Castillo on the other hand was moving gently to their reserved seat, and then he noticed Chris’s focus was somewhere else.

He didn’t care at first, but when his eyes caught Chris winking at someone, he decided to find out who it was that was drawing Chris’s attention like this.

And as suspected, it was that Ivy girl again. Wow! Chris is really serious about this lovey dovey thing.

He kept his eyes pinned on Ivy for a while, and then he smirked evilly when he noticed she was uncomfortable with his stare.

He shook his head before finally taking his eyes off her, in order for her not to melt into pieces.

Coz he knew that if he keeps staring at her like that, she might pee in her pant.

And now everyone, including Canice and Collins were interested to see that thing that captivated Castillo’s attention like that, coz it became so obvious that he was staring at someone.

Collins and Canice looked, and they found out it was Ivy, and they also kept staring at her. Wow! It was now like the attention of the C4’s were all on Ivy now.

People kept talking as they saw this, they were not really surprised coz they had seen this girl with them before.

Everyone knew she has a connection with them, and this angered Courtney more.

Castillo on his own was surprised at what Chris just did. So he was right all this while, Chris is really interested in this Ivy girl….Hmmmm.

There is more drama for him to watch, coz he came all the way here just for them.

Let the party begin.


Pain was an understatement to what Madison felt when all this ended, and they got to their seats.

Castillo passed here, he f*cking passed here, without even sparing her a glance. Instead he was looking at Ivy, that smallish stupid girl.

After all her dressing, time, money, and effort, he did not even spare her a glance, and she did all that for him.

She looked really beautiful, and she knows it, so many people commended her dressing, she knew she was beautiful.

Her dress is the most beautiful here, and she spent so much on that dress.

And all that was for him to look at Ivy? Ivy! Someone wearing an old dress.

She wondered what it was that Ivy was doing that she’s getting attention from the C4’s so effortlessly.

She had put in her best, her all for this! Yet not even a glance from at least, the least rated member.

But Ivy Ivy who’s just being stupid and foolish was getting attention from the top two members of the group.

What’s all this? Why does Ivy always get so lucky? Like how does she do it?

She has always been letting this slide! From the overrating, down to the scholarship, and all that.

But this time she’s not letting this slide, Ivy is never gonna outshine her in this aspect, she’s gonna do everything possible to win this battle even if it means getting rid of her:

“Castillo is mine, and no one else’s” she said to herself.

Thinking about all this, she became so angry and pained, she refused going back to the table where Ivy and the rest of them were.

She was feeling pained, and she knows she would be rude to Ivy if she ever returns there.

Coz the way she’s feeling now, if she’s ever going back there, then that is to give Ivy a piece of her mind coz Ivy’s own is becoming too much. She just wants to sit on her own and console herself gently.

And the most painful part of the whole thing was that Ivy’s always acting so sweet and innocent, Ivy right now would be acting up as if she doesn’t know what just happened.

And she’s always getting support from that lousy friend of hers, and that her nosy boyfriend who always preferred sitting with women instead of his fellow gender.

She rather just stay alone, they are all annoying.


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