“Why is she behaving so strange? ” Mrs Seember asked her husband, who continued eating his pounded yam and beneseed soup.
“Darling let her be, sometimes young ladies do have mood swings. I think that’s one of such moods.” Professor Gamadi said.

“I am seeing somebody quite different from the one we left before we travelled. You know it’s you she loves more.” Mrs Seember said to her husband. “Please call her and talk to her to know what’s troubling her.” Mrs Seember said.

“The car gift didn’t feel like something she’s been dying for you to get for her, for four days now she’s refused to follow Sam out to learn how to drive. ” Mrs Seember said. The professor had ordered a new Mercedes Benz salon car for Dooshima, Mrs Seember didn’t see the kind of happiness she had known her child to have.

“Dooshima I really want to understand you, you know I love you very much? ” He asked Dooshima sat with a guilty heart unable to look at her father. “What’s eating you up? you’re getting lean everyday.


Talk to me, I am your father I’ll listen to you. ” Dooshima continued staring at her feet.
“Lillian? ” he called.
“I am fine Daddy,I am just feeling a bit sick.” She said.

“You and your mum will go to the clinic for check up, you have to be in your best shape . I spoke with my friend at Abuja law school, he said the admission list is out . You need to check it tonight and then go to the hospital for treatment tomorrow morning. ” He said.

“Daddy I don’t want to go to the hospital I am fine. ” Dooshima said her dad nodded.
“Okay no problem dear , just know you can talk to me about anything okay? ” He said and Dooshima nodded.

“So you’ll follow Sam to the field tomorrow so he’ll train you on how to drive, I want you to go with you car to school. I have spoken to a friend to get you a beautiful two bedroom Flat at Bwari near your school. she nodded.

” Thank you dad, my eyes are heavy I want one go and sleep. ” Dooshima said her eyes were already so heavy that she couldn’t carry them up.


For two weeks she had avoided Ogwuche’s calls and messages, when her anger at herself had ebbed down, She decided to call him back.

“Hello babe how are you doing? ” Ogwuche asked, his heart was in his mouth.
“I am fine. ” she replied with a straight forward answer.

“I am sorry baby for what I did, there’s no day I don’t regret it, I feel so stupid for letting that happen. ” He said with remorse. “Please forgive me babe am guilty. ” He begged.

“I don’t have anything to forgive me, you never did anything wrong to me, I should have taken alcohol. ” She said in the phone.
“I want to see you please baby, when can I see you? ” He pleaded.

“Why do you want to see me Ogwuche? ” She asked. “So we could finish unfinished business? ” The words slipped out of her. “I can’t be sure it wouldn’t happen again, so it’s best we don’t see. ” Dooshima said.


“Please Dooshima am sorry it was a mistake, I want us to see s, we have to take there are drugs you can take for prevention… ” He said.
“Prevention of what? Do you have an STI? ” She asked calmly.

“No na not that, please I’ll be outside your house by seven P.M please come and see me.” He begged.
“Okay I’ll come out to see you bye. ” she hung up the phone.

Her Mum was at the sitting room around six forty five when Dooshima wanted to leave the house, she focused her attention on her.

“Where are you going Dooshima it’s already late? ”
“Mum I want to check a friend outside the house. ” Dooshima said.


“I hope it’s not that boy again? ” She asked, Dooshima didn’t reply her mother, but walked out of the house. Ogwuche was inside the Black Land Cruiser, he opened the front passenger seat for Dooshima to get in.

They sat in silence for over two minutes, fearing to see the fire that was burning in each other’s eyes.
“Dooshima am totally wrong, I was selfish, I didn’t mean for what happened to have happened.

I just want you to know that life has been so difficult and sad for me this past two weeks. ”
He said , his hands gripped the steering wheel hard, that the bones on his knuckles could be seen, under the car roof light.

“I hadn’t slept with any one for over a year I met you, I tried to keep to my promise , but my stupid libido got the best of me, If you live me today , I don’t think I’ll survive it.


” He said at the point of crying. Dooshima was silently chewing the sleeve of her sweater.
“If we could go back I would repair everything I did that day. ” He confessed.

“It’s not as if you forcefully had your way. But I wanted you to be my strength when I was week. I don’t want to break my father’s heart, he actually liked you. I just pray this doesn’t end in pregnancy, I don’t know what would come off it. ” She said.

“Am sorry Dooshima it’s all my fault. I have had this preventive medication so you don’t fall pregnant since the day after we… “He couldn’t complete his statement. ”

But I couldn’t see you, take one pill of this drug, let’s be positive , not every sex translates to pregnancy, you’ll be fine. ” He said to Dooshima, her heart was a little bit calmer.

“Just take the drugs take one pill hopefully it would help prevent a pregnancy that we both are not ready for right now. please forgive me. ” Be said, Dooshima sighed and then exhaled heavily.


“I checked the list, I’ve gotten admission to the Abuja law school, I’ll be leaving in three weeks time.” Ogwuche was so happy for her, they both embraced each other.

“I’ll miss you a lot, I hope you’ll be coming to Gboko for weekends? ” he asked.
“I’ll try my best, I’ve to go inside my mum is waiting . ” She got out of the car, with her arms intertwined as though she was freezing, she walked slowly into the compound.

Ogwuche didn’t move his car, he remained there in the dark side of the road, where the light on the fence of the professor’s house couldn’t reach to reminisce on how he messed up. He promised to be a better fiance to Dooshima, Never to let her down again.



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