Immediately Avery left I broke down as I sat on the floor as I cried my eyes out.

I hated myself for what I did to her. I’m a monster and now she hates me but that’s the only way she could leave me alone.

I cried so much that I regretted that my mother gave birth to me.

It could have been better if I wasn’t born than to face this unbearable pain I’m going through right now.

I didn’t mean to push her that hard Making her on her bvtt.

There remained a little I could have helped her up , hug her and tell her I’m sorry.

I didn’t know how long I was there before I made my way down.

My eyes were already weak with no more emotions in it.

I just stared at nothing in particular.

My driver noticed it but when he asked if I was okay he got no reply.

I just looked outside the window, as a tear fell from my eyes.

Even my tears were already heavy as I felt pain everytime a tear was dropped.

Immediately I reached home I didn’t wait for my driver to get down a d open the door for me .

I did that myself as I walked inside ignoring the greetings of the maids and butler.

I walked straight to the living room where my parents were.

“I did as I was told, I didn’t tell her anything now please can you leave her and her family alone”.

“Not yet until you get married to Arianna”.

That was it , I’ve heard enough of all the trash this old man was saying.

“I broke up with Avery because of you, I decided to get married because you told me to do it,I didn’t even give Avery a reason why I broke up with her because of you”

“I sacrificed my happiness because of you and all I’m asking right now is just to leave her alone” I screamed.

I saw how surprised my parents were because I’ve never shouted or yelled at them.

Tears started to roll from my eyes .

“What else do you want me to do, kll myself will that be enough because whatever I do it’s never enough for you both”.

“You force me into a marriage I never loved . Did your grandparents ever force into marry mom”

“Have you ever had a marriage where there’s no love?”

I stared at my parents as they couldn’t say anything.

“No, you both married each other because you love each other then why can’t I just have that”.

“You never treated me like a son, you never had my attention when I was young,you never came for the most important things that every parent should attend “.

“Now, you are coming as if you’ve ever been present In my life telling me to get married to someone I don’t even love”

“Sometimes I wish you were never my parents because all you care about is your selfish desire and all the profit it will get “.

“Now I’m asking you to stay away from Avery and her family and you’re telling me until I marry Arianna “.

“Have you ever considered my feelings, or how I felt?”

“Do you know how I felt growing up without a parent to show me love and affection because mine was too busy with their own business “.

“You better stay away from Avery or I’m cutting off this marriage and I’ll make everything you’ve built to crumble right in front of your eyes “.

“This isn’t some warning but a threat “.

“I hate you both and I wish you never gave birth to me”.

With that I walked out of the house entering the car as I drove straight to my eyes as the tears came rushing down.




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