drug abuse and he managed to hide it very well .

It was a simple wedding at the marriage registry at Garki ,Ogwuche and Dooshima got married in the presence of their parents.

His mother and Ogbene came to Abuja to attend his wedding six months after he left Gboko. Their friends and loved ones were the only ones invited to the wedding and reception in the pastor’s house .

Shiana was the little bridesmaid for her parents wedding , she was the happiest girl in Abuja , she couldn’t believe that what she thought impossible, had become her reality . She boasted to her school mates that she also had a daddy .
Ogwuche and Dooshima had to rent a three bedroom apartment in Wuse Zone One , while they waited for Dooshima’s and Shiana’s visa to be ready .

Ogwuche had gone with Dooshima and Shiana to ShopRite supermarket at Wuse Zone five to buy some supplies for the house . He heard a little girl’s voice screaming.

“Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!” The girl embraced him , he was so confused ,and then she saw her mother running towards him . “Alice come back here .” She was walking with another man .

“Little girl daddy ?” He asked Alice , she nodded . “You’re my first daddy this is my second daddy .” She said giggling , Dooshima and Shiana stopped watching confusedly.

“Hello Ogwuche?” Onyabehi said as soon as Ogwuche lay his eyes on her , a severe pain like a hammer hitting a nail struck his head , Ogwuche began scream in pains , as he fell to his knee .
“Darling are you okay ?” Dooshima asked as she wonder who the mysterious woman was . “I am fine Dooshima.”

He said , he began to have flashes , he saw his boys , He saw them playing with him ,he saw Alice with them eating , a flash of the day the boys died , Ogwuche began to cry .
“Oh it’s coming back!” he said . “Onyabehi.”

Onyabehi was a bit taken aback, by his behaviour, she thought he would have been free from his enchantments and tribulation, she had been checking on him to know how he was , the last time she was told that he had gone back to Gboko and that he was doing well .

she was heavy with a second child after Alice ,Obekpa was holding a two year old boy who stared curiously at the strange man who was screaming ,though he stood afar watching the drama unfold .

Ogwuche held his head , he tried to numb the pain with his palms . “Onyabehi?” he asked after a flash of memory .

“Alice my baby?” Ogwuche said as he lifted the six years old girl , she clung her arms around him , Shiana wondered who the new girl was , that was sharing her father’s love .

“Mummy does daddy have another child ?” Shiana asked confused , Dooshima smiled . “No you’re his only daughter.” She said Shiana nodded , the jealousy left her heart .

“Am sorry for all I did Ogwuche I was just selfish.”Onyabehi said unable to look at Ogwuche’s face.”I tried to fight the feeling I couldn’t, maybe because you were never there for me , I had to return to my first love , he was kind enough to forgive me .” She said Ogwuche nodded .

He walked toward Obekpa who looked uncomfortable.”Please take care of them okay, Don’t let them suffer , Onyabehi doesn’t deserve the life she had with me ?”Obekpa nodded .

Onyabehi walked to Dooshima and Shiana”He really loves you so much ,all the charms , all my love and care , I tried to make him fall in love with me , he just couldn’t, he wept every night , even when he forgot who you were.
He knew somebody was missing from his life , all the time we were together he never forgot you, you’re such a lucky woman .” Onyabehi said “Thank you for helping me take care of him .”

Onyabehi nodded before returning back to her husband and children , Ogwuche kept waving at Alice,she waved at him till her parents walked out of the mall .

“Daddy who is she ? is she your child ?” Shiana asked her father as they continued their shopping . Ogwuche laughed .

“Well she was once my daughter, now I am no longer her daddy .” Ogwuche said . “But dad How’s that possible? can you stop being my daddy ?” she asked .

“No you’re my daughter for life .” He said as they walked down the aisle of the shop .

Psalm drove Ogwuche ,Dooshima and little Shiana to the Nnamdi Azikiwe Airport,he shook hands with Ogwuche .

“Thank you brother for all you did for us , I owe you my life .” Ogwuche said , Psalm chuckled . “You don’t owe me anything brother , you owe God everything.”Psalm said .

“Yeah I owe God and I owe you . You see everything I’ve ? my wife and my daughter? we being one family, if not for your intervention and those of Cynthia and Mimidoo , Dooshima could have ended up in the hands of that mental case .”Ogwuche said .

“Dooshima was too good for that half brain , he was so lucky she stopped me , I would have knocked off his teeth when he slapped her , the junky is resting in a rehabilitation centre, I hope he makes use of his life .” Psalm said .”I want to beg you a favour .” Psalm said .

“Okay brother anything you ask , except my wife and my daughter.” Ogwuche joked ,Psalm crackled. “Well I just want to beg that you never stop loving Dooshima , she went through a lot for you …” Dooshima smiled .
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