Mimi paused . “He was hundred percent certain that he was the man Iyua was seeing , he was the one he engaged in a fisticuff, we all thought he had gone with Iyua to America , but he was hiding here in Nigeria .

I’ve informed Iyua now , that her darling sweetheart, dumped her in America and is getting married next tomorrow here in Nigeria ,she went crazy ,see is in New York,you should ask him if he doesn’t know Iyua .”

Cold immediately went through Dooshima’s body , how could life he playing a game with her the second time , she was as white as a ghost .

“Dooshima are you Okay?” Mimidoo asked . Dooshima couldn’t say a word . “Psalm take me to Terfa’s parents house , I need to see him now .” Dooshima said , Psalm drove towards the JS Tarka stadium and took a left turn towards the Akase mansion, the security men at the gate , welcomed Dooshima into the compound , Dooshima was burning in anger .

Dooshima and Mimidoo went into the building,while Psalm choose to remain in the car , he placed his service pistol on the front passenger seat , removed his suit , then he began to surf the net . Mrs Bemshima and her husband were sitting at the ,eyes glued to the television,she turned to Dooshima.

“Hey Dooshima how are you doing?” Mrs Bemshima asked .”Am fine mummy,Good afternoon sir .” Dooshima greeted Mr Akase ,he waved at her eyes still glued to the television set .” please ma where is Terfa?” Dooshima asked .

“He stepped out to get some bottles of wine from the supermarket, he’ll soon be here .”she showed Dooshima to an empty couch , she sat as though there were pine thorns on the chair , she was impatiently waiting, the house keeper brought a tray pan with two bottle of water and malt.

Mimidoo opened the cap of her water, she poured a bit into a tumbler,she downed the water as though she had escaped from the desert.

Dooshima sat with her both elbows resting on her knees , her chin resting on her intertwined fingers .

“Dooshima I want to give you some wrappers I got from England yesterday.”Mrs Bemshima said . “It will suit you well .”

“Thank you ma .” Dooshima said absent minded ,soon Terfa’s SUV drove into the compound , he was surprised to see Dooshima. “Baby you came around ?” Terfa said with a grin on his face , he bent forward and pecked Dooshima’s cheek .

“I went to go and see the event manager and get a few bottles of wine for our bachelor party tomorrow night .” He said still smiling charmingly, flashing his pearl white teeth , Dooshima wasn’t smiling back , he wondered why . Dooshima held his hand like a mother would her child ,and dragged him upstairs .

“Terfa we need to talk !” Dooshima yelled, Terfa’s parents wondered what Terfa must have done again . When they got to a quiet corridors on the first flow , Dooshima stopped and turned to him .

“Terfa look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t know any lady called Iyua?” Dooshima asked , Terfa looked at her confusedly. “Dooshima what are you talking about ?I don’t know anyone by that name .” He said with all sincerity.

“Common Terfa tell me the truth , the people who told me this cannot lie to me . Does she have your child ?” Dooshima asked .

“I don’t know what you’re saying Dooshima , I said I don’t know anyone by that name , and I have no child .”He said holding Dooshima’s arms . “Look into my eyes babe.

” Terfa said with his calmest voice . “Dooshima you’re my dream come through. I cannot lie to you , I don’t know any woman with that name , talkless of having a child I don’t know about .”He said ,glaring at Dooshima’s eyes until she believed him.

His parents were relieved to see that the tension between their son and Dooshima had gone down , the chiefs were bringing tray pans with food to the dinning table ,it was about three P.M .

“Please Dooshima you cannot say no , you must join us for dinner .” Mr Akase said , Dooshima was reluctant, but Mrs Bemshima had her way with her .

“Please the Security detail is outside please his food should be packed and sent to him .”Dooshima pleaded with the chef who was more than willing to do as she had asked , pug meat covered the table , the Egusi soup was almost invisible, the plate of soup was filled with meat .

Dooshima was eating slowly , her eyes fixed on Terfa he was looking uncomfortable, not participating in the conversation between his parents and siblings, he just staring at his phone , a call came in he picked it and went upstairs, he was there for five minutes before he returned to the dinning table.

“Terfa is everything Okay ?” His mum asked .

“Yeah mum I’m trying to reach the DJ ,it seems he trying fuckup!” Terfa said angrily , his father glared at him like a lion would it prey . “Boy mind your language, you cannot talk like a fool in front of your father .” Mr Akase grumbled .

“Am sorry dad.” Terfa said , his phone began to ring again ,he ran upstairs, Dooshima washed her hands and followed behind him .

“I swear to God Gift I’ll kill you if you ruin my happiness, what’s wrong with you! take that boy back to his father! I’m not his dad , does he look like me ? See his eyes .

” He said pacing about the corridor . “I don’t care ! I don’t care I curse the day I met you , you’re just a cheap blackmailer. I should have done the DNA before agreeing to sponsor your trip abroad , I don’t love you , I don’t want your son , please do not call my number again , I am going to block you now .” Terfa yelled .

“Who do you want to block ?” Dooshima asked . “Who were you talking to ? Iyua ?” Dooshima asked . “Calm down Dooshima I can explain .” Terfa said .

“Don’t explain , give me your phone , I want to see who it is .” Dooshima said , Terfa put a hand in front of her . “No Dooshima please don’t do this , I’ve nothing to do with her , I’ve not spoken to her for over two years.”

Dooshima lunched forward and tried to snatch Terfa’s phone from him , a hot slap landed on her face.

“Oh Jesus what have I done !” Terfa cried as he ran after Dooshima,she was already rushing down the staircase, she ignored the calls from Terfa’s parents ,Mimidoo washed her hands and ran after her friend, Dooshima banged the door as she went out , Terfa ran after her kneeling before her .

“Dooshima please I beg you in the name of God ,ehn take my phone , You’ll see I have nothing do with her , she’s just trying to blackmail me , I’ve sent seven million naira to her just to keep her away , she’s bent on destroying my happiness.” Psalm jumped out of the car and shoved Terfa out of the way .

“Did he do this to you ?” He asked going forward ready to strike him , he could see the shape of his five fingers on her brown chocolate skin , his heart burned with fire .
“Please let him be.

” Dooshima pleaded with Psalm , he stood there staring at Terfa angrily , he got into the car before Terfa’s mother could reach them . Psalm drove the beast out of the compound.

“Dooshima is this one not better for you not to marry ? what kind of stupid man beats his wife two days to their wedding ? You’ll hear pepper if you go ahead with this marriage oh .”

He said driving in high speed . They got into the minister’s compound , Dooshima got out of the SUV and ran upstairs to her room she shut the door , she wouldn’t open the door to her mother and Mimidoo, they stood outside the door knocking.

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