Episode 8

Still in my arms, Lucy asked of Norah our daughter. I told her I had taken her to our nextdoor neighbor’s house. Lucy stood up immediately and went to check up on her.

I then took up my phone and called my wife’s doctor, Mercy.

Doctor Mercy was a highschool friend to Lucy and she was the one that helped Lucy with her complications during Norah’s birth. So she was the ideal specialist to consult.

She picked up the call…

Mercy: Hello bro!

Yes Sister! How are you doing?

Am fine thanks! How are you and your family?

Not bad dear. I actually need a favor sister!

What favor dear?

I going to ask my wife to call you any minute from now, there’s something she has to talk to you about. Possibly tomorrow after church if you ever get free time, I want you to come over please!

Alright bro! I will find time to see you first thing after church tomorrow.

Thank you sister!

You’re welcome dear. [Ends Call]

After the call I left the room only to bump into my mother in law. She grabbed my hands at once…

” Tony is everything okay? ” Mother asked

” Yes mother! You don’t have to worry about anything, we can handle it all. ” I expressed my opinion

” Okay! I trust you son. Actually I wanted to let you know that I will be leaving for the village tomorrow. ” My mother in law said

” Too soon mother, why are you in a rush? ” I argued

” I know but my church is organizing an event on Monday, as the women leader I have to be there. ” She explained

” Ahhh Okay! ” I replied

” Oh my food on fire, let me check out. ” Mother shouted

I laughed aloud at how she ran off to the kitchen. Mother made food for us and we spent the rest of the afternoon chatting with each other while watching Norah’s favorite cartoon…


The following day was a Sunday, my mother in law got ready and left for the village while my family and I left for church.

We found Dr. Mercy at church and after service she joined us to our house.

We had something to eat and moved to the shed to have a talk.

My daughter Norah stayed back in the house watching…

” So Brother Tony, I spoke with your wife over the phone last night and I was able to learn so many things from that conversation I had with her. ” Dr Mercy stated

” Oh! So What do you have to say about it? ” I asked curiously

” Alot! Starting with the female gen!tal mutilation, your wife either has a misconception about it or her case is had some complications attached to it.

It’s medically true that FGM might decreases sxual desires and pleasure.

Personally I’ve interacted with a good number of housewives that went through the different types of female gen!tal mutilation and none of them reported a problem as heavy as Lucy’s case. ‘ Dr. Mercy said

” The fact that I had doubts if FGM could be pose such a threat pushed me to ask her so many questions about her past associated to her sx life as youngster.

I found that your wife was a victim of rappe as well. She was rapped by someone whose identity she did not reveal to me. ” Mercy added

” I was rapped by my late father’s farmworker because my late father owed him a huge sum of money for months and sacked him without pay. ” Lucy revealed

” H’ll no! ” I shouted in shock

” By the time my late father got to know I was rapped, the farmworker was long gone.

My father asked me not to tell anyone not even my mother. ” Lucy said batting her eyes to let off tears

” And you kept the secret, didn’t you! ” Dr. Mercy inquired softly

” I had no choice, my father was a rude type.” Lucy pointed out

I just sighed deeply and shook my head.

” From the look of things, I can tell that Lucy’s problem now is that she has glued the traumatic experiences of her past to her sx life.

If only we can save her out of the trauma she feels then FGM alone can not be too bad to cause threats to her sxuality. ” Dr. Mercy said

” So Lucy you just have to give your self a chance to understand your sxuality, drop every bit of thing you hold against sx.

You both need to understand each other’s feelings and demands. ” Mercy added

” But how is trauma even related to someone’s sexuality! ” I wondered dumbly

” Well, some of the ways trauma can impact on sxual response can be dissociating during sx, numbness, physical pain, difficulty getting aroused, flashbacks during physical arousal and many others. ” Dr. Mercy explained

” For how long can someone go on like that! ” Lucy inquired looking all curious

” Different people respond differently to treatment for trauma because some people go through long term where as others short term.

Besides medications, active efforts are needed from a specialist to help with some tips on how to get through it.

For your case, you probably didn’t get assisted early enough but not to worry, we’re all here for you. ” Dr. Mercy replied to Lucy

” I might not be able to check up on you everyday because I’m always tied up with work over the week days but I will talk to my husband’s sister Laura, she’s a psychiatrist.

She’ll be here for you while I’m busy, okay! ” Mercy added

Lucy nodded her head.

” Eyaah! Sister thank you so much! ” I said to Dr Mercy

” Come on Tony, you did a lot for my husband in past. You both deserve to be happy. ” Mercy said and I grinned widely

” Abeg! Let me rush home and make something to eat for my husband. ” Mercy said as she got up.

Lucy stood up too and they both hugged.

” I will be coming back to this place the day after tomorrow, that’s on Tuesday.

I’ll come along with Laura and then we shall see how we can all work together to get through all these. ” Mercy stated frankly

When Dr. Mercy turned to leave, Lucy called her by her name. When Mercy stood, Lucy raced and hugged her again.

” Thank you! ” Lucy said

” I told you and your husband not to say that to me already! ” Dr. Mercy said and they both smiled at each other.

Dr. Mercy took back steps as she waved at Lucy, I walked. Mercy to her car and before she could sit in the car, she said to me,
” Look bro! I need you to monitor Lucy for me ohhh! I know she has been acting fine all along but Lucy is not okay. Be calmed with her…”

” I get you! Now I understand why she always cried over almost everything! ” I said blankly

” Be calm with her please! ” Mercy cautioned

” Point taken! ” I said and smiled

Doctor Mercy then drove off.
I was hoping for a happy family in a few days with my beautiful wife and daughter.

When Monday set in, I had to report for work and boom Sandra popped into my office with an ugly message….


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