“No Tyler , I am Mason’s happiness. And didn’t you also want this too. You wanted Avery all by yourself and I got Mason “.

“I know that Avery will never feel the same way for me so what’s the point of forcing something that’s not there.

She’s my best friend and I always want her to be happy and she’s happy when she’s with Mason “.

“You can’t force Mason to love you and I’m sure you deserve the cold treatment he is giving you and your parents “.

A sI.ap landed on my face .

“How dare you insult me like that and who are you to tell me that trash. I love Mason and he’ll grow to love me whether he likes it or not”.

“No Ariana, don’t you get it he’s never going to love you. You know the truth, just accept it. Love is not something you force on someone.”

“There might be someone out there who loves you dearly all you just need is to give the person a chance “.

“I don’t care who is in love with me or not because the person I love is Mason “.

That’s it I lost it , why can’t she just get it and accept the truth.

“You don’t love him, that’s not love but obsession ” I yelled.

Her eyes widened at that.

“Tell me one good reason you love Mason because all I could see is you love because of his looks, his money, because he’s in your class, because his parents and your parents are good friends,you love him because he treats you nice”

“Apart from that tell me another reason you love him”

“If you just give me a reason why you love him apart from what I just mentioned then I’ll help you in any way I can to make Mason love you “.

“I…. I….”

No words could come out of her mouth and that’s when I realized that Arianna doesn’t love him.

“Arianna, you don’t love him, accept the truth. I’m sure someone is deeply in love with you right now just waiting for the right time to tell you”.

“Just shut up, what do you know about love and who are you to lecture me on who I love “.

“I thought you were my friend but you are just like them. There’s no difference between you and Avery ”

“I hate you Tyler, I hate you “.

She said, htting my chest and it shattered my heart to hear her say those things to me.

“I’m the only real friend you have, Ariana.”

“I’m the one that will tell you the truth when no one does. Not even those of your rich friends will tell you the truth.

The only real friend you have is me,is me Arianna “. I screamed the last part.

“You don’t even know what’s right and wrong because of the way you were brought up “.

“Shut up Tyler, you know what I’m not going to stay here to hear this trash you’re saying “.

Before she could turn around I grabbed her hand.

“Stop being a spoiled brat and accept the truth ”

Her eyes widened and I knew I already crossed the line . I’m sure I was the last person that will ever call her a spoiled brat.

“How dare you Tyler,how dare you call me a spoiled brat”.

“Ari.. Ariana I’m sorry”.

“Sorry, keep that to yourself. I guess I was wrong about you because all you poor people ate the same.”

My eyes widened at what she just called me.

“You don’t even have to be called my friend, hoe can I be friends with someone that’s not even in my class ”

“Take your filthy hand away from me”

She removed her hand harshly away from mine.

It broke my heart to hear her call me that name.

“You this gutter people who will never be like me , you disgust me Tyler.”

“You are also trash like Avery, the both of you deserve each other because she’s in your class .”

I didn’t even know that tears were already falling from my eyes as I watched her downgrade me.

I’m sure she noticed my tears and she stopped talking.

Her eyes widened as she tried to touch me but I moved away from her.

“You’re a ho..rrible person Arianna and I don’t know why it took me so long to realize that”.

With that I walked away without tears rolling down from my eyes.


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