Mason Freeman

It hurt and I didn’t even realize why i was crying .

I raised my hand as I touched my tears

“Why am I crying?”

I asked myself and I laughed at my stupidity.

“What’s wrong with me?”

But the tears kept flowing.

Then the weather started to change . And there was a loud thunder that was heard but I didn’t care.

Then it started to rain heavily and it was pouring on me.

But I didn’t care the words that kept ringing in my head was her word

“I hate you”.

“Did I really hurt her so much?”

“This is all Ariana’s fault”.

I just lay back on the grass as the rain started to pour heavily.

I looked at the sky but my mind was far from it.

I was so cold but that was my least problem.

Due to the cold my vision became blurry. I tried to stand up to reach for my car but then everything went black.



I watched as Avery slapped Mason and I could see the hate on her face.

I couldn’t help but smile, this is so satisfying.

Hearing her say the word I longed for her to say.

“I hate you” to mason was the best thing that has ever happened to me since I came here

“Mission accomplished,” I said, smiling at myself.

“This is just the beginning Mason, she’s mine and I wonder what will happen when your little girlfriend finds out about this”

“I know I’ll hurt Avery in the process but if that’s what is going to get you out of the picture I don’t mind doing it a thousand times”

“In a very short period Avery you’ll be mine”.

I quickly hid behind a tree as Avery walked past Mason.

I quietly followed her and I saw her enter the library.

I entered too and then it started to rain heavily.

I heard her scream.

“Is she afraid of thunder?”

I quickly walked to her and hugged her.

“Tyler, what are you doing here?”

“I was nearby when it started raining so I ran here for shelter”.

Then there was another thunder sound

And she wrapped her hand around my neck holding me tight as if her life depends on me.

I couldn’t help but smile, this is finally working.

“It’s okay ” I said trying so hard to contain my smile

“You are mine Avery, mine mine. I’ve waited so long for you to be this close to me. I won’t allow anyone to come between us” I said to myself.

I started to stroll her hair as I watched as she held me tighter.



I got a call from Mason telling me that he saw Hannah crying.

I didn’t even waste any time as I ran out of the cafeteria into my car.

I started to look for her and when I sited her she looked like a mess.

I rushed out of my car and hugged her immediately.

“It’s okay” , I said, scrolling her hair.

She looked at me and then she started to cry more.

“No it’s not , Avery doesn’t listen. She’s being used and manipulated by Tyler”.

I was confused and I found myself asking “what do you mean”

“Tyler likes Avery and he doesn’t want Avery and Mason together. So he’s using the Arianna issue to get j to Avery head for her not to forgive him and hate him”.

“Ohh I see, then why are you crying?”

“We got into a huge f!ght and I just lost my best friend”.

I felt bad for her , dragging her into this mess.

I couldn’t help but hug her tightly.


After she was done crying I helped her to stand up and got into my car.

“Tell anyone you saw me crying and I’ll kll you ” she said.

Now this is the Hannah I know
“Yes ma”

I took her to the A4 building.

“Why I’m I here”

“You and Avery need space from each other, do you’ll be here with me?”.

We entered inside together and I saw others giving me a weird look.

“Natasha, what are you doing here?”I heard her say.

“I should be the one asking you that” I watch as they glare at each other as if they’ll kill themselves.

“Do you two know each other?”

“Yes, we go to the same school”.

“Ok just go upstairs by the left second room take your bath you look like a mess with your makeup”.

I watched as she brought her phone to her face and there was a loud gasp as she ran upstairs.

Then it started raining.

I took my phone and dialed Mason’s phone number but he wasn’t picking.

“Oliver, Roy have you seen mason?”

“No u haven’t and I’ve tried to call him for the past 20 minutes he’s not picking and in getting worried ” Oliver said looking frustrated.

“I’m getting worried too Westley after what happened in the cafeteria. I’m worried about Mason, you know how he can be when things get to his head” this time it was Roy that said.

I picked my phone and dialed his number but he wasn’t answering.

“Let’s just wait for 20 minutes. Maybe he needs some time alone” I said, trying to calm the atmosphere.

We all sat on the couch and then Hannah came downstairs with Natasha.

She was wearing short pajamas with the top and my guess is it belongs to Natasha.

“What’s wrong?” she said, sitting beside me.

“It’s mason he isn’t back and he’s not answering his phone ”

“Maybe he just needs some time alone “.

I just nodded my head.


After 20 minutes I called mason again but he wasn’t picking up.

“Ok that’s it we all know mason very well that if he’s not going to pick out a call he’ll either leave a message or send someone to us” Oliver said looking super worried.

“I know but–”

“We’ve known each other since we were kids and we know when something is not right. Don’t you have a feeling that something isn’t right”. Roy said, looking scared.

“Something isn’t right, I feel mason is in trouble and if you Westley want to still think if he needs some time alone then I’m going to look for him in this rain”.

I watched as he took his car key and went outside then Roy followed.

I couldn’t help but follow then not listening to what Hannah has to say.

We all entered Oliver’s car .

“How do we know where to find him?” Roy said.

I thought for a while before I got it.


“Mason took his car, we can track him using his GPS”.

Oliver didn’t waste any time as he took his iPad and started doing his work.

Oliver was the computer brain here because his father owns one of the biggest programming and gaming apps.

That’s why Oliver is a gamer, programmer, hacker and anything that has to do with computers.

“He’s at the garden” he said

Then he hit the road.

“Be careful oliver it’s raining”

But he didn’t listen. Oliver is the most quiet among us but when something is wrong he goes crazy.

We saw Mason’s car and Oliver was the first to step out

I followed then Roy and he was calling Mason’s name but no response.

Then I saw a body laying down in the rain.

I was scared thinking it’s not what it is.

I got a closer look and saw it was Mason unconscious.

“Ohh My God”

“Found him”

Oliver and Roy rushed to me and I could see the look of fear on their faces.

We helped him get up and rushed him into the car.

“Call the doctor to meet us at the mansion” I screamed.

I was super scared.

“Come on Mason, what the hell happened”.

The last time I saw him was him saying he’s going to look for Avery.

“Come on Mason please be okay”.


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