Birdie opened the chicken box and Noah took one. He bite from it and Birdie bit her lips.

Noah frowned and looked at her.

“Am I the one eating or you?” He asked and Birdie frowned.

“I’m not taking it from you,I just…..”

“You bit your lips” Noah complained and Birdie sighed.

“I won’t do it again” She mumbled and Noah scoffed.

He continue eating and tapped the drink.

“What” Birdie asked.

“Open for me of course” Noah said.


“Who else?” Noah asked.

Birdie sighed.

“Stop making that face,I paid for this” Noah said.

“You paid for the chicken and drink….”

“And the delivery fee too,it’s just five minutes from your restaurant to this place,you can give me back my money if you can’t open it for me” Noah snapped.

“You’re like a poor billionaire at this moment” Birdie said.

“Huh? What?? Poor billionaire?” Noah asked in shock.

“Of course,you’re using me just because you paid for the delivery? Should I give you money?” Birdie asked.

“Yes give me money since you said I am poor” Noah said.

“Of course I will give you money,I still have the change from the hundred dollars you gave me” Birdie said and Noah stopped chewing.

“What” Birdie asked.

“Are you seriously keeping the change?” He asked.

“I told you……”

“She’s dumb for real” Noah mumbled and dropped the chicken bone.

“I’m dumb because I didn’t spend the money?” Birdie asked.

“Of course you’re dumb,every other girls I know will do something better with the money….”

“You said it’s for transport,what else am I going to do with it…….”

“Buy yourself something cute of course,why would you reject money?”

“Something cute like what?”

“Pretty dresses and shoes dummy,gosh what is this?” Noah groaned and stood up.

“You can have the others,I lost my appetite” He said.

“You ate just one out of five” Birdie said.

“You can eat it,you look hungry…….”


“Hey? Me?” Noah looked at him.

“Yes you,who said I look hungry? I’m naturally slim,what are you saying?” Birdie asked.

“Look at the way you’re talking kid,do you know my age? You’re young enough to be my sister……”

“But sorry I’m not your sister so deal with it” Birdie scoffed.

“Whoa,just because I promised I won’t be mean and harsh anymore doesn’t mean I can’t break my promise anytime” Noah said.

“I don’t care!” Birdie snapped.

“Then you can go” Noah said and Birdie immediately looked at him with a cute puppy face.

“I didn’t mean that” She pouted and Noah bit his lips,trying not to laugh.

He took his car key and briefcase

“You’re going home?” Birdie asked.

Noah said nothing and went out of the office,Birdie ran after him.

“Anaconda wait” She called.

“Don’t call me that name In public place spy kid” Noah said without looking back.

They finally got outside the company only to find someone waiting,they both stopped.

Waylon turned and Birdie gasped.

“Waylon” She called and he smiled at her.

“I went to the restaurant and I was told you’re here” Waylon said and Birdie nodded,she moved closer to him.

“Do you want me to do anything for you?” She asked.

“No,I want to take you home” Waylon said and Birdie smiled.

“Thank you” She said excited.

“Hey Spy Kid” Noah called as he walked toward his car and Birdie turned.

“Get in,I’m taking you home” Noah said and Waylon looked at him

“Huh?” Birdie asked in surprise.

“What are you waiting for?” Noah asked again and Birdie looked at Waylon.

“I’m sorry but I think I should…”

“No,I asked first,you’re coming with me not him” Waylon said and Noah scoffed.

“Hey,follow me” He said and Birdie tried moving but Waylon grabbed her hand and pulled her back to his side.

Noah frowned and looked at him,Waylon glared at him in return.

Birdie swallowed hard in total confusion.

‘What the h’ll is going on?’ She thought.


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