I stood up from the bed as I walked to the window staring at the sky.

Last night’s event kept replaying in my head.

“I hate you” I whispered as a tear fell from my eyes.

I heard my door open as I quickly cleaned my eyes thinking it was Avery.

“Avery I told you I’ll be fine” I didn’t look back as I kept staring at the sky.

But strangely I got no response.


I stopped when I saw who was standing there.


I looked at him and he was putting on pajamas and his eyes looked puffed and red.

Seeing how handsome he was made me almost go and hug him

I looked at him with so much hatred

“Get out”


“I said get out,” I screamed.

He walked to me and tried to touch me but I just sI.apped him across the face.

“I don’t want to ever see you again. I hate you , just get out”.

“Hannah please hear me out”.

“There’s nothing I want to hear from you so get out”.

I said pushing him away.

But he grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hug.

I struggled to get out of his embrace because I knew if I don’t leave I’ll break down soon.

“I’m sorry Hannah, I miss you”.

I almost fell for it but I used all my strength to push him away.

“If you don’t leave I’ll call the nurse to take you out”.

“Hannah I’m sorry I couldn’t sleep all night think…

I quickly cut him off.

“Do you think i care if you sleep or not. If they found you dead I’m be really delighted I hate you Westley and get out before I call them to throw you out”.

He Looked at me with so much hurt on his face before turning away and walking out.

Immediately he was gone and I cried my eyes out.

I was happy at least he came but I felt hurt after what he did to me

I cried myself to sleep.



I woke up early so I can get back on time to see my princess.

I quickly took my bath in her bathroom and wore the clothes I bought yesterday.

I stared at Avery who was sleeping sound as I gave her a peck on her lips before going out.

I entered my car as I drove straight to Ariana house.

I turned my phone off because I didn’t want anyone distracting me from driving

I don’t know why but I have a bad feeling about this.

I pushed it off my mind and started my journey.

After spending 4 hours on the road I drove straight to Ariana house.

I packed my car when the gate was opened.

I switched on my phone and checked the time and it was 2:00pm on the dot.

I saw 15 missed calls from Avery

18 from Oliver

7 from Roy

20 from Westley

I was about to call Avery even though I saw a Lamborghini that looked familiar.

I dropped my phone back in the car coming down and took a closer look at the car and a loud gasp left my mouth.

It was my parents’ Lamborghini customized with our surname at the front and back.

“What are they doing here?”

I saw another Benz packed and I knew it’s Ariana’s parents.

I hope it’s not what I’m thinking.

I entered the house and heard voices coming from the living room.

But immediately they all saw me and all the conversation was seized.

I greeted both my parents and Arianna parents but none answered me.

I looked at Ariana who had a smirk on her face with her hands folded.

My mom was the first to stand up walk toward me


With that she slapped me hard on my face.

“How dare you break up with Ariana?”

My dad walked towards me and fear began to find its way inside me.

My dad was one of the people I feared in my life.

“Who said you should break up with her?”


“Shut up ”

Immediately I kept my mouth shut.

“You left this princess for a peasant “.

“Dad I love her” immediately made me regret it .

Because my father hit me hard on my face, making me cough out blood and bleed from my nose.

“You will go over there and beg Ariana to forgive you and ask her tone your girlfriend back ”

I looked at Arianna who was smirking.

“You have one week to end whatever thing you have with that girl or I’ll make her life a living h’ll even if it means klling her”.

My eyes grew wider as I stare at my father who walked out of the house

My mom pulled my hair so hard making me look at her in the eyes.

“It’s either you break that little thing you have with that girl or I’ll destroy her brother first before her parents then her”.

“Or you carefully go back to Ariana and beg for her forgiveness “.

“The choice is yours and stop being an embarrassment to me “.

“One week Mason, one week”

My mom followed walking out before Ariana’s parents left Ariana and I alone in the sitting room.


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