Mason Freeman

I received a lot of scolding from Oliver and Roy but mostly Oliver.

But they almost killed Westley for letting me go out and I couldn’t help but rest.

Now there was a party this evening and I really wanted to go but none of them would let me go.

I even did a puppy eyes for them but they still said no.

I knew they wanted to go badly but they didn’t also want to leave me.

So I told them to go while I’ll be fine alone.

At first they didn’t agree but they later gave in.

Now I was sitting alone on my bed. I tried to watch some movies but I wasn’t feeling it.

I put on my headset to listen to music but I was having a headache.

I was really bored , so I went to my room balcony as I stared outside with the cold air breeze htting my face.

I remembered what happened early.

“Why does my heart always beat heavily whenever she’s close to me?”

I’ve never felt that way before and I put my hand on my chest.

I smiled remembering how beautiful she was.

I wouldn’t deny the fact that she’s the most beautiful girl I’ve seen to me

Yeah , Arianna was more cuvy than her but there’s just something about Avery that’ll make me choose her than Arianna.

“But she hated me”

I sighed as I closed my eyes and it was like I was seeing her in front.

I needed to see her.

I’ll just enter the party without Oliver, Roy and Westley noticing me.

I just wanted to see her face and I’ll return back.

I didn’t even change my clothes as I ran out of the house.

I wanted to take the car but I knew better that Oliver music had installed something that If I take or move the car he will notice.

I started to walk even though I knew I hadn’t fully gotten myself and it was really freezing.

I should have carried a jacket.

I slid my hand inside my pocket and I couldn’t help but smile.

The thought of seeing Avery was making me happy.

“I wonder what she’s putting on”

I’m sure she’ll look beautiful in anything.

I think I should just apologize for ignoring her.

I can’t do this again, I’ll just tell her I’m sorry.

I’m sorry Oliver, Roy and Westley but I don’t think I can stay away from her.

I’ll just apologize and then everything will be back the way it was.

The thought of Avery and I finally being friends was making me happy.

I walked faster even if I felt pain everywhere.

Reaching the building I decided to take the back not to draw attention to myself.

I heard my phone dinged and I saw a message from the A4 group

I stopped and replied telling them I’ll be going to bed.

I smiled back as I looked up to move further my eyes went wide making my phone fall to the ground.

It was Avery and Tyler kssing.

I just froze there and the smile on my face was wiped off.

I felt a needle piercing my chest slowly .

When she pushed him away and immediately our eyes met I saw how her eyes went wide.

I didn’t even bother picking my phone as I just turned around and I ran away from there.

I heard her calling my name but I didn’t even look back or answer.

I felt a tear roll down from my eyes.

I quickly wiped it away as I laughed at how stupid I was.

Thinking I was going to apologize while she was having the best moments of her life.

I should have known better.

I needed to calm my chills and I needed to smoke.

I checked my pocket but there was none there

I was a guy and I ran to him.

“Do you have a ¢igarette?”.

I was happy he did and I quickly took one and lighted it.

I began to smoke my heart out , every emotion I was feeling was all put on the ¢igarettes.


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