Cathy came downstairs after she was done practicing her vocals. She was wearing a short black mini strapless gown, with black boots, and she hang her leather jacket in her left arm.

Her hair was parked into a ponytail and it falls to her bra length. Cathy has a long dark hair.

Everything about her was perfect, only her character was disgusting.

“Where’s dad?” She asked, her mom who was sitting on the sofa.

“He is not yet back. Are you going out?” Helena asked.

“Yes I am. I’m meeting up with Clayton”

“Clayton again? He’s not even your boyfriend, so why are you always meeting up with him?” Helena asked.

“You already know I’m in love with him Mom”

“But does he feel the same way about you? From what I have noticed, that playboy is just using you.

You have an amazing voice and you dance incredibly, so why don’t you just focus on your talents, instead of following Clayton anywhere he goes as if you’re his shadow”

“I am nineteen mom, so it means I still have all the time in the world to do what I want. As for now, I need to be clingy to Clayton, so no one in school can have him”

“He’s not someone who is ready to date Cathy, so think straight and stop messing around with Clayton”

“My life is none of your business. You have live your life, so allow me to live mine. I won’t be coming back home tonight” Cathy said, and leave the house.

“Everest has spoilt her to the extent that she has become out of control” Helena said.

Everest is her husband and Cathy’s father. He loves Cathy a lot and as such, he always let her do whatever she wants, even if it’s good or bad.


Cathy entered Clayton’s lounge and sees him sleeping on the couch. His hair was covering his face, and he made him looked so cute, with his pink kssable lips top notching everything.

What Clayton does in his free time is to sleep. Once he’s not busy, he drifts to sleep within a few minutes.

“He is so cute. How can a cutie like him have lots of naughty stuffs in his head” Cathy said, smiling.

Clayton appears cute and innocent facially, but he is a very naughty boy when it comes to sx. Cathy is a witness, since she’s among the girls he has had sx with.

Cathy smiled and sat beside him, and just a little touch from her woke him up.

He might be a sleepyhead, but he is not a deep sleeper. Even the sound of a pin is enough to wake him up.

“Hi, Clayton” She said with a seducing smile, and Clayton sat up.

“You’re here already?” He asked.

“Yes I am. Why didn’t you show up on our date last night? I waited all night for you” She said acting cute. Clayton secretly looked at her irritatedly before flashing a smile at her.

Since all he wants from her is sx, he has to act all romantic, just to get into her p@nts.

“I had a bad day yesterday, and it got worse when I met Molly Moon”

“Molly Moon? Don’t tell me you spared her?”

“Of course I didn’t. You already know how much I hate ugly girls, right? And she made it worse by wearing glasses.

She’s eighteen, but she looks like my late grandma” Clayton said, and Cathy laugh.


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