“No Dooshima there’s no next time , we have to fix that now , or else I’ll have a talk with your dad , you almost cost us this case today , talk to me , I may be able to understand and help you .”

He said sitting beside Dooshima in the front seat passenger side of Dooshima’s car . Dooshima sighed and relaxed her head on the back rest of her car .

“I’m in a dilemma . The man I had Shiana for , my ex ,we had a short relationship that lasted a few months, but it was the best time of my life , I was heads over heels for him , but then he disappeared for seven good years . I saw hell ,I hated him so much, he promised the world , he gave me only pains .

” she said . “I thought I was over him , when I didn’t think about him for a while , but then he resurfaced on the day we went for our introduction a few months back , he rekindled fire in my heart .

I’ve been trying to remove him from my head I cannot .” Dooshima cried , the man was quiet for a while .
“So did you get to know why he left ?” He asked , Dooshima sat for a while .

“Well I didn’t give him a chance to say anything, I heard he was under spell placed on him by his dad so he wouldn’t think of me , but who believes such in the twenty first century?” Dooshima asked , the senior lawyer laughed.

“Dooshima I thought you should know better , the devil is very real , you cannot doubt that. And for your fiance the barrister ,I want to tell you that if you loved him , you wouldn’t have any feeling for your ex , I will ask you sort yourself out before you think of marriage .” He advised . “Don’t marry who you don’t love .”
“Thank you sir. I’ve been praying I am still just too confused to take another step in any direction. ” Dooshima said .

“Be sure you clear it with God before you say yes or no . please you don’t need to allow your personal problems affect your job .

” The lawyer adviced before getting down of Dooshima’s car , Dooshima removed her black lawyer’s gown and wig and dumped them at the back of her car, her white bands hung around her neck , as she drove away from the court premises .

Dooshima fasted for days , begging God that he should put love in her heart for Terfa in her heart , she felt God wasn’t answering.

She wanted to her that discussion with him, but she had been dragging her feet , not wanting to , but on a Friday just one week to their traditional marriage , Dooshima called him .
“Please Terfa can we see this evening after work ?” Dooshima asked .

“No problem babe I’ll come and pick you , been a while self that we hung up .” He said , Dooshima nodded and hung the call .

Terfa dropped by at Dooshima’s office at the ministry of Justice in central area . He picked Dooshima , they didn’t talk much on their way to the restaurant, just normal enquiry on how their day went .

Terfa held the door of the car open for as they headed out to the Paradise restaurant, a five star restaurant.

Dooshima ordered for fried rice and fried plantain ,Terfa asked for green rice and chicken with a bottle of champagne, he raised his face from the plate .

“So what did you want to talk to me about ?” Terfa asked as he was eating .
“Terfa you know before the proposal , you promised to take Shiana as your child , so I didn’t bother to ask you if she would be staying with us .”

Dooshima asked . “Will you accept my daughter to live with us ?” Dooshima asked , the bright smile on his face disappeared, replaced by incensed anger.

“Is there a need for me to answer that question Lillian ?” He grumbled . “your dad and mum are alive , why would a reasonable woman ask such a question. where have you seen a new marriage start with three people?” The insult hit Dooshima hard in the lungs , she couldn’t breath .

“Did you just insult me Terfa ?” Dooshima asked .
“Yes because if you are wise you wouldn’t call me out from my job to come and tell me such rubbish .

Your daughter is not my daughter, let her father or your parents take care of her !” Terfa yelled and slammed the table , Dooshima was startled , people in the restaurant turned towards the couples , Dooshima was just speechless , she heed her face .
“Terfa what have a said to warrant such harsh response?” Dooshima asked .

“You don’t love me Dooshima , you’re just looking for a reason to fight me and break up . We can get your daughter twenty maids and nannies , but let her stay away from me , she doesn’t like me I don’t care , but you cannot force another man’s child on me!” Terfa yelled .

“Keep the girl with your mother , you’ve managed to spoil my evening , you can find your way home when you’re done with your dinner .” He yelled got up and grabbed his car keys.

“Waiter come and give me my bill!” The waiter returned with a POS machine , Terfa punched in twenty five thousand Naira into the machine, for two plates of rice and juice before heading out of the restaurant .
Dooshima sat before there too ashamed to get up , all eyes were on her , she ordered an Uber , she rushed out to board her under , when the moping eyes shifted their gaze . She had never seen that aspect of Terfa ,well she had known him for only five months , what did she expect?” she thought.

She sat quietly ,until the Uber driver dropped her at the parking lot of the ministry where she got her car and drove home.

To be continued…..
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