Avery Nelson

I was speechless for almost 3 minutes.

I finally found my voice as I stared at Westley.

“You can’t do that”, I finally said.

“You picked dare and I gave you the dare. It’s either you do it or be ready to drink 6 cups of vodka”.

“But you forced me to pick a dare”.

“No I didn’t, that’s just how the game is”.

“Rule of truth or dare: you aren’t supposed to pick truth or dare more than 3 times in a roll”.

“And they picked it more than 3 times”.

I bit my lips, I knew I can’t drink 6 cups of vodka. I had zero tolerance to alcohol.

And the last thing I’ll ever do is to become drunk.

I stared at Mason expecting to say something but he was just mute as he was also staring at me.

🗣️” I’m sure she’s just pretending not to have a taste of his lips”.

🗣️ “She isn’t even that pretty”.

🗣️ “I so much hate her”.

I heard a lot of painful comments but I had no choice.

I took a deep breath then looked at Westley before I nodded my head.

He handed me a glass of vodka, I stood up and I made my way in front of Mason.

I knelt down beside him.

I whispered.

“I’m sorry, I know you don’t want this but I have no other option”.

“I hope you forgive me”, I said.

I took a deep breath.

I took a sip and I mistakenly drank it.

I felt my eyes spined a little.

“You aren’t supposed to take a sip”, Westley said.

He took a bottle and filled it more.

“Seriously, it is even more than before”, I said.
But he just ignored him.

I took a little in my mouth as I faced Mason.

I breathed in and out before I started to lean in .

As we were so close to each other.

I looked at his beautiful blue eyes.

Then I pressed my lips against his and I started to pour the drink from my mouth into his.

Immediately I was done. I pulled back.

🗣️ “Why her”?

🗣️ “She disgust me, right now”.

🗣️ “She doesn’t even deserve to be here In first place”.

🗣️” He has a girlfriend”.

“Can you bches just shut up, we all know you are so jealous that’s why you are throwing hate comment on her.

If you were in her shoes I’m sure you’ll do worse than this. So sick up your jealousy and let’s enjoy the show” .

I heard Hannah say and I couldn’t be happy.

I gave her a small smile before taking another sip in my mouth.

I leaned in as I kssed him but this time I felt his lips move.

I paused for a while, shocked.

But then he bit my lips and my mouth opened making the vodka pour into his mouth .

Before I could pull away he used his tongue to lick my lips before pulling away.

I stared at him with so much shock but he just smirked at me.

“You can take your time, Avery”, Westley said, smirking at me.

I just rolled my eyes.

I looked at my left and met Tyler standing there with an expression on his face I couldn’t read.

But then the mason leaned in and whispered something in my ear.

“I’m the only one you should be looking at right now”.

As I faced him our lips almost touched.

But I quickly move backwards.

I took the next sip and kssed him away.

It took almost 7 ksses for me to finish the glass .

And I was already beginning to feel dizzy.

I stood up immediately and I was done and made my way downstairs.

“Avery”, I heard Hannah call me.

“Can we go home? I’m feeling dizzy”, I said.

“But I don’t want to”.

“I’ll take her home, a voice said and as I looked it was Mason”.

I looked at Hannah and said no.

Before I could decline the offer.

Hannah said,

“Sure why not, that will be awesome”.

“This is your chance Avery, I know you like him and don’t disappoint me”, Hannah whispered in my ear.

She ran back upstairs.

Now I was stuck with him.

“Shall we?”

“Yes” , I said.

We walked out of the building and it was really freezing and I was happy I was putting on my jacket.

We both didn’t say anything but I kept stealing some glare from him.

I finally spoke up,

“You know that was my first kss”,

“Wait what”, he said.

“You’ve never kssed anyone before”.

“Yes, I wanted it to be ro..mantic but I guess it was the other way round”.

“You aren’t happy I’m your first kss”?

“Yes….. I mean no”.

“I just wanted it to be so ro..mantic like with the person I’m in a relationship with”.

“Ohh, I see”.

“I’m sorry, I know you didn’t want to do the dare .I’m really sorry”.

“Come on, I even enjoyed it,” he said, winking at me.

And I couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle.

“You aren’t serious.

You basically have a girlfriend you really love”.

“Why are you bringing my girlfriend into this”?

“Because you have one and she’s a super beautiful young model”.

“And the best part is that she’s my role model”.

“Seriously”, he said laughing.

“Ariana is your role model”.

“Yes I really love her”.

“Why?If I may ask,” he said.

“Because she has the nicest character ever. She’s just too kind and heartwarming”.

I said smiling.

“I see”, was all he said.

I staggered a little due to the little sip I took .

“Are you alright”?

“Yes, I think”.

But my eyes were dizzy right now.

“Come on, I’ll take you back to your room”.

“No , don’t worry I can manage”.

But he just pulled me and carried Me on his back.

I was so shocked.

“Don’t worry you can relax, I’ll get you there safely”.

I just leaned more as my hand wrapped around his neck.

“So Avery, what do you like doing”? He asked and I couldn’t be more happy.

“I love to sing and I’m also a writer”.


“Yes, I love to write and sing”.

“When I’m sad or feeling any emotion I just sing or sometimes play music”.

“Wow, I see.”

“What about you?”I asked him.

“I don’t know, I haven’t found out what I love doing”.

I just nodded as I rested my head on his back.

I could help but feel butterflies in my stomach.

I just smiled .

A lot is happening,

“From me sitting on his back to being locked in the library, him saving me from getting rapped and also getting kssed and now I kssed him and now he’s giving me a piggy back ride”.

This is just awesome.

All this in just 3 days.

Snap out of it Avery,

It’s just being kind enough.

After a while we were both standing in our building.

He gently put me down as I just smiled.

“Thank you”, I said, smiling like ¢razy.

He just nodded his head,

“Will you be okay going inside alone?”

“Are you still dizzy?”

“No, I think I’ll be fine”, I said.

“Thanks again”, I smiled.

“Goodnight”, I said before entering inside.

I took the elevator to the 3rd floor.

I quickly opened my room and rushed to the balcony and I saw him walking away .

I smiled as I watched him.

I could feel my chest beating so fast as I placed my hand on my chest.

I just smiled and then touched my lips.

His lips were damn good.

I smiled as I turned and collapsed on the bed with my chest beating like ¢razy.

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