After some minutes, she came out and got dressed in a simple outfit but still she was looking so beautiful.

She took her phone and texted Joanna before falling on the bed.

She spread her arms and legs so wide on the bed.

Jeremy entered the room after sometime and his eyes widened, the first thing he saw was his clothes on the floor.

“What,! what did you do to my clothes?”.

“I created space for my own clothes to fix in, you can find another place to keep them” Moanna rolled eyes.

Jeremy angrily went to the clothes and started pvlling her clothes out and throwing them to the floor.

Moanna quickly stood up from the bed and went there.

She pvlled his clothes and threw them on the floor.

Jeremy did the same and they continued pvlling each other’s clothes out.

“Fk you” Moanna screamed.

“Fk you too” Jeremy s¢reamed back at her.

Moanna grabbed his hair and he grabbed her hair..

And both of them started pvlling each other’s hair, they were on it till both of them slipped and fell on the ground.


They continued pvlling their hair on the ground.

“Let go of my hair” Moanna screamed.

“Let go of my hair” Jeremy said.

But none refused to let go of each other’s hair.

“Jerk, leave my hair” .

“Leave my hair first” Jeremy said and Moanna let go of his hair.

They faced each other glaringly.


“Bch” Jeremy said and she kcked him.

Jeremy kicked her back and they began kicking each other until they got tired and stopped.

They started glaring at each other while sitting on the ground.

“I hate you, avoid me” Moanna said.

“Avoid me too, pretend like we are not living in the same house” Jeremy said.

“I wasn’t even planning to talk to you jerk” Moanna said and stood up.

Jeremy stood up and went to the closet and started arranging his clothes back.

Moanna glared at him and began arranging her clothes in the closet.

None said a word to each other, any time their eyes met, they will glared at each other.

Jeremy finished arranging his clothes and went to the bed, he lay on the bed and was about covering the sheets over his body when Moanna grabbed it.

“What?!” He frowned.

“Hope you are not planning to sleep on the same bed with me?” Jeremy asked.

” I should be asking that?” Moanna frowned.

” Go get a room and sleep there” Jeremy said, snatching the sheets from her.

He made to covered himself but Moanna stopped him.

” What is your problem? are you here to torment me?”.

” You jerk, I hate you so much, how dare you denied me in the presence of my mum, bstard” Moanna said, folding her hands.

” How did you even get pregnant, are you sure or you are faking it, I can give you any amount” Jeremy said and smirked.

” Bstard” Moanna said and kcked off the bed, Jeremy fell from the b ed with a painful groan.

” Are you ¢razy?”.

” I’m the ¢raziest girl in Mexico city, incase you don’t know jerk” She said and covered herself with the sheets.

Jeremy looked at her and couldn’t believe it, a girl sending him out of his own bed.

” Fk, I blame mum” He groaned and went out of the room.

He went downstairs and walked to the kitchen, he opened the fridge and took out a can of malt.

He uncapped the cover and began drinking from it.

He sighed frustratingly and left the kitchen, he went to the living room and sat down on the sofa.

He roughed his hair.

“I can’t believe this, I can’t sleep on my own bed cos of this ¢razy girl, why did I even listened to her, I should have used a cd…fk” He said and lay on the sofa.

He took out his phone and started surfing the internet.

A notification pop on his screen and he smiled seeing one of his numerous fk mates message.

He started replying her.


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