Minutes later the doctor came in and checked how I was doing and gave me some drugs.

Natasha even came to check in on me and we talked a little.

“We need you to rest, so we’ll be downstairs or in our room if you need anything just call us” said Roy.

“Mason, I don’t want you to bear Avery again,” Oliver said.

“Why?” I couldn’t help but ask because I was planning on going to beg her until she forgives me.

“It’s her fault you are here, it’s her fault you were unconscious and in this state”.

“I caused it ,I should have stopped Arianna but–

“It isn’t your fault, she had her own hand to have sI.apped Arianna back but she didn’t. She decided to stay and hear what Arianna said”.

“She had a choice to walk away or slap Arianna back but she stood there”.

“Moreover you’ve begged her enough and she still doesn’t care . I think you should stay away from her”.

“I can’t see you in this state again mason. I just can’t. I had sleepless night because we were all worried about you”

“So please stay away from her”

I just nodded as Oliver smiled before him and Roy walked away.

It was Westley and I that was alone.

“You know he’s right. It’s best you stay away from her”.

“Did …did she come see me?” I couldn’t help but ask.

“No, she didn’t even try asking after she had you unconscious “.

Another pain I felt in my chest.

“Okay” my voice came out as a whisper.

She doesn’t care.

She actually hates me.

“Can we go to the cafeteria to get something to eat”.

“Mason you just woke up I’ll go by myself”.

Please, I’ve been on the spot for more than two days”.

“Please Westley”

“We won’t tell Oliver and Roy”.

“Fine but if they find out you’re on your own”.

“Thank you”

“Go take your bath and brush your teeth because you stink”.

“Fk you”

As I heard Westley chucked.

Westley helped me stand up as I went to the bathroom with the help of Westley.

“You know I can go by myself”

“I know”

“Will you serious bath me”

“Should I”

“Get out Westley”

“Seriously what are you hiding it’s not like I have seen it”


He just rolled his eyes as he walked out.

“I’ll bring out a clothe for you gron your wardrobe Mason”



Avery Nelson

I was so happy when I heard that Mason had woken up.

I couldn’t wait to see him so I could apologize.

I feel so stupid, thinking what I had done made me feel like a fool.

I let Tyler use my head and I wonder why.

Tyler would never do that and he always told me when I was wrong and right.

I’ll ask him later but right now I need to stay away from him.

“Hannah I’m so happy, Mason is awake”

“I’m happy too Avery but let’s hope all will be the same” I look at her a little bit confused.

“Well I don’t care I just want to see him and apologize because it was my fault and I said some mean things to him that I didn’t mean”.

“I just want to apologize to him and make sure things will be the same again”.

“I hope so too,” Hannah said.

“Anyhow but I’m just happy he’s awake “..

“Can’t we go to their suite “.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea Avery “.

“Why ”

“Because right now you are the last person they’ll want to see. And Oliver won’t let you see Mason ”

“Yeah you’re right “.

Many people had left the cafeteria. We were like only 7 remaining inside.

We were about to stand up when someone said

“Isn’t that Mason”

I quickly stood up and looked and saw it was Mason.

He looked really sick and weak.

He was wearing a black cargo pants with a black hoodie with black snicker.

Immediately he came inside and all the girls here went wide even if they were 4.

“Can you guys be calm , he just woke up”. Westley said smiling.

Everywhere was quiet.

I didn’t know when a tear drop from my eyes

I quickly cleaned my eyes.

When our eyes met I couldn’t help but smile but he looked away.

They were making their way upstairs.

I quickly ran in front of him stopping him from moving.

“Mason in so ha–

I couldn’t complete my sentence when he walked past me not even sparing me a glare.

It hurts, it really does.

I ran and grabbed his arm stopping him.

He removed my hand harshly from his.

“Never touch me again,” he said coldly.

Just like the Mason back then.

He walked away going upstairs.

I didn’t know when I started to cry.


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