Soon the party started, and students were all seated on their seats.

Madison lost focus on the party, as everything she was looking at was Castillo, she had all her attention there.

The fact that he wasn’t even sparing her a glance, and remembering all that happened earlier made she so sad and restless.

Madison’s mood became soured immediately, she was not herself.


The party continued! The king and queen of Crestfield were invited over to the stage, and they were presented to the school.

They also welcomed important dignitaries, and a student also came forward to give the history of Crestfield.

All these activities were going on, and Ivy alongside Leo and Courtney found it interesting. It was all fun for them, but not the same for Madi at all.

They were still more activities to come, and by the end of the event, there are gonna be lots of prices to be won.

They’re also gonna choose a new king and queen of Crestfield, and the best dressed for both male and female would be awarded. They all sounded interesting.

They let Madi be, seeing she wanted to be on another table, so they didn’t bother disturbing her at all.

Ivy kept her eyes on the stage, but then again, Chris wouldn’t stop looking at her.

And she couldn’t help but wonder if Chris specifically attended this party just to look at her, she was so tired already.

But looking at it the other way, Chris is not that bad, he isn’t actually a bad person.

He has done so many things to right the wrong he’s done Ivy in the past, but Ivy wasn’t just ready to let him any close to her.

Although inwardly, Ivy was still scared of Chris, but she always tries to act like a tigress whenever she was in front of him.

She’s thinking now, maybe it’s high time she loosens up to him. But he should stop staring at her that way, it’s really creepy and it attracts Castillo’s attention to her.

She doesn’t like it at all, it makes her feel so uncomfortable.

Just as she was thinking, Castillo turned to look at her. And quickly, she turned away from him.

What is the meaning of all this! He’s always tracing Chris’s gaze to her, and she was feeling tired already.

She could not sit there anymore, it seems their table was facing theirs directly, and so she had to excuse herself and leave. She can’t really bear all the stare.

“Uhmm guys, I’d like to use the bathroom so please excuse me, I’ll be back soon” she announced turning to face Leo and Courtney who seemed lost in the party.

“Alright “ they said simultaneously, nodding alongside. And Ivy released a small smile before getting up, and she slowly started walking away.

She did not really wanna use the bathroom, she just wanted some time alone, she was tired of the party already, the stares she was getting made her so uncomfortable, and this made her loose interest in the party.

So she went and stood by a poolside, close to the bathroom. Although the place was still visible a bit to the crowd, it was so much better than before.


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