It was a merry moment at the Gamadi’s family duplex ,the family was seated around the dimming table taking a breakfast of fried Irish potatoes, fried eggs, bread and tea .

The professor was dressed in a milk coloured pajamas , he sat next to his wife Seember . Dooshima was sitting on the other edge of the dining table , chatting on her phone , with a blushing smile on her face .

“Dooshima put down that phone and eat your food .” The professor said to his daughter. Dooshima immediately dropped the phone and picked up her fork . “I spoke with Terver , he said the form for law school will be out in two weeks.” Dooshima looked up from her plate with a smile on her face.

“Thank you dad .” Dooshima said , toasting her egg about with a fork .
“Talking of law school? that’s if she doesn’t get pregnant first , with that boy hanging with online every minute of the day !” Mrs Seember said with a grimace.


“Mum!” Dooshima screamed. “How am I to get married if at twenty three going to twenty four I cannot associate with a man ? Will my husband Come from heaven ?” Dooshima asked furiously.

“Young woman don’t use that tone with your mother!” The pastor reprimanded his daughter . “Apologize to your mum !”

Dooshima sat frozen on her chair as her brothers giggled. “I said say sorry to your mum at once!” The pastor yelled , Dooshima was shaken , he had never raised his voice at her before, she was almost in tears.

“But dad you heard what mum said! Ogwuche is a nice man! ” She defended her love. “Why is everyone just fighting my love interest? ” she complained , professor Gamadi put down his fork and stared into the face of his daughter.

“I said apologize to your mother now! ” The pastor yelled and slammed his fist against the table that the utensils jumped off the surface and landed .


“Am sorry mum! ” Dooshima said tears rolling from her eye, she dropped her napkin on the table and got up from her chair, wiping off tears from her eyes with the back of her hand. Her brothers laughed out loud.

“You big mouths shut up! ” the pastor yelled at his sons,they immediately shut up their mouths,and focused on their food. He continued with his food . Dooshima climbed into her room and locked herself, she cried till her throat went sore.

“Seember you could actually talk to dooshima in a way that she won’t feel you hate her. ” The pastor said to his wife when they went into the bedroom .

“I know you’re worried about her future and the kind of man the young man is . But we can’t just decide for her who she should end up with.” The pastor said as he got into bed with his wife.

“Darling what’s wrong with the boys in the church , those we know? This children grew from church, we know them, we know their parents. ” She hissed . “How can she go for somebody who isn’t born again and whose parents we don’t know. ” He quarreled.


“Sweetheart the Bible says he who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtain favour from the Lord. We shouldn’t matchmake our children , let us let her be , Just advise her prayerfully if God says he’s the one for her there’s nothing you can do about it. ” He said, before closing his eyes.

“Babe can we meet at Charito tomorrow for lunch? ” Ogwuche asked on WhatsApp.
“Babe I can’t come out,my mum is being difficult, she’s grounded me.” Dooshima grumbled.

“Why would your mum ground you? ” Ogwuche crackled.
“It’s not funny, I can’t wait to live for Abuja for law school, mum is getting on my nerves. ” She complained.

“Okay dear I’ll drive by your house on my way back from work, I’ll get you your favorite pizza.” He said and hang up the phone.
“Dooshima who are you talking to? ” her mum called from outside her room.

“Mummy leave me alone! I’m an adult stop monitoring me! ” Dooshima yelled at her mum. Mrs Dooshima stood outside the door for a while, before she left.


Dooshima sneaked out the house while her mum and the maid were busy cooking in the kitchen. Ogwuche had driven his uncles Toyota Land cruiser, he parked a few blocks away from the house. He had not been able to see Dooshima one on one for over two weeks.

Dooshima opened the pack of Pizza after washing her hand with a bottle of water Ogwuche has brought for her. They ate the pizza discussing and laughing. Ogwuche placed his arm on Dooshima’s immediately she felt electricity shoot up her body, she was dazzled.

“What why did you do that? ” Dooshima cried, with a frown on her face.
“Am sorry babe it was a mistake, it won’t repeat itself again. ” He promised with a smirk on his face.

“Let it better not oh, I don’t want any sexual no gesture from you. ” Dooshima insisted.
“Haba na why are you being so sanctimonious na, I just touched your arm. ” Ogwuche defended himself. Dooshima laughed.

“My dad told me the form for law school is out, I’ll be leaving for Abuja very soon. ” She said.
“Really? congratulations baby I am going to miss you babe. ” Dooshima laughed.


“Really how am I sure you’re not kidding me? ” She asked laughing.

“Because I want to see you everyday I wake, even if your mum would cut off my head. ” He said Dooshima laughed heartily. She didn’t know when her hands were placed on his. Ogwuche planted a nerve shocking kiss on Dooshima’s lips, she almost lost her breath.

“Wow why did you do that? ” She asked feeling so embarrassed.
”Tell me you don’t like it? ” He said, Dooshima smiled coyly. “Doesn’t it feel good? ”

“You see you’re no different from the other boys. ” Dooshima said. “You just want to have a woman to fulfill your lust.”
“No baby I love you, even if you take the romance away, Sometimes the devil just want to tempt us. ” He said, and she giggled.

“And you let the devil deceive you? ” She asked . A strong bang on the door of the car, made Ogwuche whined down.
“Lillian what are you doing in that place? ” Mrs Seember brawled.


“Mum am here with my fiance. ” She said confidently.
“Dooshima get out of that car now!” She barked. “Get down! ” She said as she pulled Dooshima out of the car,she held her. like a little baby.

“Young man I don’t want to know whose son you are! I just want to beg you , Leave my daughter for me! I won’t be this nice the next time. ” Seember said as she dragged Dooshima into the gated compound .

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