Episode 3

After thirty minutes of sitting in my office doing completely nothing, Sandra who happens to be my wife’s best friend and also my workmate walked in.

I was so lost into my own thoughts to notice her presence.
In a blink of an eye, I was brought back to my senses when Sandra dropped a document file on my table.

” Good morning sir! ” Sandra greeted me

” Good morning, Sandra! ” I replied wearing a fake a smile

” Is everything okay with you, sir? ” Sandra asked.
She added, “You look so pale and drained, maybe you can take the day off. I will take care of things over here, am your assistant anyway. “

” Oh no! That won’t be necessary. Weekend starts tomorrow, I will be able to rest. ” I replied hesitantly

” Okay, if you say so. Ahm! The secretary requested me to give you that file, she might report late for work today. ” Sandra explained to me pointing to the file she had dropped on my the table.

I picked up the file, checked through it and dropped it into my shelf.

” Thank you, Sandra! ” I said to her

” You’re welcome! I will be in my office in case you need anything! ” Sandra uttered taking back steps in attempt to leave my office

” Sandra wait! ” I called her back.
And then I said to her, “Sandra you know I love Lucy so much, right! “

Sandra stared at me with so much surprise and probably she didn’t know what to say to me.

At last she sighed deeply and replied, ” Lucy is your wife, if you don’t love her then who will do that! “

” You’re right! Anyways, you may go back to your office now. ” I said to Sandra

” If you don’t mind me asking Tony, is everything okay with your family? ” Sandra asked me

” If I must be honest then nothing is okay. ” I stated

I stood up from my seat and walked to the window. I didn’t want to see the pity on her face when I tell her my story. I hate pity, it makes me feel even worse.

” Is it your daughter’s illness again? ” Sandra asked curiously

” No! My daughter is fine. She went to spend the holidays with her grandmother.

The problem is Lucy, she’s no longer the Lucy I fell in love with. ” I told Sandra

” I don’t understand! What has Lucy done? ” Sandra asked

” Okay let me clear it up for you! For more than six months now, Lucy has refused me to touch her.

She acts as if sx is some sort of taboo or something. Being tired has become a song to Lucy in the night, just to escape sx! ” I clarified

” Woohoo! This is serious! Well, Maybe she’s right about being tired in the night after having a long day around the house with chores!

Why don’t you try wooing her in the mornings? ” Sandra uttered with a lot of surprise

” Mornings you say! How is that even possible when Lucy leaves the bedroom as early as four and worst five! ” I complained

” Ewoooh! ” Sandra screamed.
She added, ” wait! do you see any other signs that portray she’s cheating on you? “

” Excuse you!!! ” I shouted

” Am only asking, besides that behavior is strange. Did you try to speak to her about it. ” Sandra replied

” Each time I try to talk to her we ended up quarrelling. ” I stated my worry

” Ahmm! I could stop by your house after work today and talk to her. That is if you don’t mind! ” Sandra uttered

” That sounds like a great idea! ” I proposed to the idea

” Alright then! I will be in my office. ” Sandra said as she turned to leave

” Okay, thanks! ” I replied feeling a little bit of relief.


Later in the evening after work, Sandra and I drove to my house in Sandra’s car.

When we popped into the house, Lucy was preparing the dinning table. She raced to hug Sandra while I dashed quietly upstairs to freshen up and get changed .

To my astonishment when I got back downstairs, Sandra was standing in the middle of the leaving room with her handbag at hand.

Her face could tell it all that the talk with Lucy didn’t go well.

” Sandra, what’s the matter! ” I asked her smoothly

” Well, your wife asked me to stay off her affairs. I’m afraid my services end here.

I suggest you should speak to your wife yourself, try to be polite this time round. Lucy will open up to you Tony, I know her. Just don’t shout at her, okay! ” Sandra said

” Okay! ” I said nodding my head

Still standing there, Lucy came in with food. We all went to the dinning, ate and then Sandra drove home.


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