“I’ve warned you severally Dooshima not to mingle with that boy, he’s bad news! How do you want me to sound the alarm? ” Mrs Seember cried. “I don’t know why my spirit doesn’t accept that boy stop seeing him Dooshima! ” Mrs Seember begged.

“Never it’s never going to happen mum! you cannot detect to me who to marry ! You cannot fix me up with the governor’s son like you did Annabel! I won’t succumb! ” Mrs Seember slapped Dooshima across the face.

“Mummy beat me all you want , you can slap me again! Ogwuche is who I love I am going to marry him. ” She said sobbing as she walked away.

“Dooshima you’re grounded! The only time you’re leaving this house is to church! church to the house! House to the church! if I ever see you Outside the house! I’ll make you regret it! ” She said as Dooshima climbed the stairs.

“Do whatever you want mum it’s just for the moment! I’ll soon be leaving this prison Abuja! I’ll see how you’ll come and lock me up there.” Dooshima replied her mum, crying her eyes out.


“If you don’t get pregnant before then! ” Mrs Seember hollered at her daughter , before she shook the foundation of the house with a thunderous slam of her door.

Mimidoo had been calling Dooshima’s phone number , for over a million times she was not taking the her calls, she wondered why Dooshima had changed, she was someone who was usually first to go to church programs. But she had changed, for two Saturdays Dooshima had missed choir practice.

“Hello Dooshima where are you na? ” Mimidoo asked angrily when Dooshima picked up, she could hear a male voice talking in the background it resembled Dr Ogwuche’s.

“I am hanging out with a friend.” Was Dooshima’s short response.
“What do you mean Dooshima? Brother Fanan is threatening to report you to your dad. ” She said , Dooshima sighed .

“Please just tell him I’ll be there , he shouldn’t report me to my dad please. ” Dooshima pleaded.


“I will try my best , I don’t understand your relationship with Ogwuche, you are holding on to him and forgetting about rje things of God. ” Mimidoo cried.

“Please Mimidoo this isn’t about Ogwuche , put this on people who think because they gave birth to you they can control your life and how you breath. I called him here because I missed him. ” Dooshima said.

“Just be careful Dooshima. Whatever would take you away from God will take you closer to Satan and temptation.” Mimidoo warned.

“Calm down Mimidoo I will be fine, I and Ogwuche see only in public spaces. ” Dooshima said before Mimidoo hanged up. Since her mother decided to restrict her movement, just so she wouldn’t have to see Ogwuche, she used her only opportunity out of the house which was Saturday for choir practice to go and see him.

“Who was that on the phone? ” Ogwuche asked Dooshima.
“Well that was Mimi, she’s worried that I’ve been missing choir practice. ” Dooshima said as she scooped a spoon of rice into her mouth.


“But Dooshima you cannot be missing choir practice and church programs? what if your father thinks I’m the one who encouraged you to abandon your duty in church? ” Ogwuche asked with a grimace on his face .

“Well you’re responsible O. ” Dooshima said laughing, as she bite a chunk of chicken. Ogwuche held her hand.

“Baby your dad actually likes me, let’s not mess that up for ourselves. We can sneak to see each other on Sundays in the church. ” He kept staring into her eyes, until she took her eyes away.

“Okay I’ve heard you sir,I’ll do as you said. ” Dooshima said still with a grimace.
“Oh baby are you serious? ” he asked and Dooshima nodded.

“That’s beautiful baby that’s why I love you. ” He raised the back of her palms to his mouth and kissed it.”


Thank you baby It means a lot to me. ” Ogwuche said, He raised his face so his aunt coming into the restaurant. She came directly to their table, she grabbed a glass on of orange juice resting on the table and turned it on Ogwuche’s head.

The whole people in the restaurant screamed in horror. She started yelling at the top of her voice in Idoma language.

“Ogwuche if you have used charm like your father to tie my husband! You cannot tie me! have I not warned you never to drive my car? ” She was enraged, Ogwuche sat silently watching his aunt throwing tantrums.

“You’re lucky that today it was hot water! the next time you temper with my car again I’ll pour hot water on you! Use your uncles car! never you touch my car. ” She yelled at the top of her voice the whole of the restaurant stood still.

“Give me my car keys! ” She yelled before she dragged the car keys from Ogwuche.
“Aunt that’s not cool! how can you be so mean!” Dooshima confronted Ada.


“Shut up! ” Ada replied Dooshima. “Don’t worry you’ll soon get pregnant and he would dump you. ” she replied Dooshima. “And then your eyes will be clear. ”

“Madam you’re very wicked! ” a man said to Ada.
“you’re very stupid! Go and give your car keys to him. ” she said before cat walking out of the restaurant.

Ogwuche blamed himself for taking her car, his uncle had traveled with his Toyota Land cruiser to the village. The Lexus had a little fault so he decided to take his aunt car.

He got a taxi that dropped Dooshima at her family house before he went back to the house
To be continued……….

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