Episode 5

In less than thirty minutes, I was at Sandra’s gate. I could see Sandra standing there at the flash of the car headlamps.

She was barefooted and her dress torn. I hopped out of the car and rushed to her. She was in tears.

” Hey what is the matter! Why are you out here? ” I asked curiously

” Ben has thrown me out of the house. ” Sandra uttered

” What! Why ? What did you do? ” I asked curiously

” When I left your place and came home I found Ben smoking and drinking with two other ladies in our bedroom.

Even in my presence, these ladies could not panic. At worst when I shouted at them Ben descended on me. Ben beat me up. “Sandra explained what happened.

” What! ” I shouted

I was shocked at what Ben had done because a week before, he came pleading with me to help him talk to Sandra.

He wanted Sandra to get back with him after he had cheated on her with the house help.

Once again Sandra caught him red-handed, but this time round, he was bold enough to throw Sandra out of the house in the night.

I flashed my phone light and searched around for a rock that I used to bang the gate until I heard Ben shouting and walking to the gate.

” Sandra leave naa! ” Ben shouted as he opened the gate
” Oh Tony! You’re here! ” Ben added lowering his tone

” Oh yes! Am here. Sandra phoned me. Ben how could you! ” I uttered angrily

” Oh come on, Tony! Don’t start with your lectures! Look Tony, I respect you quite a lot and you know that, so don’t force me to disrespect you now. Just tell this woman to leave my life.” Ben interrupted

” Ben where do you expect her to go like this, just look at her dress. ” I said

” She’ll pick her stuffs tomorrow. For now, just leave. ” Ben replied as he entered the gate and shut it.

Sandra was hurt, I could tell from the looks.

” Let’s go to my place! ” I said to Sandra

” No ! Drop me at the junction. ” Sandra replied quickly

I knew she wanted to drink, I couldn’t stop her, I was going through a lot too and I wanted to drink as much.

I took off my jacket and gave it to Sandra to wear because her dress was torn. She wore it and we drove off to the junction and probably a hotel where Sandra wanted to lodge.


At the hotel, I paid for the room because Sandra didn’t have any money with her.

I then escorted her to the room. Sandra sat on the bed while I sat on a chair.

Sandra took the call box and phoned the room service.

Shortly drinks were brought. We drank heavily, shouted at the top of our voices and laughing aimlessly.

Before we could know, Sandra and I got kssing and ended up in bed.

The sx we had was one of a kind, a kind I had never had all my life.

The enjoyment ranged from the way Sandra screamed when I was pounding to the way she held and wetted me.

Sandra rolled me down while she went on top and she struck right on point.

Those things were all new to me. My wife Lucy would just lie there and let me do the work to finish alone.


When dawn cracked, Sandra woke me up by slightly tapping my cheeks. I could hardly lift my head, so painful. I opened my eyes and Sandra’s face was the first thing I saw.

” Ahhhh! ” I shouted and quickly sat upright

Sandra lifted the blanket slightly, we were both didn’t have our clothes on.

” Did we do it? ” Sandra asked me

” Yeah, I’m sorry! I took advantage of you! ” I said frankly

” Naah! We were both drank and emotionally drained. It’s no body’s fault! ” Sandra stated

I jumped off bed and started to put on fastly.

” I need to rush to my wife, I will call you later in the day. ” I said to Sandra

I felt so guilty that I didn’t want to stay at the lodge any longer. I picked the car keys and dashed off…


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