Avery Nelson

I was so shocked to the core.

“Did Ariana Weldon just sI.ap me”?
That was the question that was ringing in my head.

She didn’t just h!t me once but twice.

I finally raised my head but she lifted her hand the third time to h!t me.

I closed my eyes to receive it but it never came.

As I opened my eyes I saw that her hand was held in the air and mason was holding it.

“Stop this madness Ariana”.

“Madness you call this madness”. She pulled her hand away from him before facing me.

“You are a, trying to take away my boyfriend from me”.

“What was I expecting, people who have nothing will always want to charm rich people”.

“I know your game but if I ever see you close to my boyfriend again, I’ll make your life a living h’ll”.

“Go look for your kind, I’m sure they’ll gladly welcome you , because you’re nothing but a bitch and a prostitute”.

Now, tears were rolling down my eyes. I looked at Mason but all he did was stand and watch his girlfriend insult me in front of everyone.

🗣️ She’s a wtch

🗣️ I always knew she was never innocent.

🗣️ She’s just a whore.

🗣️ Avery the whore.

That was what people were calling me as more tears were rolling down my eyes.

I immediately ran away from there. I can’t believe I was so disgraced .

I felt so much pain as I cried my eyes out.

I stopped running when I knew I was far away from the cafeteria.

What hurt the most was that Mason didn’t say anything but he just stood there as he watched.

I sat on the grass as I cried the more.

I had my phone ringing and I saw it was Hannah but I switched it off not wanting anyone to disturb me.

I don’t know how long I was here crying but my eyes hurt from all the tears.

Right now, I just wanted to go home.

Remembering the name that everyone was calling me made me cry more.

Never in my life expected it to be from my role model, the one I adored, the one I looked up to turns out to be a wicked witch.

I felt someone sit beside me.

I looked up and saw it was Natasha.

“What are you doing here?” I said, choking on my tears.

“You know, your friends are worried about you”

“Don’t act like you care”

“I actually don’t care, I’m just doing this for the sake of your brother”.

I just kept quiet.

“I always knew Ariana was like this, she was mean, arrogant but in the public eyes she was an angel”.

“That’s one thing your brother don’t understand” she said

“What do you mean by that, that my brother doesn’t understand?”.

“You see your brother is in love with her, but he doesn’t see the disgusting look she gives him.

Just because they are partners doesn’t mean Ariana takes him as a friend”.

“Your brother is blindly in love with her , and he doesn’t see the way she treats him”.

“I tried to tell him but he called me a jealous freak, your brother insulted me because of her after I helped him”.

I watched as tears slipped from her eyes and I felt really bad for her.

“Is it bad to love someone, why can’t your brother see that I love him genuinely and for who he is with or without money ”

“Derrick thinks if he makes enough money Ariana will finally notice him”

“Your brother is an asshole, that’s why I couldn’t stay and I decided to come here “.

I actually feel for Natasha, all my life I always painted her like the devil but I knew she has a kind spot in mer heart and I just knew my brother is wrong.

“Money changes people Avery, your brother is now popular and has money but not the same again”.

“I regret ever telling you to make him sign that file”.

I didn’t know what to say but all I just did was pat her back as she cried silently.

After a while she cleaned her eyes as she stood up.

“If anyone hears about this, I’ll skin you alive”.

I just nodded my head .

“Cheer up , and just stay away from those two”.

She said before walking away.

It was already late as I decided to go back to my room because I know Hannah will be worried sick

I walked for just 5 minutes only to see Mason and Ariana kssing beside a car

I don’t know why my heart aches. The more I stared at them the more my heart was shattering.

I didn’t even know when tears ran down my eyes.

I watched as Ariana got into the car and the car drove off.

I looked back at Mason and when our eyes meant u quickly looked away and began to walk.


I heard my name and I knew he was the one but I ignored him as I fastened my step.

I wasn’t looking at where I was going until I bombed someone.

I looked up and saw it was Tyler.

“Ohh my God Avery I’ve been so worried about you”.

Before I could reply Mason met up with me and held my hand.

“Avery just give me 5 minutes of your time please”

“Let go mason, ” I said but his grip only tightened.

“Avery please “.

Before I could reply Tyler did it for me.

“Fk off man, she said let go”

“Mind your business ” mason fired back.

“Avery just let me explain, just 5 minutes I promise”.

I almost gave in but Tyler pulled me away from his hold.

“What’s your problem dude?” Mason said, looking pissed.

” Stay away from her, you’ve done enough “.

“And who are you to decide that for me, fk off it’s none of your fking business “.

“Enough of all this, Mason, stay away from me Tyler is right you’ve done enough “.

I took Tyler’s hand “let’s get out of here “.

Tyler held my hand as we walked away .

I turned to see Mason looking at me with a sad face but Tyler pulled me to look at him.

“You did the right thing,”

“You think”

“Yes , all you need to do is stay away from him”.

I nodded my head as Tyler escorted me to my room.

I was about to enter but he pulled me to a hug .

“Be careful okay,” he whispered.

And I nodded my head.

As I entered my room Hannah ran to me.

“Ohh my God Avery, I was worried sick”

“I will kll Ariana , she’s such a bch never knew she was like this”.

“Mason didn’t do anything ” came out as a whisper.

“Avery at least he held her hand”

“So, he didn’t even say anything when she called me a whore “. I said as I was crying

“Why are you crying since you guys aren’t that close ”

“I don’t know Hannah but it just hurt”

Hannah pulled me into a hug and I cried my eyes out.


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