In Hayden’s lounge, he is seen having a french kss with a girl, as his hands were on her bbs, squeezing them like they were soft bread.

“Hayden” The girl moans as Hayden’s hand went to her inner chamber.

No doubt, Clayton and Hayden were both playboys, who has no time for love. They have the same character since they’re naughty in nature.

The only slide difference between them is that Clayton loves dressing in a cute way, while Hayden loves being in baddie outfits.

“I want you inside of me Hayden, all of you” The girl mo..ans in deep pleasure.

Hayden was about unblocking his belt when Ivan and Jesse entered the lounge.

Jesse was behind Ivan, somehow he is scared of Hayden, even if they were childhood friends.

“We need to talk, Hayden” Ivan said.

“Can’t you see I’m in the middle of something?” He asked, kissing the girl.

“It’s important Hayden. Your s*x life can wait after I’m done talking to you” Ivan said again. Jesse said no words, he just maintain his position behind Ivan.

Hayden sighs and looked at Ivan. “It should be important, else I’m going to kill you” Hayden said. He looked at the girl and she leaves the lounge.

“Speak” He said, and Ivan gave Hayden his phone.

Hayden looked at Ivan for a while, before taking the phone from him. He played the video and it was about Molly Moon’s attempted suicide.

“So you stopped me from having sx just to listen to this bullshit?” He asked.

“I feel so guilty, Hayden. We should have being nice to her, maybe she won’t have… ”

“Be nice to who? That monkey on glasses?” Hayden asked, cutting Ivan short.

“She chose to die, Ivan, so why should I pity her? She was the one who set her feet in a place she doesn’t belong. I’d be happy if she dies” Hayden said.

“That’s harsh Hayden” Jesse said.

“Did you just say something?” He asked coldly and Jesse held the hems of Ivan’s clothes.


“Don’t scare him Hayden. He has a weak heart” Ivan said.

“Does it look like I care? I can’t believe you ruined my moment just so you can talk about some stupid girl” Hayden said and walked out of the lounge.

“Jesse, are you alright?” Ivan asked, checking his (Jesse) heartbeat watch.

“Hayden didn’t raise his voice at me, so my heartbeat is normal” Jesse said, smiling.

“You have a weak heart Jesse, and it’s not allowed to beat rapidly, so don’t butt into the conversation of Hayden and I, you already know how he is”

“I do, Ivan. He has been my friend since childhood” Jesse said, cutely. Ivan smiled and ruffed his hair.


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