The sound of percussion instruments combined with brass and woodwind made the church have a feeling of angels assembled in praises .

Mr Agada had dragged Ogwuche on a leach to the church , his anger at God had not made his rational capabilities of understanding the gift of life , so he continued his malice with God, for overseeing the afflictions that came upon him like it had happened to the Biblical Job.

He sat aloof ,staring at the ceiling hanging hundreds of feets from the ground ,his arms embraced his chest , his face hardened like ebony wood, the woman sitting next to him, wondered if he was carrying the world in his chest, he didn’t sing a word of the song .

The thousands of voices unified in a synchronous voice to bring down glory from the roof of heaven . Ogwuche couldn’t wait for the service to be over for him to get out of the boring assembly,Mimidoo leg the praise session , she sang with the voice of angels , the beauty of music couldn’t reach Ogwuche’s numb soul .

His papers were ready , the agent had called Mr Agada and informed him , Ogwuche was to travel the Saturday Dooshima’s wedding would be taking place , it was a relief to him , Ene was so joyful that something good could come towards her son, who had eaten raw pain for good eight years.

She called and showered Mr Agada with praises, she blessed his fifth generation.
Professor Gamadi mounted the pulpit that morning , and taught extensively on the importance of people relying on the will of God , and not losing hope in the face of adversity, not giving up hope , even when there was no hope .

The church service ended by twelve P.M Mr Agada had a another surprise for Ogwuche .
“Please Ogwuche don’t be in a hurry to go , I told Daddy about your journey abroad to start a new phase , he asked that you should see him before you go.”

He said , Mr Agada said , he took off his black suit and handed it to Ada who was sitting few seats from Ogwuche . A frown spread like a dark cloudy day across Ogwuche’s face .

“But uncle why did you have to tell him ? I want to leave Nigeria and put them all behind me .” Ogwuche grumbled .

“Ogwuche never undermine the place of prayer , your life that has been marred by satanic affliction, it’s an opportunity for you to see the man of God . He said Ogwuche remained silent , but looking indifferent.

The members had trooped out of the church , only workers who were cleaning up the trash people had left in the church , and a few people who stood in groups discussing , Ogwuche sat with his arms folded over his chest , that had become his favourite posture .

Seember was walking down the aisle with her grandchildren , Anabel had come to Gboko to help Dooshima prepare for her big day , Dooshima was walking behind Seember , when Shiana saw her father , she went berserk .

She had been troubling Dooshima to take her to see her dad , since they arrived from Abuja three days earlier , Dooshima outrightly refused , she dreaded that topic , she planned to avoid him , until her marriage to Terfa was completed .

Though she knew she had no love for Terfa , she couldn’t avoid to gamble her future with an Ogwuche who was unstable like the water in the river Benue , with her mother’s encouragement, she would rather marry Terfa , from a family where she’s loved and accepted , not going to a family where she would be treated like a lesser human.

She was stunned , her skin went white , her lips immediately lost all moisture, her legs became cooked noodles , so limp she almost tripped , her heart beat drum beats of war , she almost took to her heels ,to run towards the opposite direction .

“Shiana come back here!” Seember cried after her grand child as she dashed ahead at the speed of light ,screaming .”Daddy! Daddy!”She embraced Ogwuche , and hugged him tight.

“Daddy I missed you so much . How are you doing ?” She asked gleefully, shining her bright white milk teeth . “How have you been daddy ?” Shiana asked .
“I’ve been fine Shiana , am I not looking better ?”He asked , Shiana had climbed on his lap ,her arms wrapped around his neck ,she looked at Ogwuche’s face with admiration.

“Yeah you’re looking better now daddy , see the hole that was in your neck has covered .Your cheek is looking fuller you’re handsome daddy , mummy can you come and snap me and my daddy ?” Shiana said to Dooshima who was hiding behind her mother ,she couldn’t face Her former love.

“Shiana come here now and let’s go!” Seember yelled at the little girl , who grumpily came down from Ogwuche’s lap .

“Mum don’t spoil it for her please!” Annabel snapped . “She’s not seen her dad for a while let her enjoy the moment .”Annabel said , she stepped forward , Dooshima and her mother moved ahead , with Annabel’s kids , while Annabel asked Shiana to resume her position , which she joyfully did .

Annabel took several shots of Ogwuche and Shiana . “Please can I have your number ? So I can transfer the pictures to you.” She asked Ogwuche , who nodded he called out his number to Annabel .

Shiana pecked Ogwuche on the cheek before she walked away with her aunt waving him bye .

Ogwuche felt a kind of peace he couldn’t explain , he kept looking at Shiana and her aunt ,they walked down the aisle and went straight of the church . An usher , wearing a navy Blue suit and a blue white shirt walked up to Ogwuche.
“Good afternoon sir .”

He said . “the pastor is waiting for you in his office .” He said , Ogwuche thanked him and walked behind him . They walked into the big office , shelves covered the wall like a lawyer’s office , Pastor Gamadi got up from his seat and extended an arm to Ogwuche, Mr Agada was already sitted in the pastor’s office .

“Ogwuche it’s been a long while , more than seven years , you’re looking very good.” The pastor said shaking Ogwuche with a jovial smile on his face .
“Thank you sir , it’s my pleasure to see you again .”Ogwuche said , the man pointed him to a seat.

“How has life been with you my son ?” The pastor asked , Ogwuche bowed his head , he forced a smile on his face .”Sir I thank God, I cannot say it’s been easy but I thank God.” Ogwuche said .

“I love your spirit son , in whatever you do , in whatever situation you face thank the Lord , he has a bigger plan for you .”The pastor said Ogwuche nodded .”I was angry at you for letting my daughter suffer , she was lost for many years ,when I returned back to Nigeria after my treatment in England I couldn’t find her , I heard you left her .
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