Mason Freeman

I was shocked that Avery kissed me and I couldn’t help but pull her closer as I kssed her back.

My hands found itself around her waist pulling her closer to me as she wrapped her hands around my neck.

I don’t know why but all the anger I felt building up was gone immediately.

She broke the kss and I growled.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to kss you,” she said.

“Then why did you do it?” I asked, feeling a bit annoyed.

“I….I …

“So you just kssed me without thinking “.

“I’m sorry okay”.

I was about to say something when that Tyler boy came in.

I pulled Avery closer to me.

“So it’s because of him you rejected my feelings”.

“Stay away from her” I yelled, feeling my anger building up again.

“She’s mine Mason, I fell in love with her before you did”.

“I’m not yours Tyler, I never was and never will”. Avery screamed.

“You belong to me and you’ll regret this “.

With that Tyler stormed out before giving me a smirk.

“Stay away from him , okay. I don’t want you close to him”.

“I can take care of myself”

“Now back to the kss. Why did you kss me “?

I really wanted to know the reason why she kssed me. I wanted to know where I stand.

“I.. I… I think you should go back home because I’m sure your friends will be mad at you”.


“My phone”

I ran back to where I dropped it and I was grateful that none of them called.

I turned and saw Avery beside me.

“Avery, do you really hate me?” I really wanted to know what I meant to her.

“I don’t hate you Marcel, I was just angry and I didn’t mean any of what I said”.

I smiled as I pulled her into a hug. I buried my face in her neck .

“Thank you”.

I was really happy knowing she doesn’t hate me.

I didn’t know when I kssed her on her neck.

I felt her hands around my waist.

“Can we go back to the way things were?” I heard her voice.

“I just nodded my head as I inhaled her smell”.



I dropped my phone when Mason said he was going to sleep.

Roy as usual was fl!rting with a girl and Westley. I have no idea where he is.

I sighed as I put on my headphones.

I felt someone’s presence in front of me and as I opened my eyes it was none other than Natasha.

My heart stopped beating as I saw how sexy she is.

🗣️ Natasha is so hot

🗣️ Can I have a night with you

🗣️ She’s a goddess

So many comments but mostly from guys and I felt a little irritated.

She was putting on a short sleeveless red gown with a knee high boots.

Her hair was coiled with a little light makeup .

And those lips that were kissable.

Snap out of it Oliver.

“Can I sit here?”

Her voice was so addicting that I found myself nodding.

🗣️ Ohh my God are those two dating?

🗣️ They look so cute together.

🗣️ I’m already shipping


“You look really beautiful” I found myself blurting out.

“Wow, thank you. Wasn’t expecting that from you”.

“I’m sorry about what I said yesterday”.

“It’s okay I get it”.

Then there was silence again.

“So Oliver what’s your favorite rapper, since you are always on your headset”.

“It’s NF”

“Ohh my God you love NF, he’s also my favorite rapper ”

I was surprised that a girl listened to rap songs.

We talked for a long time and I got to notice that the both of us had a lot In common.

She actually watch anime.

“Will you love to dance with me?”

“Yeah sure”

I took her hand as we made our way to the dance floor.

I was nervous, if I should put my hands around her waist.

“Don’t worry I won’t bite you if you hold me” she said chuckling.

I just rolled my eyes as I held her waist pulling her a little closer

She wrapped her hands around my neck as we danced together.

I could feel my heart beating fast and a tingling sensation in my stomach.

🗣️ Oliver is dancing with Natasha

🗣️ This is going to the internet

🗣️ I’m so jealous

🗣️They look so cute together

I couldn’t help but smile as we danced together staring at each other’s eyes.


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