“Why are you laughing Dooshima do I sound funny ?” Ogwuche asked with a quizzical look on his face .

“No but your intensity is …”She laughed , he loud the energy she put in laughter. “I just want to know that I can trust you ,that you won’t waste my time , and that you won’t start asking for what I cannot give along the way, I don’t fit into any stereotype .” Dooshima said with a straight face .

“Dooshima there’s a way you would love a person , that you’ll do everything to keep them near you .” He said Dooshima nodded . “Just agree to be mine I would treat you like a queen that you are. And the air I breath.”

Ogwuche couldn’t help but stare at the faces the faces guys in the restaurant,they of ignored their partners and stared continuously at Dooshima, talking in whispers, Ogwuche couldn’t understand the jealousy that was behind his chest .

“I have taken the past three months to think about your proposal , I do love you too . I cannot hide it , but I am not going to going to get into a sexual relationship with you , do you agree ?” Dooshima asked , he nodded and gave her an okay thumbs up .


“No it’s no about nodding Mr Ogwuche, I want to get your verbal agreement and promise, the very minute you start going against your promise here I’ll walk away.” She asked . He gave her his word , she proceeded to provide a peace of paper from her bag and handed it to Ogwuche.

“I drafted this agreement and came along , you would like to go through it . And tell me if you accept the terms and conditions of this relationship.” She passed the paper to Ogwuche, he was stunned , he couldn’t believe his eyes .

“Seriously Lillian are you kidding me ? He asked with mouth agap. “Who does that ? is my verbal promise not enough?” He thought she was kidding .

“No sir Mr Ogwuche I’ve seen your handwork on Facebook you’re a bad news , but I don’t know why my heart would fall for you amongst all the men in Gboko and Nigeria at large . Sign it or else….”She threatened, he held her hand and smiled .

“I deleted all those pictures . Those were from my past , I’ve not spoken to any of those girls in months ?” He cried .
“Are you doing it or not ?” Dooshima shook the pen before his face .He nodded again .


“I will do as you please your lordship .” He said with a mock bow of his head , he collected the pen from her hand , and wanted to sign she stopped him .

“Wait you have to first read it out to me .” before you acknowledge and sign. Ogwuche’s eyes were opened with shock .

“I hereby make a promise to miss Dooshima , that if I ever make a funny move in the course of our relationship,trying to kiss her , touch her indecently, or lure her to bed , she is free to breakup our relationship, so help me God.” He made the proclamation with a puppy frown ,a hand raise in the air , his second Arm placed on his chest ,

Dooshima laughed so hard , not minding the eavesdropping neighbours trying to understand the drama going on , they strained to hear their conversation. Ogwuche red and signed the document.

Dooshima shook his hands ,while he was expecting a peck or an embrace. He opened the door of the restaurant for her , she stepped into his car and dropped her off at the gate of her parents house . He tried to embrace her , but she wouldn’t let him ,she gave him her hand instead.


“Haba Na Dooshima I can’t even embrace you do you know we’re actually dating ?” He asked , Dooshima responded with laughter .
“No embrace , no pecks ,I don’t want to get pregnant.” She said with a smirk and a wink .

“Get pregnant from embrace ? Are you Mary the north of Jesus ?” He threw his arms in the arm , frustrated. She nodded with a big smile .
“My God but I thought we started dating today ?” She asked and he nodded .

“Yeah we dating means I won’t be paying attention to the hundreds of messages in my inbox , I’ll be waiting for your promise in two years , I will care more for you . But if you expect any change in our physical interaction, Brother Ogwuche OYO is your name .

” She said with laughter as she crossed the road and walked towards the gatehouse of her family’s house .
“That’s crazy Lillian!” Ogwuche called after her ,she agreed with him by nodding .
“Yeah I know am crazy.”

She said before she waved him bye and locked the gate after she spent a few minutes talking with the police man who was at the gate .

“Wow! I’m am Dooshima’s fiance from today!” Ogwuche yelled inside his car , he reversed and drove home , blaring the sound system in his car .

To be continued…….

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