Ogwuche was unconscious for two whole days , he came around on the third day, he looked around confusedly, wondering where he was . Mrs Ada was by his side. She ran out to go and call the doctor , Dooshima and Psalm had gone into town to get food for breakfast, the doctors rushed into the room .

“What the he… what-am- I doing… here?” He slowly mumbled . “Please doctor Ogwuche open your eyes .” A doctor said flashing a very small torchlight into his eyes .
“You were in a fatal accident three days ago , your car flipped over and somersaulted over three times , you were lucky not to have sustained a permanent injury , we were told you were flung out of the window , you landed in a ditch ,and blacked out , thank God for your friend, the doctor she brought you here .” The tall and slender male doctor said , Ogwuche nodded .

“Ogwuche how are you doing?” Ada asked sitting next to his bed .

“Well-I-am-fine .” He grunted he winched in pains as he tried to shift and reposition himself ,a sharp pain hit his ribs , he let out a loud cry , that echoed through the silent ward .
“Please stay calm Doctor Ogwuche , don’t move .” The doctor begged , holding Ogwuche down. “You cracked a couple of ribs , you have to stay calm , so you don’t hurt yourself okay ?” The doctor asked and Ogwuche nodded , grimacing.

“Ogwuche Dooshima and your daughter have been here with you for two days .” Ada said , Ogwuche’s face lightened up . “Did she get married to that idiot woman beater ?” He grumbled still in pain, he spoke slowly in almost a whisper .Ada shook her head .

“Ajuma made a video and sent to her , she saw it as she was about to take her vow , she ran out of the church straight to this hospital, she is making arrangements to move you to a better hospital in town .”Ada said , Ogwuche couldn’t say much , he just nodded .

“Where are they now ?” He asked. “Well they just drove to an eatery to get us breakfast.” Ada said Ogwuche lay in bed , letting the tears pour down , he wiped it off with his uninjured had , he couldn’t believe he was in reality, he felt like he was living in a dream , he had given up hope of ever having Dooshima back .

Dooshima and Shiana returned from the restaurant to meet a cheerful Ada break the good news to them , Dooshima was super elated , Shiana ran into the room ,she stood short from Ogwuche, her heart trembling , she was wondering if she should go near him , remembering what she had faced a few days back .”Shiana baby please come to daddy .
“Ogwuche said fighting the tears that was hobbling around his eyes , he wiped it off with the back of his hand , Shiana reluctantly walked to her father’s bed , Ogwuche beckoned on her to come to him , she went closer , he put his arms around her and kissed her forehead.

“Thank you for coming to see me .” Ogwuche said . “Daddy will you hurt me again ?” Shiana asked , Ogwuche was confused he couldn’t understand her . “Baby hurt you ?”

“Shiana please don’t ask your father questions, he just woke up .” Dooshima said , standing near Ogwuche’s bed , her arms folded around her chest .He turned to her with a teary eye.

“Thank you for making such sacrifice for me . I don’t know if I would be able to live if I lost the both of you .” Ogwuche said to Dooshima , while kissing Shiana’s hair . “But dad you hurt mum and I on Friday , you knocked me to the ground at…” Shiana told her dad . “Shiana I said let your daddy be .Don’t overload his head!” Dooshima yelled , still standing far from Ogwuche , she was scared of touching him.

“Please I want to step out and make a call .” Dooshima said ,before walking to the corridor . she couldn’t wait to share her good news .She first of all called Mimidoo , then Cynthia, before calling her dad. “Hello daddy, you can’t believe what just happened.” Dooshima said joyfully as she stood in Ogwuche’s room. “what is the big news Dooshima?”

“Daddy Ogwuche is up .” Dooshima said to her father elated and overjoyed. “Praise the Lord. How did it happen?” he asked Dooshima.

“Daddy I had gone to go and get breakfast, when I returned I saw aunt Ada outside , who informed me that Ogwuche had woken up , I rushed in to see him myself , and it’s the truth .” Dooshima said joyfully.

“That’s beautiful dear , I’ll be in the hospital in an hour time to see him, is his uncle there ?” The pastor asked . “No Dad though he was here yesterday afternoon till late in the night ,he called that he would soon be here , he had gone to Makurdi.”Dooshima said .

“I’ll be there in an hour .We need to pray for him to cancel the spirit of death hanging over his head .” Professor Gamadi said .”Thank you dad am expecting you .” Dooshima said .

She went into Ogwuche’s room , she met him and Shiana discussing , Shiana was laughing ,as she sat on the bed with her father . “Shiana you’re pressing your dad , he’s hurt come down from the bed .”Dooshima said to Shiana ,who was reluctant to get down. “Dooshima please leave her , her presence here is a therapeutic massage to my bones .”Ogwuche struggled to say with a weak face on his face .

“Why are you staying far away from me ?” Ogwuche asked Dooshima , she smiled .”Nothing I just like to stay here .” She said ,Ogwuche couldn’t believe her .

“You’re avoiding me ? is it because of what I did that day ?”Ogwuche asked , Dooshima simply shook her head . “Then what Na ? am I now- so -annoying that -you have to run very far from me ?” Ogwuche struggled to say , just then Mr Agada, his wife and son entered the room . “Ogwuche you’re awake?” Mr Agada asked . “Yes-I am-uncle “Ogwuche struggled to say .

“I can see you’re bonding with your dad .” Mr Agada said to Shiana, she giggled. Ada brought a chair for him to seat down . He turned to Dooshima. “Why are you staying away from your husband.” The question forced a stiffled laughter out of Dooshima’s lips . “Sir he’s not my husband.”Dooshima said .

“Ehnnmmm we know the both of you are destined to be together, oya go and meet him , hold his hands maybe your touch would heal him faster .” Mr Agada joked , Dooshima remained fixed where she was standing . “Come on Dooshima I’m not playing I want to see this family reunion.”

Dooshima went closer to Ogwuche’s bed , and sat on the edge of the bed ? Ogwuche stretched forth his hands to her , immediately she touched him , his eyes immediately went black , he began to convulse and toss on the bed , like one having an Epileptic episode , he began to foam from the mouth , his eyes turned black ,

Dooshima took Shiana down from the bed , she rushed out of the room with her to fetch a doctor , two doctors and a nurse ran into the room.

“What happened to him ?” They asked Ada and her husband.

“He was okay just now , we don’t know what happened to him .”Ada said crying , Ogwuche was bending his whole body in a C shape , his head and legs were on the bed , while his stomach was raised up like a massive C , Shiana was crying her eyes out . “We need to give him a sedative to put him to sleep , he’s having a psychotic episode.” one of the for said . The second rushed to the pharmacy to get the sedative and syringe .

“You seem to be stubborn ! you shall die a painful death , a covenant was made with Adachi, a covenant must be pay , you’ll die a painful death .” Those words left Ogwuche’s lips , but the voice was not his voice , it was like ten different men growling in pains .

“You’ll die the day you touch her !” Ogwuche cried fighting the doctors , the second doctor brought the sedative and dragged it from the transparent glass bottle ,with a needle and a syringe,the other doctor held Ogwuche down ,he struggled to inject him , Ogwuche held his hands , he squeezed and flung the syringe away .

“We cannot be stopped, we are many ,we own this body , nobody can take us out , He broke the covenant with the gods , He had warnings , he choose to ignored them ,he would never listen today I’ll take his soul , he is the proverbial stubborn flies that dies with the corpse.
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