“Ogwuche or whatever is your name have you not been warned not to step feet into this compound? Who even let you into this compound?” Seember yelled, Ogwuche wasn’t perturbed by her meanness he was used to it already .

“Mum I can handle my affairs on my own , please can you let me be?” Dooshima said to her mother not minding the crowd staring,Mrs Seember felt so embarrassed, she walked off to see how the cooking was going .

“Dooshima this is my friend Ajuma , well she was at my uncle’s place since yesterday night, she asked to accompany me here , I didn’t know it would offend you .” Ogwuche said apologetically, holding on to Shiana’s hands .

“Sorry Dooshima that my presence upsets you , we went somewhere before branching over here , I should have stayed outside the house.” Ajuma said to Dooshima , it didn’t make her feel a little better. “Dooshima what happened to your face ? who hurt you?” Ogwuche asked Dooshima, his hand was holding Shiana’s hand .

“It’s uncle Terfa .” Shiana whispered . “Who is Terfa Dooshima? who is the beast.” Seember invited herself into the conversation the second time . “Terfa is ten times the man you can never be , you got my daughter pregnant , you abandoned her and appeared when she’s about to move on , to ruin her marriage ?” Mrs Seember said , Ogwuche had taken enough of Seember’s insolence.

“It would serve you better if you don’t poke into your daughter’s life , you’ve hated me all this years with passion ,
not that I’ve done one thing wrong to you , how do you pray to your God? did you at any point support my relationship with your daughter dear Mrs Seember ? I came here today not to snatch Dooshima away , she’s done with me , and is getting married ,

Ajuma here is my fiancee. I came here to see my daughter and say bye to her mother , could you let us be!” Ogwuche yelled angrily at Seember , she got bomb struck , not believing Ogwuche could talk back at her .Shiana removed her arms from her father’s and ran over to Dooshima’s back , she glared at Ajuma with a sad puppy eyes .

“Fiancee? fiancee?” Dooshima asked , her lips dry and her body trembled . “Am sorry Dooshima , I also have to move on with my life , perhaps what we felt eight years ago was just infatuation.”Ogwuche said , Dooshima wiped tears off her face .

Ogwuche brought low his voice . “I just came to apologize to you one last time Dooshima , I don’t know if I would he returning back to Nigeria anytime soon .” He said Dooshima’s heart almost exploded.

“Where are you going?” Dooshima said , forcing herself to speak, she couldn’t hide her sadness . “Well Dooshima there’s nothing left for me here ,

I lost everything, my medical license , I lost my life , I lost the woman I love , why should I stay here ? it’s better I travel to a new place and start over with Ajuma.”

Ogwuche said almost in tears , Dooshima cleaned the tears from her eyes with the sleeve of her kimono , she sniffed as though she was suffering from catarh.

“What about Shiana , don’t you care about her ?” Dooshima asked , Ogwuche sighed for a while , he stepped closer to Dooshima and Shiana, the little girl was staring with tear in her heart , she was praying to God for a miracle, for her parents to get back together , but her father’s revelation broke her heart .

“You had taken good care of her , while I was away for eight years, she’ll do fine without me .”

Shiana began to whimper ,holding on to Dooshima’s hand . “Am sorry that I abandoned you with our baby , I wish I could turn back the hands of time , I would have left the village with you that night , I shouldn’t have stayed , my father played on my intelligence.”

Ogwuche said , Dooshima couldn’t hold her tears , she began to cry , not knowing what to do , Ogwuche moved closer ,he took her hands in his for the first time in eight years , an electric volt Surged through their whole body ,

Dooshima let the emotions pour out of her body , the tears fell freely. Suddenly Ogwuche removed his hands from hers ,he began to tremble , his eyes turned black , he hated Dooshima.

“Ajuma let’s go !” Ogwuche growled in an inhuman voice . Dooshima held his hand . “Ogwuche what’s wrong with you ? ” Ajuma yelled at him
“Let go off my hand now!” He squawked,

Dooshima refused to take her hands off , her hands felt like burning coals on his skin , he forcefully withdrew himself from her , he plucked her hands off his arm, Shiana ran to Ogwuche ,grabbed him and locked her arms around his waist .

“Please Daddy don’t go mummy needs you .”She begged ,Ogwuche fought to remove her arms from around his waist , Shiana held him with her last strength, Ogwuche pushed her to the ground .
“Don’t you dare touch me! Go to your mother Shiana I’ve to go now!” Ogwuche said .Seember ran to pick her grandchild.

“Ogwuche what’s wrong with you ?” Dooshima cried , he couldn’t tell who it was who was calling his name , he felt like a million bottles were grinding in his head , he wanted to get out of the compound,he got into the car ,

Ajuma jumped in after him .”Ogwuche what has come over you ?” Ajuma yelled ,while inside the the vehicle. “I understand if you are mean to your ex , but not your innocent child , you hurt that girl .

Are you sure you’re normal !” Ajuma snapped ,Ogwuche drove the car like a mad man , out of the professor’s compound , he wanted to run away from the fire , he couldn’t answer Ajuma ,she couldn’t feel the heat , she couldn’t feel his torment , she couldn’t understand his pains , as soon as he hit the express road his eyes immediately changed the black turned to white .

“Ogwuche slow down you’re going too fast what’s wrong with you ?” She cried .”Imagine how you treated your child !”

“What do you mean Ajuma ?” Ogwuche asked sincerely. “You mean you were not aware that you yelled at your ex and her daughter?” Ogwuche shook his head.

“What’s that on the road ?” Ogwuche asked a black and tall creature in a form of a masquerade was standing in front of their vehicle.

“What is it ?” Ajuma asked , Ogwuche was too stunned to speak, he sweat profusely as he stepped on the accelerator .
“Ogwuche slow down! you’re going to get us killed !” she cried .

The faster he went ,the closer the beast got , Ajuma hurriedly put on her seatbelt , she knew Ogwuche was no longer himself ,he kept staring towards her side of the window , but she couldn’t see the what was chasing him.
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