Written By Mayor


Raymond bike got to the place, an old school.

“It seems empty” Jake said.

“Not really.. the air feels strange” Raymond replied.

“How would you know that?”

Raymond turn his head to him. “This isn’t my first time. Do me a favour.. Don’t die okay?” He said leaving.

“Wait what? You didn’t tell me this was dangerous” Jake eyes widened.

“Well.. I never asked you to follow me” Raymond said.

The police surrounded the building and they began to search everywhere. When they got in. The saw the cage but not a soul.

“The building is clear” one of them said through his radio.

Jake heard a radio coming from Raymond and he frowned.

“Where did you get that?” He asked the guy bringing out the radio from his pocket.

“From the cop” he shrugged.

“You stole it?”

“No I Lend it. I’m just going to use it for a while and return it. That’s not what stealing is”

“Yeah, you took it without their permission so that’s stealing”

Raymond seems to think for a while. “Right… I stole it” he shrugged scanning the place. They are actually at the back of the school.

A shadow was busy watching them around a corner.

“What are we still doing here? I think the culprit left already” Jake said.

“Culprit don’t leave that fast..”

“How do you know?”

“Can you stop asking the damn questions already, I’m trying to concentrate” Raymond snapped.

Just at that moment, Raymond saw the shadow pass.

“Found you” he muttered running after the person. The guy was wearing a black hoodie and trouser. He ran towards every corner while Raymond followed him.

A little while longer Raymond didn’t sight him again. He stood in his spot breathing hard. The place was quiet and empty.

Dagon pulled out a knlfe from his pocket and take a slow walk towards the Raymond.

He made to $tab him but was surprised on how fast Raymond was able to dodge.

Raymond smiled looking at his face. “New face huh? Who do you work for?” He asked. The guy was a so huge.

Dagon stood alert raising the knlfe in the air ready to attack. He swiftly move to stab him in the stomach but he grabbed and twist his hand instead.

He groaned out, Dagon took the knlfe with his second hand and head for his face but Raymond blocked it again and hit his head using his.

Dagon nose bleed from the attack. “Fk”

“Who are you working for” Raymond asked again but Dagon stood alert again. “Oh you want some more?.. C’mon dkhead. It has been a while since I kcked someone’s a$s” he waved his hand.

Dagon ran to attack him throwing pvnch at him but he dodge without effort.

Who is this guy really? He kept on punching the air until he grabbed his hand and began to throw his on attack.

Each punch was deadly as the hit every part of his body. Raymond jumped and gave a final hit on his head using his feet. This sent him to the ground passing out.

After that Raymond held both side of his waist breathing hard. “Wait, I didn’t ask where the girl is.. Gosh I’m so stupid” he muttered checking on the guy.

“The police will do the job” he shrugged grabbing the guy up but he was heavy. “Dmn! What made you so big!” His gaze moved to the wheel barrow around the corner.

Jake was with the police waiting for Raymond. His eyes widened when he saw him pushing a wheelbarrow with a huge guy on it.

“Wow!!” he muttered.


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