Avery Nelson

It hurts , I didn’t know when tears started to fall from my eyes.

“It’s okay Avery, he’s just recovering” Hannah said

I just nodded my head as I sat down.

“I’ll be back,” Hannah said.

I watched as Hannah went to where Mason was and I saw the both of them talking and he smiled a little.

I felt a pang in my chest and I wouldn’t deny that I was jealous seeing the both of them talking

I heard my phone ringing making me look away from them.

It was Tyler , I quickly cut the call because Tyler I’d the last person I want to see or talk too

Minutes later, Hannah sat beside me.

“What did you tell him?”

“Why did he smile with you?”

I didn’t even know when I started to ask those questions.

“Chill Avery, I was just asking about his health that’s all”.

I looked at Mason who was eating with Westley by his side

I couldn’t take my eyes away from him.

I knew what I did was wrong and I feel so stupid but him ignoring me hurts a lot.



It took me to ignore Avery because I was hurt for pushing her away.

I really wanted to go and apologize but she really hates me.

I saw her Best friend Hannah cane to ask about me and I was grateful for that.

I wanted to ask her how Avery was doing but I kept my mouth shut.

She wanted me to stay away from her, that’s the least I can do. Maybe she’ll reduce the hate she has for me.

I could feel her eyes on me and immediately our eyes locked. I quickly looked away.

I touched my chest and I could feel my heart beating loudly.

I looked back at her but her eyes were on her phone.

Westley came with my food and I started to eat.

“You know it’s hard for me Westley, I just can’t stay away from her”.

“You just have to try Mason “.

I continue eating my food ,

“You know you can go and talk to her. The way you are staring at her irritates me”.

“Are you sure?”.

“Yes, I’ll be fine “.

I watched as he stood up and went to meet Hannah as they both walked out of the cafeteria.

It was Avery and I that was in the cafeteria.

I continued eating my food trying as much as possible not to look at her but I just kept stealing glares at her.

I stopped eating as I relaxed on the chair, closing my eyes.

This is pure torture.

I don’t know why I feel incomplete without talking to her.

I haven’t even known her for 3 weeks and I’m feeling this way

Anytime she’s close to me my heart is restless.

“Hey Mason” I heard that voice and I knew exactly who it belonged to.

I opened my eyes and saw Avery standing in front of me.

I wanted to stand up and hug her and tell her over and over how sorry I am and she shouldn’t hate me.

But I knew it’ll only make her hate me more.

I stood up not having the appetite to eat again.

I walked past her but what shocked me the most was when she hugged me from behind .

Her hand wrapped around my waist as her head rested on my back.

My heart began to rise again and I felt something moving in my stomach and I wondered if I was getting more sick.

“I’m sorry Mason”

“I’m really I’m”.

“How are you doing?”

“I didn’t mean a word I said”.

I wanted to really believe her but remembering the look on her face,the way she looked at me . It felt like she meant every word she said.

I removed my hand from her as I faced her.

“You don’t have to say that, you don’t need to say that just to make me feel better.”

“I know you really hate me and the only reason you’re here is because you don’t want to feel any guilt “.

“You said I should stay away from you , and I’ll try my best to do that. So no need to say those things to make me feel okay”.

Before she could say a word I rushed out of the cafeteria because if I stay any second there I may do something that will make her hate me the most”.


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