Mason Freeman

I watched as Avery went with that Tyler guy and it really pissed me off seeing her with him.

“Why must Ariana come and spoil things for me”.

I ran my hand roughly as I decided to go back to the A4 building.

I remember the tears in Avery’s eyes and I felt a pain in my chest.

“It’s my fault”.

As I entered inside I saw Oliver , Roy and Westley looking at me with so much worry.

“Are you okay?” Oliver said

“Where were you ?” Said Roy

I just ignored all of them as I went upstairs to my room.

I felt so much guilt, I wanted to run after Avery but Ariana held me.

I sighed as I removed my jacket and went to the shower.

As they poured from my head the image of Avery tears kept replaying in my head.

I felt so much guilt but remembering Tyler beside her and the smirk he gave me that was unnoticed by Avery when she held his hand made my blood boil.

I took my towel as I wrapped it around my waist and went to my wardrobe and put on a black pijamas.

I laid on my bed as I stared at the ceiling.

“Are you okay”

I turned my head and saw it was Westley.

“What did you want”.

“You don’t look fine”.

“Just go away to Westley, I just want to be alone “.

But as usual Westley turned a deaf ear as he walked closer to me.

“You know that wasn’t cool , you saw as Ariana sI.apped her twice and you did nothing. It was when it was the third one you held her hand. That wasn’t nice at all bro”

I growled hearing this even if I knew Westley was right.

“You couldn’t do anything when Ariana talked harshly to her. You know how Ariana can be but you kept quiet”.

” I know what I did to her was wrong but she wouldn’t let me explain” I said.

“You don’t get it Mason, what do you want to explain, explain the fact that you didn’t say anything when your girlfriend was abusing her”.

“Moreover you were the one that dragged her out of the cafeteria, you were the one that approached her first ”.

“There’s nothing to explain, all you need is just to apologize to her”.

“I’m sure she hates me now, because when I want to talk to her she doesn’t even want to talk or see me”.

“She doesn’t, she’s just hurt “.

I stood up from my bed, I’m going to apologize now.

“Like right now, ” Westley asked.


I started looking for my car key but Westley threw his for me and I muttered a thank you.

I ran downstairs at the speed of light.

Immediately I opened the door and Natasha was standing there.

“Sorry” I shouted as I entered the car and drove to her building.

I was staring at their building but I don’t know their room number.

I pulled out my phone and dialed Westley’s number.

“Hey man”

“Westley do you know their room number”

“Yeah, it’s room 300”

“Okay , but how do you know all this”

“Common have you forgotten my girl is here”

“Well thanks anyway”

I ended the call as I entered the building entering the elevator.

I was happy that there was no one because the last thing I’ll want is someone screaming my name.

I was standing in front of their room feeling nervous

“What if she hates me?”

“What if she doesn’t want to see my face?”

I almost turned back but I pushed all the negative thoughts as I knocked.

“Coming” I heard a voice but it wasn’t Avery’s voice.

She opened the door only to be shocked to see me.

But it was replaced with anger.

“What are you doing here?”

“Can I see Avery?”

“No you can’t, now get out”.

She was about to close the door on me but I put my leg blocking her from closing the door.

“I’m sorry , I knew I was stupid for letting Ariana say all those things to her and all I did was stand there doing there “.

“Please I just came to apologize to Avery, please “.

“Avery is at sleep, goodnight”.

With that she closed the door on me.

I sighed

“I’m such an idiot, ” I muttered to myself.

“Well thank God you know you’re an idiot ”

I looked up and saw it was Hannah.

“Come in, ” she said, opening the door wide.

I didn’t waste any time as I entered the room only to see Avery sleeping.

“Is she okay?” I Said.

“No she isn’t, she cried to sleep “.

I walked closer to her as I sat at the edge of the bed looking at her face .

“I’m sorry” I muttered to myself.

I didn’t know when I raised my hand to remove a string of hair on her face.

I started strolling her hair.

“I’m really sorry”.

“Did you actually come all the way here to apologise?” Hannah said.

“Yes, I had too . I felt so much guilt and Westley wouldn’t let me rest”

“How did you know the room number?”

“Westley gave me”

“Wait…. Did you just say Westley ”

“Yes,” I said .

Then it hit me , this is the girl Westley is crushing on.

“Is he okay?” she asked.

“I mean not that I care, I just want to know… it’s not like I’m in love with him or something. Don’t get me wrong ”

I couldn’t help but laugh.

It was so obvious that she likes him and I wonder why Westley doesn’t know this.

“Yes , he is”.

Then we fell into another silence .

“Do you think she’ll hate me?” I couldn’t help but ask.

“I don’t know”

I just continued looking at her face.

“Please can you help me beg her to forgive me”.

“I’ll try my best”.

“Thank you ”

I stood up from the bed not before taking one gaze at her.

“Thank you Hannah, I’ll repay you back”.

“No problem ”

“Goodnight ”


With that I went out as I made my way to my car.

I was about to enter my car but I heard that voice again.

“What are you doing here”

I turn around just to see Tyler.

I could feel my bI.ood boiling.

I decided to ignore him but then he held me and pushed me against my car.

“I’m not done talking to you”.

That was it, I pushed him, making him fall to the ground.

“Don’t ever touch me with that filthy hand of yours”

“Stay away from Avery, she’s mine”.

“She’s not your property”.

“I’ll make sure she hates you forever Mason, I’m also her best friend”.

“And that’s what you’ll always be to her, just a friend”

“This isn’t over,” he said.

I just ignored him as I entered my car and drove at full speed.

Immediately I reached I stayed in the car for a while.

The thought of Tyler with her always makes my blood boil.

“Is he even a friend”

I decided to calm my cool as I got down.

I entered and I was happy that everyone was in their room.

I droom the keys on the table as I went to my room.

Remembering her face while sleeping made me smile.

“She’s so cute”

I think I’m going ¢razy.


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