(She belongs to me only)


Avery Nelson

I woke up feeling refreshed with a ile on my face but as I remembered what happened yesterday the smile was gone.

“Good morning” I heard Hannah say

“Morning” I said back.

“Avery there’s something I want to tell you”

“Okay I’m listening”

“Yesterday mason came to beg you buy I told him you were asleep and he should go but he didn’t and I allowed him to enter”

“You did what?”

“He was really sorry and I didn’t want him to be standing outside ”

“Are you insane, have you forgotten what his girlfriend did to me”

“He apologized the first time but you ignored him and went with Tyler ”

“How did you know about that?”

“Because Tyler told me I should make sure you stay away from him and he told me what happened ”

“Tyler is right, ” I said.

“Seriously Avery, he apologized the first time and he even came here in the middle of the night just to make sure you forgive him”

“Are you taking his side now?”

“I’m not taking his side , yes I know what he did was wrong but he apologized he even went far to come here. Don’t forget who were talking about it’s fucking Mason Freeman here”.

“No I won’t forgive him ever and I’ve made up my mind to stay away from him”.

“Yes Tyler told you right ”


“And you think there’s nothing suspicious about Tyler behavior towards you ”

“Why are you always against Tyler “.

“Can’t you see that he’s doing all this for his selfishness. Avery stop trying to be ignorant you know deep down that Tyler likes you”.

“Just shut up, who are you to decide what’s happening in my life? This issue is between Mason and I, not you so don’t just butt in and think you can tell me what to do” I yelled at Hannah.

“You know what, fuck this. It’s not my business but Tyler is telling you what to do by staying away from him. Since it’s none of my business, handle it yourself “.

With that Hannah stormed out of the room.

I knew I was a little bit harsh but I hated the fact she was on Mason side.

I quickly took my bath and just wore plain jeans and a black top.

I didn’t want to go to the cafeteria again for breakfast but then I heard my phone ring.

I thought it was Hannah but it was Tyler.

“Hey Tyler”

“Hey Avery, I’m outside the building”

“Ok I’ll be there in a minute”

I quickly put on my black sandals as I shut the door.

I saw Tyler.

Immediately he saw me and quickly pulled me into a warm hug.

And I hugged him back.

“Come on, let’s go to eat”.

“Tyler I don’t want to go to the cafeteria after what happened yesterday”.

“Come on Avery I’ll be by your side”

I was happy that I had someone by my side.

Immediately I step inside the cafeteria everyone started to mummering

🗣️ “Here goes the whore”

🗣️ “She deserves the slap Ariana gave her

🗣️ ” Such a bitch”

My eyes were becoming teary but Tyler held me close to him giving me a reassuring smile.

I was thankful for that.

When we took our food, I spotted Hannah eating alone.

I walked towards her but she stood up and went to another table.

I sighed as I sat down with Tyler beside me.

“What happened between you and Hannah?”

Before I could open my mouthwash to talk someone screamed

🗣️ “The A4 is here”

Then the whole place went into chaos.

Girls screaming as I buried my head in my breakfast.

🗣️ Mason is so handsome

🗣️ I’m going to die one day

🗣️ Westley ohh my God

🗣️ Mason please marry me.

I looked up to see Mason and immediately our eyes met. I quickly looked away.

I looked up again and I saw Mason standing beside Hannah.

I was shocked to the core.

🗣️ What’s mason doing?

🗣️ Why is he with her?

🗣️ I’m so jealous of her.

Then he took Hannah’s hands and they went to their suit upstairs and my eyes almost came out.

I was feeling anger, sadness, pain and I don’t know why.

“Avery,” Tyler called.

I quickly look away

“What happened?”

I began to tell him everything that happened this morning except him liking me.

“You did the right thing ” he said and I was kind of surprised because I wasn’t expecting that answer.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean , Hannah doesn’t understand the shame and disgrace you took . Not forgiving him and staying away from him is the right thing to do”.

“Don’t worry she’ll come around “.

“I hope so”.

I looked back upstairs and saw Hannah and Mason whispering something in their ears.

I was super pissed.

He was supposed to be apologizing to me.

Well I don’t care, because I’m not forgiving him,I said to my inner self.

Tyler pulled my face making me look at him.

“Just focus on me Avery, me only”

I was confused but I gave him a small smile .

Tyler was talking about something but my mind wasn’t there.

I couldn’t help but steal a little glare at Mason and Hannah.

“Why is she sitting beside him?”

“They aren’t friends the last time I checked”.

“Why do I even care?”

I looked at Mason again and when our eyes met I felt anger building up inside me.

But Tyler was quick to pull my face , facing him again.

“Let’s get the hell out of here”

“Let’s finish our food first”.

I began to eat but heard screams again.

I looked up and saw him making his way towards me.

“Is he coming here?”

I quickly brushed it away but then he was standing in front of our table

“Can we please talk outside Avery”?

I didn’t bother answering him.

“Let go Avery, ” Tyler said.

I was about to stand up but Mason grabbed my hands pulling me up.

“Let me go,” I said, struggling to get away from his hold.

But then Tyler pulled me with so much force making me move away from Mason hold.

“She said let go”

“Avery please just 2 minutes”

“Let’s go,” Tyler said.

But what Mason did shock me to the bone.

He was on his knees in front of everyone and there was a loud gasp.

“I’m sorry Avery Nelson”


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