“Ogwuche said ,the doctors were terrified they ran on the room . Ogwuche remained in bed rambling incoherent rubbish .

“They want to kill me , they want to kill me , they want to kill me !” He kept Rambling, Dooshima and Shiana were in tears outside the room ,

Dooshima was calling her father , he wasn’t taking or returning her call, she paced about the corridor as she heard Ogwuche’s heart breaking cries in pains . “Aaaarh just kill me ! you’re punishing me just kill me !”Ogwuche cried .

Ada took Shiana far away from his father’s hospital room , as more doctors came to the , they wrestled with Ogwuche and pinned him to the bed , they tried to inject him with the syringe,but the needle broke as it touched his skin , which was so strong like an iron .

Ogwuche sat up on the bed , he stared at the doctors with grimace buttered on his face . “For the last time we have warned you people, run away for your life !” the entities spoke through Ogwuche

but when they wouldn’t leave ,the force from his body sent all the doctors flying against the wall. They all took to their heels ,when they recovered from the shock .

The professor and Seember had gotten to the hospital ,while they were walking towards Ogwuche’s room, they noticed some pandemonium, doctors and nurses helter skelter , Dooshima ran into her father’s arms she was crying profusely .

“Dad it’s happened again , please help me pray for Ogwuche he must not die , they want to kill him.” Dooshima cried ,the professor hasten up and rushed into Ogwuche’s room , only his uncle was fighting to keep him in bed , the man was standing on his injured Leg.

“What are you doing here ? this is not your business get our from here , this Soul is ours and today we shall reap it.” The demon spoke through Ogwuche .
“You have no soul , you have no body here ! right now I command you foul spirit form the pit of hell leave this body in Jesus name!” The professor commanded the demons got more violent , Ogwuche pushed his uncle away from him , he ran to the wall and began to hit his head against the wall , as Dooshima screamed and cried, she wanted to run to him , but her mother held her back , dragging him away.
“Baby that’s not him acting, he’s possessed,if you go near him, you’ll get hurt.” Seember as she shoved her out of the hospital .

“You foul spirit seems you didn’t hear me the first time , right now I command you to leave this body in Jesus name!”

Pastor Gamadi commanded Ogwuche dropped hard to the ground and began to rotate like a ceiling fan , screaming in a voice of an old man , he cried and cried rotating and knocking down the bed and cabinets in his room ,

Just them a black substance began to pour out from his eyes,ear nose and mouth ,as pastor Gamadi kept praying , the substance kept pouring at some point it changed into an Old man , whose skin was black like charcoal.

Mr Agada ran out of the room , it stared at pastor Gamadi and hissed , it smashed through the glass window screaming and flew from the room , in the from of several bats . The room became quiet again .

Ogwuche remained on the ground unconscious. “Brother Agada ? please come let us put him back on the bed .” Pastor Gamadi called , Ogwuche’s uncle came into the room , and found Ogwuche lying on the ground , he helped the pastor put him on the bed . Do

oshima ran into the room, and checked all over Ogwuche’s body to see if he and been injured . there was no new injury except his swollen head with which he had hit against the wall .

“Daddy is he okay now ?” Dooshima asked glaring at her father’s face . “Dooshima he’s been delivered .” The pastor said, Dooshima rushed to Ogwuche’s bed and embraced him .
Four hours later he woke up from a deep sleep , he turned to Dooshima . “Dooshima what happened?” He yawned, Dooshima stared at him ,he was sceptical about touching him . “Go ahead and touch him .” The professor said , slowly Dooshima touched Ogwuche.
“Aaaarh it hurts , why are you touching me like that ?” Ogwuche asked , he didn’t react violently, Dooshima went closer and embraced him .The news of his deliverance had spread across the hospital.

Doctors and hospital staff came to greet pastor Gamadi,and begged that he should pray for them .He prayed for them and more miracles happened. After two more days in the hospital , Dooshima arranged for an ambulance that took Ogwuche to Abuja .

He was admitted to Cedarcrest hospital , were he got an extensive treatment for two months . He was discharged from the hospital he stayed with his uncle at Maitama .

“Sir we have already become family now , we’ve seen that the love our children share not tribalism , witchcraft and wizardry or parental manipulation can change it .

I’ve spoken to both Dooshima and Ogwuche , they want to do the right thing they should have done eight years ago .” Mr Agada said sitting beside Ogwuche and Dooshima at the Pastor’s sitting room .

“We want to ask for the hands of Dooshima in marriage , she had shown more than enough that she values my nephew more than anything in this world ,and he too .

Please sir how do we go about it ?” Mr Agada continued,the pastor laughed so hard with a thick baritone voice.

“Why are you being so formal ? bring the wine let us drink , Dooshima said she doesn’t want a big wedding , let us drink this wine .”

they popped the cap of the red wine , it was poured into glass cups , they prayed over it and drank , Seember felt so ashamed each time she saw Ogwuche ,she regretted trying to force her will on Dooshima, she imagined having a drug addict as a son in-law .
Terfa had been institutionalised in a rehabilitation centre for drug abuse,he had almost died from a cocaine overdose.
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